@consiliariio /

ind. highly sel. priv. && canon divergent milton mamet. tolerated by mutt
Eyes are watching him knowingly. There’s something old in Bruce’s eyes, despite his youthful features. The smile he gives is one that has seen and felt many things. It’s the smile of someone who says, I see you, and I understand, in spite of whether he truly did or not. It was not the smile of an eighteen year old boy. “Anything I can do to help?” 

“ oh... no mr. wayne. i wouldn’t feel right asking something of you. “ milton gives almost a bitter look--- not exactly towards the younger, it wasn’t their fault. more so the heads of wayne industries--- still rather jaded at their accusations and ability to jump to conclusions rather blindly. “ please, do not worry. you’re a busy man, i’m sure. “

He’s lost. And maybe he has been for some time but Philip has never truly felt it until now, without the small spark of hope that had been kept alive for his daughter. Without it he’s really truly EMPTY. That hollow that’s been carving itself in his chest is deep and cavernous and sometimes he can hear echoes of the man that’s missing from it but by the time he starts to listen, they’re already gone.
Philip knocks back the rest of the liquor in one movement, swallowing it and letting his glass thunk down on the table. He gives a nod to the other man’s proposal. It’s a futile attempt to fill an insatiable void. He doesn’t need the alcohol to feel NUMB, he already is. He has been since he’d seen a sword thrust through his daughter’s head and been forced to watch her die for a second time.
He laughs. It’s a low, breathy, hollow thing. His thoughts aren’t particularly funny but at the same time they are. “…Y’know…I can’t tell if that man from b’fore was who I really am or…this…now is…” His eye is DULL when he looks up at Milton. “Which is the lie?”

taking their glass, he uses this as a free pass to walk away for a moment--- close proximity mingled with a rather tense subject matter has him on edge. not to say the man would attack him--- he hadn’t done anything wrong. HE wasn’t the one who killed his daughter. AGAIN. but tensions are high, and philip was under obvious distress--- of course in their own twisted way. 

however, if this is how they needed to cope, then the advisor would dutifully stand by him and assist where he could. perhaps ADVISE that after this glass that he pours out for them, is enough for the evening. anymore, and there could be something more than hurt words said. despite them changing, AGAIN, philip was still his friend--- at least in his mind. 

bringing the glass over to the other, he was sure to heed the others words and even offers a sparing glance. even nods a bit in understanding--- it was reasonable to think that. situations like this certainly bring out a side to a person that you’re often left wondering if this is who they were, just lurking under a suit constructed by society and morals. a fear of the law and exile. everybody wants to atone to how the world was, but now there was no fear of what the living thought.

“ you--- are you’re own person. who you were and who you ARE is a product of your environment. nature versus nurture, and simply unavoidable. it’s more than logical to consider what you have. but the important thing to remember now is that you are built to SURVIVE. “


PSA – !!

                 your negative thoughts are wrong about you. Your writing? Is amazing. No one writes your character the way you do. No one can write your character the way you do, and that’s something to be proud of. Your characterization? Completely on point. I don’t care what anyone else says, your characterization is how you see your character and if you portray them that way? Then you rock. You are an important part of this community, no matter what or who tries to convince you otherwise. I’m so glad you’re here, sharing your character with all the rest of us, sharing how you see them, how you write them, and sharing yourself with all of us. Keep on keeping on, y’all. I love ya.

@a-consiliario cont.
HONESTY is not something that often passes through his lips. He’s created a new persona off of lies and personal tragedy kept close to his chest. The truth has become muddled for even himself and yet, if anyone in the town knows him, it’s Milton. He may not know Philip Blake entirely but he’s caught glimpses of the man he used to be in the quiet moments like this when they’re alone.
Philip isn’t quite listening to the academic response the other man is rattling off to him, more focused on the remainder of the whiskey in his glass, caramel colored liquid swirling around at the bottom. “…Can you remember who ya WERE? …‘fore all o’ this?”

