
Beauty Everywhere

@georgianoelle / georgianoelle.tumblr.com

Hey, I'm Georgia. As always...this is as good as it's gonna get. My life is boring, exciting, simple, and complicated all at once, and I haven't decided how I feel about that yet. Until then here is a blog. Lots of fandoms, lots of feelings.

callout post for myself

- never sleeps when I need to - cries at anything - fakes positivity - spends money impulsively - requires constant validation - clumsy, can’t go a day without spilling something - laughs at own unfunny jokes

My feminism has nothing to do with men. It is not defined as “equality for all genders”. It isn’t even about equality. I don’t want to be equal with men because I don’t like or want this patriarchy men have. My feminism is about liberation for all women, and an end of the oppression of all women, including women of color, immigrants, lesbians, and trans women. It is about equity- doing what is necessary to ensure everyone has a quality standard of life, has their human rights respected, and is free from oppression. I am not into definitions of feminism that are aimed at making feminism appear non-threatening to men. It IS threatening to them, and it should be.

Havlová commenting on this article. (via pneumode)


shoutout to all those people who crave affection but have no idea how to react when it comes their way, to all those who were never taught how to love and feel rejected and misunderstood because they want to show that they care about other people but they don’t know how, to all those who use sarcasm as a defense mechanism and never talk about their problems to others and pretend everything is fine because they just don’t fucking know how to express their feelings and worries and emotions: you are important and valid and right now you might feel lonely and miserable but i swear it will get better and you will be happy and i believe in you and you should too

Source: queenentina

« Some Day My Prince Will Come… » is so 1937

Anoosha Syed est une illustratrice de livres pour enfants travaillant également dans l’animation. Elle s’est amusée à redesigner les princesses de Disney afin de leur donner un look plus moderne, en s’inspirant de leur personnalités dans les dessins animés. Une série superbe et bien pensée !

Anoosha Syed is a children’s book illustrator and character designer for animation. She redesigned the classic Disney princesses as modern girls, cleverly using their personality to recreate characters that would fit. I really love Anoosha’s style, brilliant and clever. Enjoy !


parents: how are you doing?

me (having a breakdown): everything is under control situation normal uh we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh everything’s alright now we’re fine we’re all fine here, now, thank you… how are you?


Wait but hear me out

  • ravenclaws that hate studying and procrastinate every assignment
  • hufflepuffs that curse like sailors and that look like they could definitely fuck you up if they wanted to
  • slytherin that are really nice and sweet who constantly ask how your days going and if you need help with something
  • gryffindor that are scared to kill the spider in the corner of their rooms because who knows if that shit can fly or if it’ll attack you  

There are characters you like but then there are characters you end up thinking about in the middle of the night with a cosmic ache in your chest because they resonate with you so much

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