
rack 'em up

@completelyungood / completelyungood.tumblr.com

herp derp still working on my theme !!

Hospitals are struggling for nurses right now because people are leaving the profession entirely or leaving for temporary travel contract positions that pay well. They have been treated poorly, underpaid for the work they do, and inadequately protected this year, and they’re done.

My brother in law said they’re advertising for a position in his normal unit, offering twice his salary. But they won’t offer him extra to stay after risking his life working in the COVID unit for months, so he’s out. It’s absolutely insulting, and so many industries are going to have a major reckoning coming up.

My father retired early because they refused to hire just one person to help with the work load. They had to hire 5 people to replace him.

This is a common occurrence amongst his retired coffee group.

One lady was a head nurse that ran two floor at her hospital. They wanted her to take on more work. She agreed to do so oy if they gave her a small raise and hired an assistant for her. They refused so she retired early. They had to replace her with 20 people.

You are NOT replaceable!!! They tell you this to make you complacent to their exploration of you.


Fun fact! This sort of reckoning happened after the Black Plague, also! I'm no historian, (and history side of tumblr, please come in with the accuracy) but I did look into the history of the Black Plague for writing purposes, and in that case, it was because there were so few people left that peasants started agitating for better treatment and fairer wages, and because there were so few people who could do the work they had been doing that they were able to gain better wages and better hours. Historically, the labour shortage created by pandemics means a heightened bargaining capacity for workers of all sorts - an if there was ever a time to take advantage of knowing history, it's now. Because the thing is, in these "unprecedented times" there are precedents, and the precedent leans toward workers. During the Black Death, villages emptied, fields were left, and people migrated to find work that paid them better and offered a better way of life. Wages for lower-class workers rose drastically. In Oxfordshire; a plowman who had earned two shillings per week before the plague could command 10 shillings per week afterward. Pay rates for artisans increased, too. In Paris, wages for masons quadrupled between 1351 and 1355.

This isn't to say that the elites just let this happen, either. Laws were passed to limit wage increases, and threats were made, but the workers had economic bargaining power on their side. Labour was in such short supply that employers and landlords had to take what they could get. The people held out - and so can (and should!) YOU.

This was the start of peasant revolts, popular rebellions, and - ultimately, more labour protections, political representation for the lower classes, lower taxes, and an end to serfdom. People could afford to own their own land, the feudal system vanished, and eventually, the Renaissance would rise. In these unprecedented times, there is a precedent, and that precedent is that when workers know their worth, agitate for better and for more, when they hold out and unite, they force the elites to loosen the reigns, giving more power, autonomy, rights, and profits back into the hands of the workers, and with that freedom, society improves.

Know your worth. Know that you have bargaining power. Let's make this pandemic part of the precedent. <3


Important update! His story went viral enough that other paint companies reached out to him and he got a job with a new paint company!!

Listen. This is what people are talking about when they say that if you gave people a fucking UBI, folks would still work. Even “menial” work is beloved by various people if it’s given the respect it deserves and folks dont need to worry about - um - starving to death and dying of illness?

I legitimately love delivering pizzas! If it were sustainable i wouldn’t mind at all doing it for the rest of my life! One of my best friends absolutely loves cleaning, and the only reason she quit cleaning professionally is that she was sick of the ways she was treated. My stepfather has been a carpenter and construction worker for 30 years, despite being a highly qualified graphic designer and architect, bc the man just fuckin loves construction work. For every “menial/undesireable” job available, there is someone who is happy to work it, if not for the stigma and need to survive. And for the truly awful ones? Like slaughterhouse cleanup, sewer maintenance, roadkill pickup, etc? With UBI they could almost all be mechanized, saving people from having to do grueling and dangerous jobs they really don’t have to do.

They fired him for “stealing company materials” even though he bought all the paint he made, “embarrassing the company” (???), and “filming on company time”.

Companies really be like “You need to be a drone and perfect cog. Any deviation, even one that shows your potential and valid to the company, will not be tolerated”

He also reached out to the company management before this and explained to them that he was making the videos and that he thought it was a good marketing opportunity, to which they replied that they weren’t looking to do more advertising.


Rich people truly live in a different dimension


Yes! They do! I’ve been trying to get that point to stick and people just don’t follow. The president thinks insurance costs $12 a year.

