pride of the gate

@wyllravengarrd /

fifi, late 20s | ao3 |  previous url: finpoe

i love when tragedies are like “the love was there. it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there”


reminder that coming up with some fake little dudes and creating intricate storylines in your head is a completely free and fun way to pass the time and the government can't stop you


What an autistic person says: "How long is it going to take?"

What they mean: "I want to know whether to activate my short term waiting mode where I just wait and do nothing else, or activate my long term waiting mode where I occupy my mind with something else. I fully understand that both are possibilities, and I have no problem whatsoever with either one, but I want more information so I can best adapt to the situation."

What neurotypical people hear: "I am impatient and demand that everything I want happen right now. Please scold me and publicly humiliate me for it."


reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts


I love how Stardew Valley stops you from giving you from giving people more than two gifts a week, because I like to think that it's the Farmer's weird sense of social etiquette talking.

Wanna give Jodi a single small egg then walk away without saying a word? Go head. Feel like reaching into your pocket, pulling out a fistful of tree sap, and slapping it in Lewis's hands? Be my guest. Entering without knocking? That's a must. But giving them more than two gifts a week? Hold your horses, buckaroo, do you want people to think you're some kind of weirdo? Wait until it's their birthday or you're married before you start engaging in freakish behavior like that.


Do you think the Moment they saved the world in bg3 and the team had one conversation without tadpoles they all immediately realised how bad at communicating they all are

I mean it was a group of loners and outsiders who were given the ability to just look at the other one and go KNOW THIS

They were airdropping photos into each other's Heads😭

Do you think the moment they tried to explain stuff naturally they just did half a sentence and then Looked at each other in silence😭 Team with perfect synergy and rhythm immediately turned to me having conversation with my father


real life: sorry im just not a social media kind of guy… i wanna live in the moment y’know…. im like really private i like having secrets

on tumblr at 11:41 pm : guess whose period just started while watching fraggle rock season 1 episode 17

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