

@giulnoh / giulnoh.tumblr.com


Oh you hear a lot of stories ‘bout the sailors and their sport? About how every sailor has a girl in every port, But if you added 2 and 2 you’d figure out right quick It’s just because the girls all have a lad on every ship.


i suffer from a disease called “not wanting to work”, and it’s incurable


This year I made some illustrations for my school project, hope you like it! 

Upd: Yes, wendigos are not a cryptid, I know it and I drew them to tell some russian people about existence of algonquian mythology, I said that they are NOT cryptids please calm down


seduce me with ridiculous history facts


Pineapples used to be so expensive that people would rent them for partys as prestige decoration

that’s the shit

Upwards of 90% of all giraffe sex is homosexual, with some males even developing intimate relationships that include fawning and cuddling with their necks.

my first thought was “this can’t possibly be based on fact” and then

this has nothing to do with history

Historically, giraffes are gay


Ciao sono giulia e ho sempre sonno https://www.instagram.com/p/B1qyUUaIwSugUnzz0DSoBWXYCS_X3jPntTU0Bs0/?igshid=34dytnivqu81

Perfavore, mi potresti un po’ abbracciare, che qui fa un freddo cane?

🌸 so proud of my dress 🌸


filtri di snapchat che non deludono mai 💕🙈

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