
@womansfineline / womansfineline.tumblr.com

emma | she/her | lesbian

another day of being sexy and perfect

omg it happened again today


hey guys a friend of a friend, tate, is having some financial trouble right now and he needs some money to be able to keep his dog and pay rent. his cash app is $stc225 and any amount of money would help!

this is my friend tate and if anyone could help him in any way that would be amazing! thank you in advance to anyone who helps


It is not only uncomfortable but legitimately heartbreaking to me when the ideal “feminist” sexualization of men is a soft, gentle, maybe a lil dumb, kind man who is good with animals and would die protecting you and could not imagine hurting you, whereas the sexualized ideal for butches tends to be a more classically dominant, aggressive, almost-or-legitimately BDSM role where they insult you, are rough with you, “get what they want” from you, etc. Like this actually fucking hurts so much and it’s painful that this is framed as progressive simply by nature of being gay. Like, it’s the same unhealthy sexual dynamic but since they’re a butch it’s fine? The same heteropatriarchal sexual ideals but just replace man with butch and it’s all great fun? Not to mention it’s *always* the butch in the ‘dominant’ and sexually aggressive role, like please make it more obvious you just see us as the kinky version of a straight man.

I see a lot of the ‘step on me’ bullshit stemming from this idea that even presenting yourself as butch is an invitation for sexual remarks, with the assumption that not only are you happy to receive such remarks, but that you of course participate in sexual activity through violent means. This happens to women of color, especially black women, even if they are not butch/stud because they are masculinized as a matter of course. This is sexual harassment, no less because it is assumed the person you are harassing is the dominant one.


We all say “die mad about it” a lot but y’know what?

I really WILL die mad about all the unacknowledged ASD and ADHD women in the world.

I really WILL die mad about the girls who were forced to learn masking from a really young age and are now consequently almost completely incapable of sharing their problems with others or asking for/accepting help even though they sure as shit know when they can’t handle something themselves.

I really WILL die mad about girlfriends and wives and mothers who are called shitty human beings when all they really needed for drastic improvement in their lives was just a SMIDGEN of understanding or accommodation from their partners/families/friends.

I really WILL die mad about people who were written off as simple anxiety or hormone cases when really it was a mixture of trauma and exceedingly intelligent observation skills.

I really WILL die mad about people who were denied appropriate tutoring/therapy/habit adjustment learning as kids purely because they weren’t physically hyperactive like some of their male classmates or didn’t have loud, violent outbursts and externalized meltdowns.

I really WILL die mad about not just the girls who struggled to get through high school but also the ones who were academically okay or above average so everyone around them assumed that they were normal. (this includes the folks who finished uni but did so at an incredible cost to their overall well-being)

I really WILL die mad about autism misconceptions that are already hard to fight anyway but are even worse when it comes to gendering.

(p.s. this post is trans and nb inclusive)

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