
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

@jamesdeans-daydream / jamesdeans-daydream.tumblr.com

||bookworm extraordinaire, introvert, Taylor Swift enthusiast, feminist, dreamer, dog lover,wannabe photographer|| ||my blog is mostly about Taylor Swift. With a dash of humour and a pinch of my favourite movies/tv shows||

I spoke to V Magazine about why I’ll be voting for Joe Biden for president. So apt that it’s come out on the night of the VP debate. Gonna be watching and supporting Kamala Harris by yelling at the tv a lot. And I also have custom cookies 🍪💪😘

📷 Inez and Vinoodh


im not going to be on tumblr tomorrow (still might check dms), for my own safety and wellbeing. but before i log off, i want to say a couple things

9/11 was a tragedy. everyone knows and sees that. just because i am muslim does not mean that i am going to justify 9/11. whatever bin laden’s motivation was, he did a disgusting thing and killed thousands of innocent people

just because 9/11 was an attack by someone who calls themselves muslims doesnt make all muslims terrorists. i cannot believe this is a sentence i have to type, but here i am. muslims - true muslims - do not condone violence. against anyone. i can go into all the details and the what-ifs and everything, but i dont have the energy for that. just know that violence is strictly frowned upon (note: this does not include self-defense. if somebody is attacking you and you are unable to get away, then fight back. again, there’s no debate on that).

check up on any muslims you know. your friends, neighbours, coworkers, acquaintances, even people you don’t like all that much. we are incredibly stressed out, especially if we live in a western country. just a quick text to see if they’re okay tomorrow will mean a lot

do not think that because you don’t live in america, you’re exempt from this. any western country has this problem, even if you live in a relatively okay area. i do. my friend (who lives in the same area as me) went to walmart and had a hijab on. she was nearly run over (intentionally, the guy was glaring at her and her mother the entire time) while trying to get to the store. she only realized when she got home that it was 9/11. i live in a safe area of canada. this should not be happening. but it is.

if you are in any way, shape, or form, islamophobic, get the hell off my blog

also if you’re not muslim you’re not allowed to use the word jihad

it literally means struggle in the way of Allah (SWT). somebody who struggles with wearing hijab vs fitting in is going through jihad. somebody who hijacks a plane is not

until y’all can behave you don’t get to use it, make jokes regarding it, or use it to refer to any terrorist attacks

non muslims can and should reblog this actually


me trying to communicate that i am also gay through my eyeballs whenever I think the cashier is gay not to hit on them obviously just to let them know we are the same

Me, a cashier trying to communicate to the customer that i think is gay that im not hitting on them but that i am also gay


i will never be fully healed from the sheer brilliance of the term “bleachella” because not only was taylor’s hair freshly bleached for coachella, but she was there with jack aka bleachers and lorde aka ella…like on all levels including physical it was the most iconic thing i’ve ever witnessed


The Codex Gigas

Codex Gigas, otherwise known as the Devil’s Bible is the largest and probably one of the strangest manuscripts in the world.  It is so large that it is said to have taken more than 160 animal skins to make it and takes at least two people to lift it. According to legend, the medieval manuscript was made out of a pact with the devil, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Bible. 

It was written in Latin during the 13th century AD, and although the origin of the manuscript is unknown, a note in the manuscript states that it was pawned in the monastery at Sedlec in 1295. Stories and legends say that the Codex Gigas brought disaster or illness on whoever possessed it during its history. (More Information) 


This coaster will kill you



Did I hear death?

let’s g o 

Lez go

d e a t h ?

yes please

n O

but still sign me up-

Guaranteed death? Yes please

My mind: *reads post* “I know it’s a lot to ask-” Me: “live or die?” My Mind: “-To leave behind the world, you know-” Me: “AHEM DO YOU WANT ME TO LIVE? OR DIE?” My mind: *pauses* “-Die” Me: *already ready* “Lez go-”


The comparison between the giant squids tentacles (left) and the colossal squids (right) . The giant squid’s tentacles are meant for latching onto things while the colossal squid’s is meant for tearing things apart!                          

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