
@12twelvefeetdeep-blog / 12twelvefeetdeep-blog.tumblr.com

25 // vegan, nb-trans, neurodivergent

'But some people can't go vegan because of allergies and intolerances!'

You’re absolutely right! And how do we fix that? A higher variety of vegan food.

What do we need to get a higher variety of vegan food? A higher demand for vegan food.

How can you help to help create a higher demand for vegan food?



And if anybody needs help or tips on how to get started on a healthier, more ethical diet, just message me! Peace and love guys ✌️🌱

Or you could just eat… normal… food? Not everyone is going to go vegan because some bitch doesn’t like onions. Why should WE, NORMAL BACON EATERS go vegan for some poor soul who can’t eat tomatoes?

Because you’re pretty openly anti-vegan and I know it’ll piss you off? Go vegan to piss off @full-homo-milk

Hahahaha it’s not gonna piss me off at all, get sick and malnourished idc

Actually nah, you know what? You’ve given me an opportunity here, Imma use it for some good.

Here’s why everyone who can, including NORMAL BACON EATERS, should go vegan!

*To start, here’s a report from the UN asking everyone outright to drop animal products because of their long list of environmental repercussions http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/Portals/24102/PDFs/PriorityProductsAndMaterials_Report.pdf

*And animals take in SIGNIFICANTLY more than they put out, it’s because the process of converting plant based-animal based calories is so inefficient, that we have a world hunger crisis, the world could currently feed 4 billion more people if everyone dropped animal products. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034015/meta

*Because 2/3rds of American produce goes to animals, and America alone could feed 1 billion people on plant based diets, but because so many Americans currently eat animal products, it’s necessary to import food from less developed countries, leaving those countries without enough food to feed their population. http://m.dailykos.com/story/2013/9/29/1240661/-Feed-an-extra-4-billion-Grow-crops-for-humans-not-animals

*Because slaughterhouses are extremely dangerous places for workers, and the slaughterhouse workforces are largely immigrant based, because they’re easily exploited and will rarely stand up for their rights, for fear of being deported. https://www.hrw.org/report/2005/01/24/blood-sweat-and-fear/workers-rights-us-meat-and-poultry-plants

*“What the Climate Action Plan fails to tell us is that livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of N20, which has 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide.”

“Climate change. Ocean dead zones. Fisheries depletion. Species extinction. Deforestation. World hunger. Food safety. Heart disease. Obesity. Diabetes. The list goes on. There is one issue at the heart of all these global problems that is too often overlooked by private individuals and policy makers alike—our demand for and reliance on animal products. ”

*Because animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all human related greenhouse gas emissions, 5% more than all transport combined. http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/a0701e/a0701e00.HTM

*Because emissions from livestock are predicted to increase by 80% by 2050, meaning that the earth will actually have no chance of survival whatsoever if we don’t curve it soon. http://academic.regis.edu/MFRANCO/Seminar%20in%20Biology%20research%20Literature/Papers/GobalDiets.pdf

*Because livestock is the driving factor behind the earth’s surface being 1/3rd desertified http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=17076#.VAodM17E8ds

*Because we could see the ocean as a total dead zone by 2048 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/11/061102-seafood-threat.html

I understand that if you’ve never heard any of this information before, then veganism can seem pretty trivial and unimportant to you, my friend. But the truth is that it’s a hell of a lot more critical than people realise, it’s likely the only solution to the vast majority of problems which the world as a whole currently faces, and if anyone who sees this would like tips on getting started, just let me know! ✌️🌱


Fucking masterpost right there


I don’t understand how so many folks don’t realize that terfs don’t have to explicitly say they want us dead (though certainly enough do).

Like, we suffer from epidemic-level suicidality due to a host of reasons. We suffer from among the highest rates of sexual assault and rape. A huge amount of us still lose our families and friends when we come out. We’re still aggressively barred and obstructed from getting medically necessary healthcare and there’s currently a dearth of trained medical professionals who can treat and care for us without harming or abusing us. We’re still very much among the highest rejected groups in terms of employment and housing. We’re among the most impoverished. A tremendous amount of us are HIV+. We’re a very vulnerable demographic, and there’s a lot of extra straw around to break the camels’ backs.

