
nihon no minisan

@professorbel / professorbel.tumblr.com

rip in peace bill Maid of Hope, Pokémon Professor, and Top Idol! I like children's anime. I sub Youkai Watch as mongeesubs
Anonymous asked:

Bonus question: why does Tumblr keep eating the ask meme post when I try to reblog it myself?

I have no idea! D:

Anonymous asked:

FFXIV meme, too many questions edition: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 20, 21 (Urianger), 27, 28

2. Favorite class/job?


3. Least favorite class/job?


4. What’s your server? (only share if you’re comfortable with doing so of course)

i’m balmung trash

5. Favorite character(s)?

After my elf children, my OTHER elf child, Rielle.

6. Favorite Scion out of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn?

Does Tataru count? Tataru SO counts.

7. Least favorite character(s)?


11. The trial/dungeon that you will never do again unless forced to do so?

i have a general dislike of seph ex >

15. Favorite mount?

also bubble birb

17. Favorite minion? 

komasan too!

20. Do you use glamours? What’s your favorite glamoured set if so?

glamour is tru end game fuck yeah

i swap my glamour around a lot, but i think either the cashmere robe of healing or the chivalric doublet of healing are my go-to glamours for my main. they’re both very cute d(・∀・○)

21. How do you feel about ______’s voice in Heavensward and onward?

I swapped to JP voices before hitting HW man I don’t… know lol

27. You now have the ability to add in one character and one dungeon from any Final Fantasy title prior to XIV, who/what do you pick and why?

28. Did you play the original XIV (i.e 1.0)? What are some improvements/changes that you appreciate?

nope! owo;;; I didn’t even really play before HW!!


8, 9 , 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 30!!! \o/


8. Favorite BGM/vocal track?

FUCK there’s so much GOOD DAMN MUSIC. Probably The Mushroomery (Matoya’s cave) for bgm, Oblivion (Shiva second half) for vocal?

9. Favorite trial?


10. Favorite dungeon?

I think Antitower for some reason. Not sure why.

11. The trial/dungeon that you will never do again unless forced to do so?



13. Favorite ships/pairings?

I don’t think i actually... ship... anyone...?

14. Your garbage favorite character(s)?


15. Favorite mount?

Either the broom or the cloud mallow i think. it changes for me tho

16. Your rarest mount?

Probably Whisper-a-go-go

17. Favorite minion?

Fat Cat! And the carbies

22. You obtain one in-game item to use/wear IRL, what do you pick and why?

Either the lalafell base dress or the company tabard. I could see myself wearing those

30. What do you hope for in the next expansion?

more precious children to protect


Final Fantasy XIV ask meme

1. Favorite race? 2. Favorite class/job? 3. Least favorite class/job? 4. What’s your server? (only share if you’re comfortable with doing so of course) 5. Favorite character(s)? 6. Favorite Scion out of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? 7. Least favorite character(s)? 8. Favorite BGM/vocal track? 9. Favorite trial? 10. Favorite dungeon? 11. The trial/dungeon that you will never do again unless forced to do so? 12. Favorite beast tribe? 13. Favorite ships/pairings? 14. Your garbage favorite character(s)? 15. Favorite mount? 16. Your rarest mount? 17. Favorite minion? 18. Is there a character that you would willingly sacrifice another character for? (i.e to negate or save them from death, give them more screen time, etc) 19. Is there a character/boss/etc that hasn’t appeared yet (or been referenced) that you’d like to see? 20. Do you use glamours? What’s your favorite glamoured set if so? 21. How do you feel about ______’s voice in Heavensward and onward? 22. You obtain one in-game item to use/wear IRL, what do you pick and why? 23. How do you feel about Triple Triad being timed? 24. The next seasonal event provides you with a dating sim like experience, who would you pursue? (Assume all character deaths/disappearances are negated so you may pick from anyone and everyone) 25. Which area/location would you live in if given the opportunity? 26. What’s the most number of recommendations you’ve received in a single instance? 27. You now have the ability to add in one character and one dungeon from any Final Fantasy title prior to XIV, who/what do you pick and why? 28. Did you play the original XIV (i.e 1.0)? What are some improvements/changes that you appreciate? 29. Do you create art, roleplay, etc? 30. What do you hope for in the next expansion? 31. wildcard question! (sender asks something)

What sort of Disney fan would I be without a trip to at least ONE of the Tokyo Disney parks?! I did TDS since it’s much different from TDL which I hear is just like WDL and WDW’s Magic Kingdom, and I’ve done the latter 3 times already :P


Nearly forgot! The coasters I got from the café! I picked WHM for my job coaster because lalafell yes! If I ever get to go again I’d probably get SCH since it’s my main job :P


My FFXIV plushie collection expanded very quickly during my Japan trip lol

Fat cat was waiting for me at home the whole trip lol The carbies are so easy to find in Japan so I just had to get them both ;w; Moogle was... UFO catcher “fun” times (aka: dumps yen into machine)


Eorzea Café Pictures, part 3: The place!

I really wanna go again sometime ;w; Gotta plan my next Japan trip?! xD


Late but some japan trip pictures! I had a very Aikatsu-filled two weeks lol


Finally getting around to posting my Japan trip pictures from last month lol

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