My old boss’s sister didn’t think we should be paid enough to afford smart phones because (her words) “You peasants work for us, peasants don’t deserve enough money for those things.”

I was once invited to a dinner event. Turns out there was a raffle. I mentioned that if I had known I’d have stopped at the bank for some cash. Nothing was said, but the “You don’t carry a minimum $200 everywhere?” was felt in the body language of everyone within 50 feet. Old boss would get KFC every day. He was hospitalized and had to have bits of intestine removed. First day back he was eating KFC because “Well the doctor fixed everything, so why not?”

If old boss didn’t take home a million dollars in a month the company was “Having a bad time of things.” That’s not sales, or total gain, that’s his paycheck. He owned the building so the company he owned that operated inside the building paid him $33,000 a month, and that didn’t count towards his paycheck. Monthly, his company would pay him rent greater than what he was paying me yearly, and it was so little to him that he didn’t count it as income.

To a rich person, something punishable by a fine is just a thing you have to pay for permission to do. You want to go to the movies? Sure that’s $8 a person. You want to park in the fire zone? Sure, that’s $750 for parking. No big deal.

Rich people live in such a different place than everyone else.

The ruling class is able to purchase actions with no concequences


Hey, Americans! Support fast food workers, don’t cross the picket line. No fast food on Feb 16.

It floors me to see all of the equally underpaid employees in the notes arguing that

  1. Wages should not, in fact, be raised
  2. Unskilled labor not only exists, but has no functional use to society

Have we all been living through the same global pandemic? The United States in particular has been decimated by federal incompetence and late stage capitalism. The latter is why everybody except the upper echelons of society have been in financial ruin and mortal peril.

The service industry is thankless work that requires aptitude, strength, and fortitude in multiple areas. You know how it sucks to multitask? That’s the entire workday in food and customer service – on-site advertisement, restocking, cleaning, customer relations, company representative, inventory manager, team player, project manager, accountant, negotiator. All while staying on your feet for 4-8 hr stretches, on constant alert, and maintaining an unbreakable persona entirely detached from your own feelings. The majority of food service employees aren’t actually teenagers, either. The average employee age is somewhere around 30 in the U.S.

The biggest secret of all is that those managers that you do consider worthy of living wages are never the ones to keep operations running. It’s exceedingly rare for them to even be effective oversight. That’s all the employees! It is dehumanizing, demanding, grueling labor, and pays next to nothing. It doesn’t help that workers are both discouraged from best practices (like wearing masks and staying home at the start of a pandemic), and often functioning with skeleton crews that just have to make it work, or it’s their jobs.

The real kicker to all of this is that these arguments against (a frankly still unlivable for 80% of the population) $15/hr are coming in the midst of the pandemic. The one where everybody began referring to service industry employees as essential workers. Because for a moment, people finally understood that modern society starts to crumble without janitorial services, grocery store staff, chefs, transportation workers, and every other employee that is barely recognized as human in the U.S.

If you’re wondering if maybe this is too much, that it is unfair for those “unskilled laborers” get paid something reasonable? I would like you to challenge yourself. For a week, consider how much you, personally, are capable of doing solely on your own. How would you get your food from the farm to the table? Who will be handling your garbage, recycling, water, and sewage? What will you do on the days where you simply don’t have it in you to cook? Because what you’re arguing is that these are all inconsequential to you.

In reality, I believe the real reason behind the knee jerk response folks have comes down to two things. People are so very rarely actually malicious about this, particularly because they are also struggling with being underpaid.

First, there seems to be a misconception that increased pay as encroaching on your portion of scarce resources. That scarcity is manufactured. Somebody else’s fair wages do not undercut your value. In fact, these things can be used in your favor – it is only by knowing of wealth disparity that you can demand better. Every study and implementation of higher minimum wage has also proved the inflation can only go so high in response. That, too, needs to be regulated.

Second, people believe the narrative that the service industry is a beginner position with minimal skills – or simply do not perceive how many service workers there are. Something like 70% of all jobs are currently in the service industry. This is not a small portion of the population. And as I described above, there is no such thing as unskilled labor. This, too, is a myth that is used against you. Consider everybody you know, their education, their experience, their skills. Now, ask yourself: how many of those highly capable individuals are actually being paid their worth?

