@saphicnymph / saphicnymph.tumblr.com

brie // 23 // i love the moon, being a lesbian n millennial pink & i hate terfs ☾ instagram


for context, OP is arguing with everyone in the comments trying to give him advice on how to cook lentils for his wife in the Trader Joe’s subreddit


stop associating the magen david, a thouaands of years old jewish symbol, with the not even a century old state of israel. a gay pride flag with the star of david on it is not representative of the colonialist, imperialist israel, it is representative of lgbt jews and our pride in our intersecting marginalized identities.


expelling terfs from lesbian spaces isn’t lesbophobia and expelling racist lgbt people from safe spaces isn’t trans/homophobia…like other people exist in those spaces too and your bigotry being kept in check isn’t oppression.


im gonna need youtube to stop recommending me videos of mbb its too depressing 

Bc Hollywood is a never ending cycle of female child stars being encouraged to dress and act mature incredibly young to appeal to grown men, preyed upon and groomed by grown men in Hollywood, being in relationships with these men twice their age the second they turn 18, then Hollywood turning on them as adults for relying on sex appeal and ruining their careers, and here we are in 2019 where all the female child stars from the 90s are at that final stage and opening up about how gross their treatment as children was and we’re all like “yeah put an end to this!! #metoo!!!” And then Millie Bobby brown, a 15 year old, is dressed like this by her stylists for every public appearance and is being persued by grown men and everyone’s just like “aw it’s cute! Let her dress how she wants!” And it’s just never gonna get better or end we’re gonna treat girls like this forever. :)

it’s really disgusting and just gross that it’s so normalized and that no one bats an eye it seems

God I didnt even recognize her…

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