All they have to do is keep supporting the reasons we kill ourselves, keep working to deny us access to resources and rights we need to keep ourselves safe, and keep pretending among themselves that our issues are just all in our heads and that if we were more enlightened, we’d be perfectly fine.

I mean, this is a group of people who, due to the constraints of their ideology, literally cannot begin to consider that we understand our oppression better than them, because if we did, it would mean cissexism is real, and the bedrock of their feminist theory would crumble. 

So it’s no wonder they don’t explicitly say they want us dead. How many oppressors openly wonder if X marginalized group should exist, or would have reason to exist under Y conditions? How many oppressors deny material reality, history, lived experiences, etc. as a means of erasing (or maintaining the erasure of) marginalized groups from society and our collective pools of knowledge in order to maintain their worldview and center society on themselves? How many oppressors fail to put in the work to recognize the bevy of ways they harm the marginalized and the material impact of that harm? 

Like, when terfs ask us for receipts on their violence, we don’t need to point to death threats or physical violence (although there are certainly cases of that). Like liberal feminists, they use the current social structures that benefit them (or at least, conditionally benefit them) in order to exercise harm against us. They fight for oppressive structures to be put in place or stay in place, structures that significantly shape our realities.

In short, they’re trying to set the terms in which the discussion is had, and stack the deck in their favour, which telling you not to be concerned about whoever might be behind the big green curtain. Don’t play their game.


Vegan on a Budget

Comparing Prices

Grocery stores always display the unit price for each item, but a lot of grocery stores also display the price per weight for items. Use this to compare prices between brands and different sizes of products. If your grocery store doesn’t list price per weight, consider using a calculator to compare prices. Often times, the “cheaper” option will turn out to be more expensive by weight.

Produce: Fresh vs. Frozen

If you’re into making smoothies, adding fruit to oatmeal, or baking with fruit, look into buying frozen fruit. Frozen isn’t always cheaper, so make sure you’re being thorough with your price comparisons. If you come across a great deal on fresh produce, specifically fruit, stock up and freeze it. This works great for berries, bananas, and other fruit for use in smoothies. Remember, frozen produce, as a rule, contains more nutrients then fresh produce – this is because they are frozen at their peak ripeness and will not lose nutrients during transport to your grocery store. It is a misconception that nutrients are somehow lost during the freezing process.

Bulk vs. Packaged

Purchasing some items from the bulk sections can be a great way to save money, especially if you only need a small amount. Often, the largest package will be the cheapest per weight, but don’t bother if you don’t need much. Great things to pick up in the bulk section include:

  • nuts and seeds
  • spices and herbs
  • flours
  • grains
  • dried fruit, make sure they’re not over-dried, and that the containers are close to air-tight.
  • snack items
  • more expensive items that you’ve never tried before. Find out if you like them before you buy a larger package!

Organic vs. Non-organic

Whether you choose to buy organic or not is up to you. In general, organic foods tend to be more expensive. If you don’t usually buy organic produce, make sure you check out the organic section anyways. When organic produce goes on sale it tends to be cheaper than non-organic.

Brand Name vs. Generic Brand

Generic brand items can be an easy way to save money when shopping. Items that are great for buying generic are:

  • baking supplies: flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, corn starch, etc.
  • oatmeal
  • rice
  • nuts & seeds
  • dried fruit
  • canned fruits- the quality of canned produce is usually indicated by the grade, fancy grade the best quality.

Compare Grocery Stores

Always check the flyers of all your nearby grocery stores online, and build your shopping list from there. If you happen to live somewhere where there are a few grocery stores to choose from, and are located in the same area, I suggest shopping all of their sales. This can be time consuming, but it can be really worth it. Learn if your grocery store has a customer appreciation day, a lot of stores offer 10-15% off your entire purchase one day out of the month – it may be different depending on your location and store. Try to get there earlier in the day for the best selection if there are specific sale items you want to pick up.