Minimum wage is a flawed concept to start with, and $15/hr is still actually fucking nothing. It is a start, though, and it ultimately will cost everybody collectively more to not at least get started down the path of universal living wages. That is something that everybody should have access to.

You don’t have to throw people more disadvantaged than you under the bua for the illusion of financial security. It’s just that: and illusion. You deserve better, too.


unpopular opinion: dark academia is but an evolution of the early 2010s tumblr teaboo/british obsession/wholock mania. the insufferable intellectualism? bbc sherlock roots. tweed jackets aesthetic? the 11th doctor's influence. in this essay i will


I'm writing this 5+1 fic that is basically a clusterfuck of tenses with each subsequent chapter reminiscing on what happened in the previous one (bc each initial chapter only alludes to what is reminisced on in the following chap) and then the last chap is this recap of everything that was touched on in each chap


As someone who ran track and cross country for 4 years in high school, this always fucking mystified me the most out of all the insane shit PE had us do.

Track and field club taught all new runners how to properly warm up, stretch, pace, etc. Its a process, and doing it properly takes 15-20 minutes to make sure your body is ready so you dont hurt yourself.

PE didnt do jack shit, they just said "go run a mile" so 70% of the fucking kids sprinted flat out the first lap and basically walked the other 3. Multiple people did it in boots or tennis shoes. I'm amazed more of them didnt pull a muscle or worse in the process.

I dont know what the purpose of PE was, but it sure as shit wasnt proper exercise. And I think a lot of people suffered for that. If they spent the time teaching us about the importance of physical health, proper nutrition, how to safely stretch/exercise, etc, we would all be better off now.


Tumblr users are often so arrogant and it shows. They can draw a full cast of POC characters but when POC say "Hey we want more than just our skin tone" they're suddenly deaf as shit.

Representation on Tumblr has become a way for white people to win brownie points just because they took a Hershey's bar and slapped it onto a person's skin tone.

The most disgusting thing is that they insist on making JUST African-Americans. They insist on making JUST one facial type, one nose type, one lip type, one hair type, one slang type, one skin tone.

And when they make a person Asian, it's Japanese. And when they make a person Hispanic, it's Mexican. And when they make a person indigenous, they never specify on which tribe/nation they came from, but you'll bet they're Native AMERICAN.

But my favorite part is when other POC demand representation and those same fucking white people are like "But but but look at all my black characters!!!!"

POC isn't just confined to America.

POC isn't just black.

POC isn't just Japanese.

POC isn't just Mexican.

POC isn't just Native American.

It's from the Miskitu in Nicaragua, from the highlands of Ethiopia, from the deserts of Saudi Arabia, from the mountains of Indonesia. It's from the arroz con gandules, from the folk music, from the festivals. It's many cultures blending, it's speaking more than just English, it's dealing with racism unique to our countries of origin.

It's more than just one universal experience, and white Tumblr isn't willing to show that.

Basically for the people who refuse to fucking read

Can you guys do some actual fucking research on anywhere other than whats at the borders of America before you slap a random ethnicity or race onto a character?

Btw: White people PLEASE reblog but do not clown on the post.


people talk all the time about “primal instincts” and it’s usually about violence or sexual temptations or something, but your humanity comes with a lot of different stuff that we do without really thinking about, that we do without being told to or prompted to

your average human comes pre-installed with instincts to:

  • Befriend
  • Tell story
  • Make Thing
  • Investigate
  • Share knowledge
  • Laugh
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Empathize with
  • Create

we are chalk full of survival instincts that revolve around connecting to others (dog-shaped others, robot-shaped, sometimes even plant-shaped) and making things with our hands

your primal instincts are not bathed in blood- they are layered in people telling stories to each other around a fire over and over and putting devices together through trial and error over and over and reaching for someone and something every moment of the way

~“Your primal instincts are not bathed in blood.”

My god this is beautiful. Such a refreshing change of pace to the constant glorification of instinctual human violence.


afaik these formulas are used in Canada too. at least, they were when I worked as a renal technician in the late 2000s.

if you aren’t white and you’re suffering from an acute malady, everything is stacked against you from the moment a triage nurse took your blood pressure.

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