
your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen


Just trying to be myself. Rav//19//Canada// i get emotionally attached to books. Fashion//Food//Celebrities//Hollywood// Bollywood//Sports//Movies//Music//Tv shows//etc. idk I just reblog stuff that i like :)

Okay but after seeing this I started doing it too and it’s amazing how many men I’ve run into bc they expected me to move

Gotta try it


I work (and walk) on a college campus. I’ve lost count of how many men I’ve smacked shoulders with.


Recently, I was standing outside my son’s classroom waiting to talk to his teacher. I stood on one side of the hallway, not even close to the center. At some point, a man came walking along. I was standing right in his path, but the hallway was empty, so I logically expected him to swerve around me. Instead he kept walking right toward me, got to me, and stopped, as if waiting for me to get out of his way. I didn’t; I just smiled politely at him. He finally walked around me, clearly annoyed that I hadn’t leapt out of his manly path.

Now I’m wishing I’d leapt aside, taken off my jacket and laid it on the floor before him, then bowed deeply and said, “My Liege!”

I also work at a college campus. I smack shoulders sometimes, but I find that if I stare straight ahead and follow the advice below, people get the heck out of the way.


Honestly this post changed how I carry myself when walking alone in public, or in a situation where I’m the one leading. People definitely move for the murder gaze.

Confirmed. I once had to rush back inside a convention hall as the con was closing in order to a retrieve a sick friend’s medication, and I didn’t understand why people in the crowd were jumping out of my way (literally—one guy vaulted a table) until I realized I was dressed as the Winter Soldier and doing the Murder Walk because that’s just how I walk in those boots. I got the meds, got out, and made a mental note.

I repeated the experiment later, wearing the boots but otherwise my usual clothing and mimicking the expression I thought I’d had at that moment. People parted like I was Charlton Heston.

I now wear that style of boots whenever possible. I recently had a man do a double-take as I walked by and ask me, politely, where I had served because I “looked like a soldier.” I’m not current or former military. I was wearing a flowy purple peasant top and looked as un-soldierlike as possible.

Moral of the story: wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you’ve been sent to murder Captain America.


It’s called the Murder Strut.

IT’S BACK!!!!!! I was searching for this to show my daughter the other day and couldn’t find it. I’m so glad IT’S BACK!! I will always reblog the Murder Strut!!

A guy on a bike went around me because he could tell I had no intention of moving. Thanks to this post.


This post went from Scientific to Feminist to Educational to HILARIOUS!

#make men get the fuck out of the way 2k17

I do this now. Stand my ground. Men look flabberghasted that i wont move out of the way. The most annoying thing is when i’m walking along holding Superpups hand (he’s 2.5 years old), and people walk right up to us and expect to go between us… so for me to let go of my toddlers hand for the sake of them. One person i actually had to put my free hand out and onto their chest to block the person to stop before they ploughed into us.


Like highkey Zayn emerged from whatever woodland nymph parallel universe recording studio that he’s cocooned himself in, just because he saw Niall’s quote about Zayn being hard to get in contact with, and it’s not as if Niall could ever forget how much he loves Zayn, but there’s something about hearing Zayn’s sleepy but content voice over the phone that just… jumpstarts the muscle memory of how deeply embed Zayn is in Niall’s heart like….

Niall continues to be so soft and open in his appreciation of Zayn’s struggle. He’s not overbearing or dismissing or too forward or completely removed. He lets Zayn be Zayn, he understands Zayn, and he doesn’t love Zayn DESPITE everything that’s gone on. He just LOVES ZAYN. And I think we can really take for granted how comforting and wonderful it is to have someone who can love you, to the moon and back, to the ends of the Earth, forever and ever - but also not freak out when you forget to call them back. Not block you on social media when you miss a text, or when you fall off the face of the earth for 3 months.

Ziall are the friends that go four months without talking, and then when they FaceTime they pick up right where they left off, like they never stopped, bright eyes and brighter smiles. That soft spot in your heart that you can’t compare to anything else, because it’s the spot that’s just for them.

Zayn and Niall are just…. Zayn and Niall.

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