Prepare Your Own Meals

Make Your Own Convenience Meals

Prepackaged foods are often more expensive than preparing your own food from scratch. By being prepared and cooking for yourself you can easily save a lot of money. Preparing your own meals also allows you to be aware of exactly what’s in your food. If you often find yourself needing to pick up convenience foods, consider buying an insulated lunch box and making your own meals and snacks to take with you. An even more budget friendly option is to use a reusable grocery bag for a lunch bag. Keep your food cold by freezing one or two water bottles and throwing them in with your lunch, later in the day your lunch will still be cool and you’ll have ice cold water to drink.

Avoid Vegan Substitutes

While I often find that a lot of packaged vegan meat and cheese substitutes are similarly priced compared to their non-vegan counterparts of medium quality, they’re often to items that cost the most compared to their volume. Watch for sales, or close-dated items that are discounted, and pick up these items then. Where I live, vegan substitutes don’t have a high turnover rate so they get marked down fairly often. Make sure to use them quickly, or freeze them (if it seems appropriate.) Consider making your own vegan burgers, they’re usually very affordable, more nutritious and fresh than store bought veggie burgers.

Make the Most of Your Shopping Trip

Stock Up On Staples

Volume purchase items that you’re certain you will use before their expiry date. Watch best before dates, if there’s a great deal on a product, buy multiples if the item is far dated. An example where I find this works great is on shelf stable non-dairy milks, they’re often dated for a month or more if left unopened, so it’s a great item to stock up on.

Schedule Shopping Trips

Find a schedule that works for you, and stick to it. I like to grocery shop every 5 days, this way I don’t have to buy quite so much produce and risk any of it going bad. Save your receipts so that you can go back and see what you’re buying during each shopping trip, and how much you’re buying. This will prevent you from running out of some items, while overbuying and wasting others. You will also see which items you may want to cut down on, or eliminate completely from your shopping trips.

Have a Budget and Use a Grocery List

The best part of eating vegan is that you don’t need to buy all of the fanciest ingredients or “super foods”. You can easily enjoy the benefits of eating healthy on a tight budget, it just requires a little extra planning. Make sure you’re aware of how much you have to spend on food, and stick to it. It can be helpful to keep a mental tally or rounding and adding prices on paper as you go to make sure you are staying on budget.

Budget Staples

Fruits & Vegetables:

Fruit: apples, bananas, as well as any other fruit on sale or in season.

Vegetables: spinach, carrots, broccoli, celery, mushrooms, cucumber, green bell pepper, tomatoes (canned or fresh), onions, garlic

Proteins & Healthy Fats:

Proteins: firm tofu, chickpeas and/or black beans, lentils, unsweetened soy milk

Healthy Fats: almonds, peanut butter, avocados, ground flax seed, canola oil


Grains & Potatoes (I like to choose 2-3 options): oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, russet potatoes

Bread Products (I like to choose 1-2 options, you can have a good selection to choose from by storing these products in the freezer, and taking out one serving at a time. Check your store for a discount section.): sprouted or whole grain bread, whole wheat wraps, whole wheat bagels, whole wheat english muffins


Condiments, Herbs, and Spices: white vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, nutritional yeast, vegetable bouillon, cumin, coriander, oregano, thyme, salt, pepper

General Baking & Cooking: whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, corn starch, ground flax seed, cocoa, cinnamon

Sweeteners: sugar, molasses, raisins, dates

Coffee & Tea: green or white tea, black tea, coffee

Examples of what could be made with this grocery list:

Salads, stir-fries, pasta dishes, sandwiches or wraps, soups, chili, vegetables with hummus, apple & peanut butter, peanut butter & banana sandwiches, smoothies, baked potatoes, baked fries, pizza, baking: cookies, muffins, & biscuits, oatmeal with toppings, and more!

—- all info sourced from ilovevegan - it’s a great site, check it out!

What a great resource!

Hey this is awesome guys, give it a read through!


