
dasyatis dreams

@dasyatisdreams / dasyatisdreams.tumblr.com

often an exploration in nonsense loosely disguised as a quest for knowledge, truth, and happiness.

Oh hey the world is the absolute worst, might as well get back on tumblr.


the worse thing about university is wanting to email a question to clarify something, but also feeling it is stupid and you already know the answer so are hesitant to send it. save me pls.

Just be like “So I’m fairly sure the thing is this, but I just wanted to reach out and double check before I start doing all the work.” Honestly as a TA, teachers would rather you ask (unless it’s clearly written in the syllabus) to clarify than not.

That is a fantastic idea! Definitely going to use that in the future!

As a professor, I can tell you that you are the student we want to hear from! Office hours are usually filled with students who are either showing off how much they know (usually to get letters of rec, which is fine, but know that we're on to you and just be genuine!) or students trying to find a way out of the required reading. We want students who are trying but need clarification; not only do we want to help, but sometimes this tells us that we need to clarify something to the whole class. And if professors give you grief, and some might, they've forgotten why they teach at all: to share knowledge and the love of learning. Even if they are just teaching to fulfill an obligation to the school so they can do research, they got into it in the first place for the sharing and discovery of knowledge and clarification questions help remind them of that.

So send your emails! The worst that can happen is nothing. The best that can happen is future academic connections: I figured out who to work with in grad school by emailing my professors and their contacts, and building a rapport with scientists who were responsive to my questions. Even the prof who first told me "try googling it" ended up being an amazing mentor when she realized I was serious about her subject, not just sucking up or being lazy.


Me, 4 years ago: working in a dead-end job, sad all the time

Me, after studying a ‘useless’, ‘pointless’, ‘valueless’ philosophy degree: going to Oxford, lovely allotment garden, reading more poetry, happy

Don’t ever let anyone talk you out of studying what you love. Those people are the worst kind of people and they are wrong. I can’t believe 4-year-ago me ever doubted that doing what I loved was a good idea.



Good day Mr. Gaiman! I wanted to ask for some book recommendations which could help my friend while he's going through the grieving process. His father died 2 weeks ago and honestly I don't know how I can help 😞 I want to comfort him without making it obvious (since talking about it directly might hurt him). I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I hope that you do. God bless you and your family.


Give your friend the kind of books you like, or that he likes. And give him food, because grieving people often forget to buy groceries or to eat. Don’t worry about specific books: people can find what they need in anything. Help by being around when you can be, and by doing practical things.




Snot Living

What you see here is mostly snot.

But isn’t it the most beautiful snot you’ve ever seen? Imagine if you sneezed and this was what came out? Flu-like symptoms would be that much more aesthetically pleasing.

However, it isn’t just pretty, it’s also useful.

If you look closely, you might be able to see something that looks like a tadpole wriggling amongst the snotty convolutions.

It’s called a Larvacea (Appendicularia) and, like salps and sea squirts, it’s one of those bizarre animals that IS a chordate but IS NOT a vertebrate.

Larvaceans create these snotty structures out of mucus. It’s called a ‘house’ because they live in it, but they also use it to filter the water of anything too big to eat. It’s not just a home, it’s a palatial sieve.

Eventually the house gets clogged up and the Larvacean abandons it and makes a new one. The old house, meanwhile, sinks to ocean floor, delivering valuable nutrients to the abyssal depths.

As you can see, the Larvacean house is not just a pretty sneeze.

Either that or they’re rookie, mind-controlling aliens practising on model brains.

Marine snot makes the world go round...


Science Fact Friday - Tapetum lucidum!

So why don’t all vertebrates have this adaptation? It’s an advantage to animals that are active in the dark - cats, dogs, owls, raccoons, crocodiles, and so on - but it makes everything slightly blurry. Many daytime vertebrates (including humans and most other primates) do not have one and instead have better day vision.

This is one of my favorite adaptations...

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