
A blog of wonder, bliss, and blunder

@lepartiprisdeschoses / lepartiprisdeschoses.tumblr.com

I talk to myself on here, and sometimes people overhear and even like what I have to say. Maybe you will too? Side blog
This is evident with persons. The more "they dare to appear what they are" through speech and action before others, and the more perspectives gained on the person through, e.g., historical records, the more there is, e.g. of "Thomas Jefferson"... Compare the translated text from a passage from Schiller's Maria Stuart: "...and what she is, that dares she to appear."

I kind of like "dare to appear" as a motto more than "dare to know" ("sapere aude"), but that needs to be qualified. Like, if I'm not recording absolutely every aspect of my life 24/7, I'm technically keeping myself "in the dark" from others. Concealment isn't necessarily dishonesty, and presence isn't always preferable to absence.

That, and learning more about "Thomas Jefferson" and others isn't always going to be pleasant even when it's justified. That's a risk you can't eliminate from aletheia either.

Hobbes's doctrine concerning appearances has implications for the way he understands the human condition. For classical philosophy, to be without display (whether without reputation or without friends) is to be deficiently, but Hobbes reduces moral appearance to vanity, to empty show.

I want to appear to others more, in a good way though.

(first quotations are from James G. Hart, this one's from Robert Sokolowski)


add'rall's just been giving me a short burst of energy lately, not something I can do much with.


So maybe it wasn't scary, but was it creepy? Did it fill you with a subtle feeling of dread? Were the atmosphere and mood expertly crafted? Was it well structured? Were the premise and concepts introduced interesting? There's a lot you can get out of a good horror story in any format, even if it didn't personally scare you.

Hell, maybe try showing it to someone else and you'll get scared by proxy. That happened to me once. I showed The Shining to my girlfriend at the time and a mutual friend years ago. I'd seen it a million times and I was never really scared, I just felt an appreciation for a well put together movie. But when the three of us were there watching, experiencing their reactions to it all for the first time, I found myself getting scared too.


I write down little annotations and make connections like this quickly as I'm reading along sometimes, I realize that Satan didn't try tempting Jesus to turn himself into a stone though..

Le Savon really is a microcosm of Ponge's work as a whole, for better and worse (unlike soap, he forgot his duty sometimes).


"no one besides a few thousand people"!!!

There was a post that made the rounds a while back about how you shouldn't feel bad about having *only* a few people watching your stream or interacting with whatever it is that you put out into the world, considering how Jesus only had a *few* disciples, or something along those lines...

Of course he drew in a bunch of crowds too, but those weren't people who stuck around for long.

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