
Island Life of a Vet Student

@kaschill / kaschill.tumblr.com

Ross School of Veterinary Medicine class of 2016 at St.Kitts, West Indies. Past NC Sate graduate, BS animal science, BS poultry science.

There was a split second there where his like, “wait, what? bro what are you doing?” 

On more serious note, PTSD dogs for veterans are so fucking therapeutic. They’re like the one person you can spill your guts to and never worry about ever being judged or have that secret divulged. There are times when I definitely prefer the company of a dog over a human. 

Therapy animals save lives.

These dogs are even still so much more amazing. They check rooms before their handler enters, so they can clear it to help the person feel safe. Like in the gif, they are there when panic attacks or nightmares occur, to be something for the person to help ground themselves on, or yes just to turn on the lights. Even more amazing, many people are able to reduce their medication when they have a PTSD service dog there to help them. These dogs are useful for not just veterans, but also victims of abuse, accident trauma, natural disasters, and others. Their training allows them to be useful in situations where medical assistance is needed, as well. Some PTSD dogs are trained to recognize repetitive behaviours in handlers, and signal the handler to break the repetition and stopping the behaviour and possibly injury. 

Service dogs in general are just awesome. Remember to respect any that you see out in public. They are not there for you to walk up to and play with, even the puppies!

Service animals get discounts at our hospital. As they should at most (which I’m not saying they don’t). Bless those furry angels.


Light at the end of the tunnel....

but is it the way out or an oncoming train.... With this week coming to a close it leaves me only one week until finals begin. And really our anatomy lab final is next Friday so it's even a little less then that. Going to class is harder than ever. Not to skip out merrily to the beach...to go sit my fat accumulating butt in an uncomfortable chair and study the material my teachers so poorly try and teach us. If the teachers did anything more than read off the horribly unorganized power point maybe I would find class useful. I'm hopeful for finals. I'm in a fairly good place. As long as i don't royally mess anything up I should be ok. I would love to get a solid GPA out of the whole thing. We'll see how that works out...

If you can see the ocean from your bed you've got to be doing something right

Getting back on track

Finally a week we don't have an exam. However, it just means I need to study even harder to catch up on all my classes. And dare I dream to read ahead in my notes. It also means I can crawl back into the gym after again, falling off my schedule. Running five miles used to be a breeze, however, I'm pretty sure when I go run in a few hours it won't be so nice. After crazy weekends its always nice to settle into the calm of the week and let the world stop spinning. I got to experience my first island rum run. Less on the actual running more on the rum drinking. We took a drinking tour of the island on a open air bus which we are lucky no one fell off of. Overall it was as crazy as one might have expected and Im not in a huge hurry to do another one. I did feel blessed again with the amazing friends I have down here. The unconditional love and support from them help get me through anything. Without their support I'm not sure I'd make it off the island alive. On another note we have a tropical storm headed our way...Chantal or something. I don't expect we'll get more than a heavy rain... Which we already get.

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