the question stuns the smaller man, stopping everything and even finds himself having to place what’s in his hands down. though they don’t leave the papers, still remaining neatly tucked around the edges while he just... STARES. it’s not meant to be rude--- rather, he finds himself wondering if they were OKAY

of course the straight answer that was a clear no, but with how philip coped, there were days were he seemed okay in his new way of life--- milton knows better. he sees through it at times, though right now there was nothing to sift through, or try and see past--- it was just philip. that alone scares him, and it’s not that it’s physically terrifying as if there was something threatening his life--- but it’s something that concerns the advisor enough to finally move around the desk slowly, ATTEMPTING proper eye contact. 


perhaps sticking to the question before asking--- “ vaguely--- though i think i changed for the betterment of my survival. i think we all have... “ looking at the man, he gestures a bit tentatively towards their glass, “ i have more... if you need it. “

@a-consiliario !!
“ i imagine they did that for a reason? ”     and a good one… hopefully. it’s not like jim could force the company to give this man its job back. the cop still didn’t understand why someone like him would come asking for help or rather some kind of approval. 
too many people got away with doing whatever they wanted if they kept themselves quiet, so whatever drove this man to go to jim was a mystery. it wouldn’t be the first time he got help from a questionable source, but one thing was certain and that was they needed to rid of the creatures that had escaped from indian hill.

“ of course they didn’t, “  


almost defensive the way his tone takes over, no where NEAR happy about how he lost his job. it wasn’t as if he was actually doing anything CRIMINAL. it’s not like the illegal experimentation's they performed at indian hill, and expected to be left alone to their research. even if a large chunk of wayne industries KNEW what they were doing there. but milton, performing his own experiments for the betterment of gotham and government ?? blasphemy apparently.

 “ i was trying to find LEGAL and SAFE ways to create something to help AID against the monsters. not just create new ones !! now i’m out of a job and there’s creatures roaming the streets !! this all could have been avoided !! “

Something that could be of use to him? Now that was amusing, what would that even be? He could imagine it, but he doubted and only rolls his eyes. He sounds so much like many low end thugs he’s heard of even other gang leaders. All the good ones thought they were amazing when it came to secrecy.
                      ’’ How about you stop wasting my time and just tell me?”

a roll of the scientists eyes--- gangsters, crime lords, all the same really. they never truly had any patience or flare. milton had been hoping oswald was DIFFERENT, from what he’d heard, but then again, time was always a good gauge on things. not to mention, they’d only just met, and both most likely BUSY men. “ i have this, for starters. “  he brings a small vile from his coat pocket, and places in front of the other man.


“ it acts as a gas when you break the container--- i would advise doing that. it will, within a thirty meter radius paralyze everyone within it. now if you’re wondering if it will affect you to--- it will, unless you take this prior to an occasion you think it will be useful. it causes a forty eight hour immunization. great for MEETINGS gone wrong. “  he flashes a small container--- pharmacy type with small pills. “ i also have a lot more things that are more convenient, and even weapon modifications that i have yet to release to the general public of this lovely criminal underworld. “

“I don’t think you fully understand the situation you have put me in. I don’t really care what you want or need. Once you realize that, then maybe we can talk civilly about why you have come to my city.”
He didn’t like the looks of the other and he was more cautious than usual, he certainly was an insane one that was for certain. At least that is what his bodyguards told him.

“ i’m simply here for business. a-and for the record, i’ve been in gotham for years, mr. cobblepot... “ he stands strong considering the looming chance of  DEATH  in the room--- but then again, he deals with these types of people almost on a  DAILY . “ you see, i live and operate off grid--- it’s the only way to keep the gcpd off of me. i’m telling you this and have come to you, because i believe i have something of use to you. “


“Pain changes people.”


a meme i’m to lazy to grab  /  @devilbeside 


something between a SCOFF and a LAUGH begs to leave the advisors mouth, but he refrains by keeping focused on what’s in front of him. the sad truth is in their words and milton KNOWS they’re both practically the embodiment of it. however, change whether for good or bad, affected everyone different--- or maybe it was just a matter of time before he caught up to philip. 

