
Buy Me Tacos and Call Me Princess

@larrylockdown / larrylockdown.tumblr.com

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Ring Doorbell Intruder Alert: A Squirrel.

Ring Doorbell Intruder Alert: UPS Delivery.

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Customer Databreach Alert: Douglas in customer service gave your 50+ character password and all your known allergies to the timeshare guy.



Her dad has just been holding onto this secret since OTRA! Just sitting there clueless while us Larries learned to hack and essentially become FBI agents to get our hands on information like this!

i never fucked wayne i never fucked drake is such a relatable line. i’ve never fucked wayne or drake either. it really chimes with my own life experiences.


tumblr will never die because we’re all too incoherent and petty to leave. someone will just pirate the source code and start running “tunglr” and we’ll all move over like the chucklefucks we are

every time web developers try to “rebrand” or “repurpose” this website we just sink our heels deeper into the quicksand of our own absurdity

look what im saying is there was a story abt a group of artists whose house was demolished in order to make room for a new shopping mall and, once it was constructed, they fueled their rage and pettiness at being displaced into finding an unused room in the building, renovated it into a condo, outfitted it with a fully stocked kitchen, china hutch, AC, TV and gaming system and then proceeded to live in the mall undetected for years. that creativity? absurdity? sheer stubborn pettiness? thas tumblr babey!!!!

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