For all my cheese lovers out there, enjoy my master post of vegan cheese recipes. :) If I missed out your favourite, let me know and I’ll see if I can add it! Blue/Roquefort Vegan Blue Cheese Dressing Recipe Dairy-free “Blue Cheese” Dip | Jane’s Healthy Kitchen Melomeals Brie How to Make Vegan Brie Cheese Brielike vegan cheese Cashew Brie….YUM! | peaceloveveganfood Cashew Brie - Cast Iron Peaceloveveganfood Vegan Brie Cheez - VegKitchen with Nava Atlas HOW TO MAKE VEGAN BRIE CHEESE! - YouTube Camembert Camembert - Cast Iron Vegan Camembert - Part One - YouTube Vegan Camembert from the Non-Dairy Formulary Cheddar Shreddable, Meltable Vegan Cheddar Cheese Vegan Sharp Cheddar Cheese Recipe Dairy-free Cheddar Cheese | Jane’s Healthy Kitchen Sharp Vegan Cheddar Cheese Alternative Recipe Vegedout Cottage Easy Vegan Cottage Cheese Recipe Cottage cheese… made with coconut milk Organic Vegan Cottage Cheese Cottage ‘cheese’ | The Vegan Society Homemade vegan cottage cheese Cream Flourchild In Vegetables We Trust Simple Cultured Cashew Cream Cheese - Yup, it’s Vegan Vegan Cashew Cheese | Healthy Blender Recipes Nut Free Vegan Cream Cheese - Cearas Kitchen Soy-free Vegan & Paleo Cream Cheese | Healthful Pursuit Simple Cashew Cheese Spread - YumUniverse Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese - Connoisseurus Veg Feta Maple Spice Including Cake Vegan Tofu Feta Cheese | Simple Vegan Blog Almond Feta Cheese with Herb Oil Recipe Vegan Feta Cheese | The Graceful Kitchen Instant Raw Vegan Feta Cheese recipe - Eating Vibrantly 5 Ingredient Vegan Almond Feta Cheese Mock Feta Cheese Vegan Substitute ) Recipe Fat-free Vegan Feta Cheese | Happy Herbivore How to Make Vegan Feta Cheese Goat 2 Recipes for Smooth & Crumbly Vegan “Goat” Cheese A Profound Hatred of Meat That’s So Cheesy: Homemade Vegan Goat Cheese Recipe Pepper-Crusted Cashew Goat Cheese Recipe Raw Vegan “Goat” Cheese Dip - Fork and Beans vegan ‘goat’ cheese - spabettie Peppered Cashew Goat “Cheese” | C'est La Vegan Gorgonzola Vegan Recipes | Non-Dairy Gorgonzola Gouda Make Smoked Vegan Coconut Gouda That Melts Vegan Smoked Gouda CheeseNouveau Raw Smoked Coconut Gouda | Vedged Out Smoked Coconut Gouda (Part Deux) Green Goddess Gouda Vegan Cheese Cheese, Smoked Gouda, Vegan Gruyère Almond Gruyere - Vegan Cultured Cheese Cultured Almond Cheese - Gruyère Style How to Make Vegan Gruyere Cheese: 5 Steps Vegan Gruyère Cheese | The Wicked Good Vegan Halloumi Vegan Halloumi Cheese Recipe - Cooking with Plants Vegan Tofu Halloumi | One Arab Vegan Recipe: Vegan Halloumi - Planet Veggie Vegan Halloumi Cheese - YUM!!!! - YouTube Two-Step Vegan Halloumi Cheese – Oil Free | Bunny Kitchen Homemade vegan halloumi cheese Vegans Have Superpowers: Vegan Halloumi Vegan Halloumi Middle Eastern Pan Seared Tofu With Lemon Mascarpone Mascarpone Cheese (raw, GF, vegan) - Nouveau Raw raw vegan mascarpone cheese for crepe filling :) - YouTube Vegan Mascarpone | Ricki Heller Cashew Mascarpone Mozzarella Veggie Wedgie Melty Stretchy Gooey Vegan Mozzarella How to Make Fresh Vegan Moxarella Cheese How to make stretchy vegan mozzarella cheese A Better Buffalo Mozzarella - Artisan Vegan Life Mozzarella Cheese Recipe (Vegan) - YouTube Cholesterol-Free Vegan Cashew Mozzarella For Pizza Paneer Home Made Vegan Paneer Cheese Vegan Indian Paneer Cheese Substitute Recipe How to make Homemade Paneer - an Indian cheese recipe Parmesan Vegan Parmesan Cheese Recipe | Minimalist Baker Recipes Ezontho Vegan Parmesan Cheese | Simple Vegan Blog How To Make Vegan Parmesan Cheese - Beard + Bonnet Cashew Parmesan (Vegan, Paleo) | Detoxinista Dairy-free Parmesan Cheese | Jane’s Healthy Kitchen Vegan Parmesan Cheese with Cashews Vegan Parmesan Cheese | Vegan Recipes from Cassie Veggieful: Vegan Parmesan Cheese Recipe Vegan Parmesan Cheese - Oh She Glows Pepper Jack Vegan Pepper Jack Cheese with Almond Milk. Gluten free Vegan Pepperjack Cheese - Baked In How to Make Vegan Pepper Jack Cashew Cheese Vegan Pepper Jack CheeseNouveau Raw Vegan Pepper Jack - but yes…i do eat potatoes Pepper Jack Cashew Cheese | Vedged Out Pepperjack Cashew Cheese | My Darling Vegan Ricotta Chel Rabbit Cashew Ricotta Cheese - The Simple Veganista Tofu Ricotta | Whole Foods Market Vegan Ricotta Cheese | Vegan Recipes from Cassie Howard Tofu ‘Ricotta’ Recipe - Allrecipes.com homemade vegan ricotta cheese - In Jennie’s Kitchen Dairy-Free Soy-Free Ricotta Cheese - YumUniverse Homemade Vegan Cashew Ricotta How To Make Almond Ricotta “Cheese” - Beard + Bonnet Tofu Ricotta Recipe | Happy Herbivore Swiss Vegan Swiss Cheese - Nouveau Raw The Vegan Chef - Non-Dairy Swiss Style Cheese Non-Dairy Swiss Style Cheese Recipe - Food.com


