Practically Anonymous

@graciouslycervine /

"My name, should you care for such labels, is Jonah Sanders. But you ought to call me John! All my friends do." An alternate reality pokemon OC blog with Nuzlocke themes. May contain blood, death and animal abuse.


Hey!  If you like writing contests about pokemon, then you should consider signing up for the Hearthome Winter Solstice Festival!  It’s a 20 day contest based in the Contests from the pokemon games!  We’re looking for 2 people to fill out our singles division minimum, so if you or someone you know would be interested in signing up, feel free to pop in our askbox!

If you have other questions, please feel free to IM Essande @sayurismiles!


I haven’t been on John in a while.  Because of gaming hell and partly because I’ve just been in a slump with writing in general.  I’ve tentatively been on @sayurismiles but I’m trying to get back into @porygonastray.  They’re both lighter, less plot complex than John here.


“Vito please tell our sisters that no one wants to see a grown man as a Contest store mascot.”


“I could dress you and your birds up and you could walk around and plug the store though!”


“You’re the opposite of helpful.”


“You are so cute Ci-chan! WHen Nori-nii retires you should come live with us and be our mascot!”


“I’d really rather me and my birds stick together?”


“Okay, you can also be a mascot!”

Poppy erupted into laughter that lasted a good five minutes, all while Rosa made pouty faces and confused looks at the both of them.
“Don’t make fun of me.” She whined, giving Poppy a death glare. 
“I think the idea…” Poppy whispered to Ishi in Sinnohan, “Was if you train her more in massage skills, she could manage both whenever you need it. But yeah, the Trade and legal stuff would have to be worked on.” 
Rosa COULD do it…if she managed to pull her head out of the clouds long enough. “Do you want me to just tell her no?”

“Eh, true, true.  But again, not what we’re looking for.  Too much work, you know?”  Anda nodded to herself.  Yeah, better to actually have someone who could communicate with the customers.  Plus no one was gonna want someone new botching up a massage and making a pokemon unable to perform because a sore muscle was made worse or something!  Nori got sort of a pass because, well, family.  Family and because Nori tended to go whole hog on things and would want to go to school for it before being in the shop.

“No, no thank you!” 

“You should give up.” Poppy whispered. “Even if they wanted you, you’d have to live here, learn the actual language - “
“I took a class or two as part of the grooming curriculum.” Rosa admitted, ignoring her sister. “So if you trained me, you wouldn’t be starting from nothing.”
“Her grooming skills ARE pretty good.” Poppy acknowledged.

“Oh no no!  You misunderstand!  We’re not looking for stylists!  Anda-chan and I are plenty for the shop size.”  They would be aiming to buy out their neighbors to expand.  Vito wanted the display space.  She paused, squinting at Rosa.  “Would have to wait for work permit too!  Ah, also your Trade is pretty poor.”

Another beat.  “ああ! 代わりに日本語を勉強したことがありますか? 私たちは両方の店で話す!“

Rosa knew enough trade to understand “work” and “masseuse” and before Poppy could stop her -
“How much experience do you want?” The words came out obviously touristy and textbook but they were intelligible.

“A lot, a lot~”  Nori was the only one they’d take in with no previous experience.  Pity he didn’t seem all that enthused about the idea of changing jobs.  Granted, it was Nori and he was crazy in love with JUSTICE, so it really couldn’t be helped.  Even if Justice was awful to him and he needed a new girlfriend.

“Fancy 5 has high, high standards!  Ishi-chan would be remiss if she just hired anyone at all, you know?”


“Anyone know any masseuses looking for work?  I think Nori-nii should take up lessons and keep the store in the family but he’s so against it!”


I am still in gaming hell, but the two games I’ve been playing both feature goddesses, and it’s Easter so heck, why not a post for all the religious possibilities in Pokemon?  I see a lot of Arceus this, Arceus that, but hardly any other of the plentiful options.

