
Send More Cops

@sendmorecops / sendmorecops.tumblr.com

Zombie stuff for people who know their zombies.
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The Flood (from Halo) - Zombies or not?

With the release of Halo: Reach this week, fans of the epic game series are eager and anxious.  Those who have played the games are familiar with Master Chief's own version of the undead - the Flood!  But the question has been thrown out and it begs to be answered again!  Are the Flood zombies or not?

The Flood can reanimate the dead - but they are a collective consciousness not the mindless husks of zombies.

The Flood forms are extremely resistant to injury - but head shots don't mean a thing.

The Flood are no longer the people they were in life - but they do maintain some level of consciousness within a warped mind.

So what do you think?  Zombie or zombie knock-off?

Stop What You’re Doing And Watch The Hell Out Of This of the Day: The four-and-a-half-minute trailer for Frank Darabont’s live-action adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead which was screened at Comic Con is now online for your viewing/salivating pleasure.
The 90-minute series premiere will air October 31st (natch) on AMC as part of the network’s annual horror film marathon Fearfest.
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