
*Put Clever Title Here*


Drabble Requests: OPEN! Faith. 23. I'm just a fangirl in disguise, trying to hide amongst the normal people of society.

Non-autistics living with autistics:

They keep eating the same freaking food and it frustrates me so much! We can't have the "big scary light" on just lamps everywhere! Even when I try to find peace by doing stuff with them they just ignore me and do whatever they want. They can't even do the simplest of things like go with me to the grocery store every week! How do people expect them to survive in society??

Autistics living together:

So as long as we get my 10 packets of this really specific food, and some snacks, I'll be okay. Also is it cool if you go to the grocery store? I can clean the bathroom since thats bad sensory for you and the store is bad sensory for me. Can you turn on the lamp instead of the big light? It gives me a headache. Thanks man. Yea I'll unplug the TV for you since you can hear the high pitched noise. Do you want to do two separate things in the same room as bonding again this evening? Thats my favorite part of the day too.


Do y’all think siblings in medieval times would look at the little beasts in illuminated manuscripts and point at each other like ‘ha! ‘Tis thou!’

Oh my GOD


If I’ve ever interacted with a blog, or person who has fics that are like THAT, or they post stuff that just isn’t what we stand for as a fandom/people of fandoms and you notice. PLEASE LET ME KNOW PRIVATELY so I can block them immediately.

I don’t want to be interacting with people or content like that. AND I don’t want my followers to be uncomfortable especially if I’m unknowingly interacting with people or content like that.

My blog is, and will be forever a safe place for people and I intend to keep it that way. <3


so apparently we have to make it abundantly clear now that condoning pedophila and child sexual abuse is not ok on our blogs, and that makes me so fuckin' sick to even have to clarify but since people are disgusting and awful, let me make myself as clear as I know how to be.

I do not, will not, have not ever, and never will condone any of that shit. that's not a kink, that's fucking vile. don't try and disguise it under any sort of thing, don't send me some weird ass ask requesting me to write that kinda shit, and don't defend it. I'll put up with a lot of kinky shit on my blog, you guys know that, but that??? is not a kink. that is a child and that's so goddam horrendous and repulsive, and I will shame you for it if I see it. I don't care. don't give me any excuses, there's NO excuses for wanting to do any sort of sick shit for a child, let alone WRITING about it.


It takes extreme strength and courage to be a consistently kind person in a world that rewards selfishness. Make sure to thank people who demonstrate kindness. They are choosing the hard, selfless route in order to make the world a better place for everyone.


can we talk about how literally 64% of people wear glasses, and yet we NEVER see them in movies/tv unless it's on some nerdy or uncool character? why do we adhere to such a weird beauty standard that subconsciously makes us feel bad for,, not being able to see???

I used to work for LensCrafters and I can tell you for a fact that they make a big deal out of wanting as many customers as possible to want to get contacts. Every meeting there was a reminder that we were to push contacts. Hell, the other employees /managers repeatedly tried to push contacts on me even after I informed them that there was no way that I would ever shove a piece of plastic into my eye.

To them, the difference between selling glasses and getting a customer to sign up for contacts is like the difference between selling a video game and getting a player to get a monthly subscription.  And failing that their next big sell is for frames that cost twice to three times as much, but have little to no frame (and thus almost look like you aren’t wearing glasses at all) and are fragile as all hell (and thus are likely to break and have to be replaced).

They can’t rely solely on our prescription getting heavier or otherwise changing to the point that we have to buy a new pair every year. They want to push you to buy their product every time that you visit the optometrist and then some more in between.

As counter-intuitive as it might seem, it is in Big Optic’s best interest to convince us that we look terrible if we wear glasses.


The next time you need an eye exam, ask for a copy of your prescription. Take a picture too.

You can buy prescription glasses and even prescription sunglasses online for a fraction of the cost as they will force you to pay in stores.

The only thing you need is your prescription, and your pupil distance, which you can just measure at home



I forget the other ones but these are the two I've used. Firmoo always has a lot of coupons and buy one get one free deals.

If you buy them online, you can get prescription sunglasses for $30. If there's a buy one get one sale, you can get two pairs of prescription sunglasses for $30. And they don't have to be the same prescription. You but yourself prescription sunglasses for $30, and you can get somebody else a pair of prescription sunglasses for free. Or just a backup set if something happens to the first one!


You do not need to be spending $60 on glasses!! Buy them online!!!

It also means that if you break them catastrophically, you can just reorder them online instead of having to go to the eyeglasses place, which would suck even more for you if your eyes are so bad that you can't drive.

I use zennioptical.com for my glasses, which is how I got the heart shaped ones

This is all true but it's actually because it's difficult to film people wearing glasses - they reflect the set lights and camera and stuff. So it's easier not to bother. Most times I've been filmed, doing any sort of head shot/speak to camera stuff, the camera operator has had me take mine off.

Knives Out went to ridiculous lengths to allow the actors to wear glasses, sculpting different light diffusers so the reflections would be natural and everything


PSA Regarding Hateful Anons

Tumblr recently made it a requirement for you to be logged in to send asks anonymously. If you receive a hateful ask, don’t publish it - report it to Tumblr. It can be traced back to the user that sent it and with enough reports that person’s account will be suspended.

Share to raise awareness but also to make the clowns who think this behaviour is acceptable think twice before acting brave behind the guise of invisibility.


This is your sign to stop for a minute and breathe. Take one big deep slow breath. Look out of the window, watch nature moving through season with calm, patience and steadiness. All is good, breathe again.

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