I want businessmen praying to Dialga to help with time constraints and scheduling snafus, I want nursery attendants who pray to Cresselia before nap time.  I want Zekrom and Reshiram worshipers debating about how best to find an inner balance.  I want storm chasers praying to Zapdos, or Rayquaza or the Forces of Nature for protection.  I want surgeons praying to Xerneas while their in prep.  I want offerings to Yveltal or Giratina at funerals in hopes that they’ll be kind to the loved one’s soul.

I want racecar drivers emblazoning their cars with imagery of the Beast Trio for luck and silly superstitions about speed.  I want ship captains praying to Kyogre for calm seas or Lugia for swift travel.  Heck even little things like a parent hoping Uxie watches over their child before a big test.

There’s so many Legendaries and Mythicals and there’s even some overlap.  I want all the things.  So many things.

“But it was a joke.” The words came tumbling out of Poppy’s mouth before she could stop them - because…because it’s one thing for her to gripe about her family but when other people do it…
“Um. Yeah, like, is teasing not a thing in your family?” Rosa stood dumbfounded. Okay, she’d admit under pressure it was a mean joke, but it was still said in jest? Of course she couldn’t think those things for real, right?
“It’s not like she - “
“It’s not like I - “
“Care.” What a phrase to hear in stereo. 
“I’ve had worse things said about me that were intended…?”
“Wow, I hope you punched them.” Rosa quipped. “Even Poppy has a sense of humor though - did they squish yours out when you became a cop?” If anything this proved Nori DID need to let loose and have a few drinks in him but he already turned down the invite. Oh well.

“Have I ever insinuated that one of my siblings was less than human?  No.”  Nori shrugged.  He supposed he would always have that.  A healthy, loving relationship with his siblings that wasn’t built on senselessly stabbing at flaws until one of them bled out every drop of pride and self worth. 

Speaking of, Nori’s eyes slid away from both women, focusing on something in the distance.  “At any rate, I don’t suppose it’s any of my business.  I have someone I need to meet.  Enjoy Hearthome.”  Nori gave a slight nod in farewell, slipping by this set of females and heading towards another.  Seemed his sisters had left the shop to their brother to come hunt him down, may as well see what that was about.

Poppy turned red - also unable to really be seen under the layers and layers of not-tan - and looked away. “I’m not - these are just SUGGESTIONS - I’m just trying to -” Aren’t we past this, Nori? Please. In front of family, even.
“Oh, I thought you were friends.” Rosa didn’t even look up from her phone now. “Figures you’re not, I guess. It’s not like she has any.” Or deserves any, would be the follow up to that statement if parents were around. Thank Mew they weren’t. 
“If she can’t even interact like a regular person, are you SURE she is one?” A joke, one Poppy meant to refute but Rosa was right, wasn’t she? Rosa eventually left Nori alone - and it would have taken Poppy a while to even understand he said no and MEANT it. 
Plus, Rosa did a normal thing - invite someone to hang out. Poppy…did what Nori said. Walked into strangers lives and tried to fix it without permission. 

Humor was...never one of Nori’s strong suits.  Being overly serious, high strung, and brooding were more up his alley.  It was easy.  Perhaps that’s why he found no humor in Rosa’s words.

“...Aren’t you ashamed to be talking like that?”  Honestly, meeting Rosa made it all the more clear why Poppy decided she needed to take Shou up on his endless hospitality.  With family like this...yeah, just go find a new one.

“Dehumanizing others is one of the most disgusting mindsets you can have.”  Something, something equality, Nori guessed.  He’d rather not play back the one sided conversations he had with John Doe.  The man was sick and twisted but he had some semblance of a point. “The fact you’re doing it to family is repulsive.”


$$$ for whoever but everybody would be nice


★★★☆ ☆ Acceptable on good daysBy Junebontany on May 6, 2016

Came as a complimentary product with an unrelated purchase.  Sturdy on the outside and filmy on the inside. Comes with boomerang action.  Has moments of usefulness, which is surprising considering I never actually wanted this. 


Send me $$$ and I’ll give your muse an Amazon product review

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Why come never update? By User on March 2, 2017

A collection of memes, which is great but they almost never update.  What’s up with that?  Would not buy DeerMemeHost again.

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