“ basic psychology--- traumatic events happen to have an effect on the psyche but varies... what brings you to the topic ?? “ recognizing when he needs to stop yammering, he offers a question, eyes peering over the rim of his glasses.  


3 LITTLE WORDS... || starter pack

Send me one to see how my muse reacts. Some are fluffy, some are angsty, some are smutty, some are something else entirely…

Some of these may be triggering or NSFW!

  • “I love you.”
  • “I hate you.”
  • “Go fuck yourself.”
  • “I guess so…”
  • “I guess not.”
  • “Love me, please.”
  • “Don’t say that.”
  • “Don’t do that.”
  • “Don’t touch me.”
  • “Please, hold me.”
  • “Pain changes people.”
  • “You haven’t changed.”
  • “Please don’t go.”
  • “Look behind you.”
  • “Go kill yourself.”
  • “I can change.”
  • “Don’t ever change.”
  • “Want a hit?”
  • “Do you smoke?”
  • “Fuck me now.”
  • “Take my hand.”
  • “Lead the way.”
  • “Duck and cover!”
  • “Just go home.”
  • “Take me home.”
  • “Walk me there?”
  • “Everyone, shut up!”
  • “Just shut up.”
  • “Please stop it.”
  • “Please don’t die.”
  • “I need you.”
  • “I want you.”
  • “Want a hug?”
  • “Want a kiss?”
  • “Are you sure?”
  • “Are you lying?”
  • “That’s the truth.”
  • “I’m not lying.”
  • “Oh my God.”
  • “For fuck’s sake!”
  • “I got it.”
  • “I found it.”
  • “Call me later.”
  • “Text me later.”
  • “Don’t call me.”
  • “Are you crying?”
  • “I wasn’t crying.”
  • “Please don’t laugh.”
  • “Please don’t cry.”
  • “That’s a lie.”
  • “What’d they say?”
  • “What’ll it be?”
  • “It’s last call.”
  • “It’s almost midnight.”
  • “Do you promise?”
  • “That’s a promise.”
  • “Are you serious?”
  • “Don’t bullshit me.”
  • “I punched him.”
  • “I killed him.”
  • “I kissed him.”
  • “I love him.”
  • “I hate him.”
  • “I lied before.”
  • “I’m so sorry.”
  • “I’m not sorry.”
  • “I’ll come over.”
  • “Can you come?”
  • “Want to cuddle?”
  • “Maybe we should.”
  • “Maybe we shouldn’t.”
  • “You don’t say.”
  • “Make me come.”
  • “Did you come?”
  • “I stole it.”
  • “I broke it.”
  • “Any bones broken?”
  • “Are you okay?”
  • “Are you hurt?”
  • “That must’ve hurt.”
  • “He was lying.”
  • “It’s our song.”
  • “Can I help?”
  • “Help me out.”
  • “Please, for me?”
  • “Anything for you.”
  • “I doubt it.”
  • “I believe you.”

“What the fucking hell?”


fuck sentence starters  /  @certifiednutso


such language— milton looks to her, confused and a little baffled at the strong language, but regardless he lifts a hand to gesture for her to SIMMER. it wasn’t meant rudely, just meant to ask for silent permission to give him a moment. “ i was merely just trying to sell a product to these gentlemen— if i’ve stepped on territory i wasn’t meant to, i will leave. “ 


“You fucking well know why that happened.”


fuck sentence starters  /  @drtywork​


he doesn’t like to snap--- nor does he like confrontation, but in the event that he KNOWS he is right, then bare teeth is what he does. he looks to the man and slams both hands on the desk in front of him, green eyes practically lit up with ANGER. unlike the timid man--- “ don’t try to pass off something as MY fault !!  and may i remind you, YOU helped !! “


        it is not your time…

                                                                                        you are gonna come back from this.

independent, private, highly selective carol peletier of the walking dead. multi-verse + multi-ship, canon + headcanon based. created by stephanie.

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