Cheese, vegan, vegan cheese, food, recipe


[trigger warning: transmisogyny, slurs, abusive relationships, rape, child abuse]

i’ve seen a lot of articles that talk about the short lifespans of trans women lately.

most of them explain this with words like “poverty”, “racism”, “transmisogyny”, “comorbid mental illness”, and so on. they use statistics and cite research by experts. 

these sources are certainly valid, but to me, they feel so impersonal and abstract– because this happens to me every day.

let me explain this for you.

transmisogyny is going to the store, to work, to the doctor, to the movies, to the mall, and to restaurants as someone you are not. 

transmisogyny is having to do this every single day because you are exhausted and cannot explain who you are to every stranger you meet, because you cannot risk the violence and ridicule they might throw your way if they react poorly.

transmisogyny is watching those who are supposed to support you laugh so hard that they cry when you try on gender-affirming clothes in front of them.

transmisogyny is your mother misgendering you, over and over and over again, even when you are in tears. it’s her saying that she can call you whatever you want, because you are her child and she owns you.

transmisogyny is meeting someone on OKCupid or Tinder, having amazing conversation for two weeks, then that other person dropping you the instant you tell them you are trans.

transmisogyny is going on dates with a lesbian, falling half in love with her, crying with each other, sharing your deepest secrets with each other, planning future dates, and then having them suddenly dump you with little explanation, only to see them post something transphobic on their facebook weeks later.

transmisogyny is her blocking and ignoring you the second you express being hurt. it’s not ever knowing for sure what went wrong. it’s feeling like you were used for a fuck or two, like a sick experiment, then thrown away when they grew bored with you.

transmisogyny is getting out of a two year, soul-crushing relationship and realizing that all those times she was especially turned on and practically forced you to have sex? you were wearing a dress instead of your “boy” clothes. it’s realizing that she said your name during sex like you were a concept, like you were something else.

transmisogyny is sticking with jeans and a t-shirt for years after you come out because you don’t want to face the doubled street harassment of being an Asian woman.

transmisogyny is random Facebook and OKCupid messages from men who say they want to marry you, who ask you how big your dick is, or if you wanna meet them.

transmisogyny is you, on sale, as a Halloween costume.

transmisogyny is seeking counseling and help at a church and being told, “sorry, we don’t take people like you”.

transmisogyny is hearing a trans man talk about “transphobia” as he cites incidents of violence against trans women as proof that his life is dangerous.

transmisogyny is wanting to apply to a women’s college but being denied. it’s watching men take the space that should be yours. 

transmisogyny is getting kicked out by your roommate days before Christmas, and having nowhere to go because the Salvation Army is the only place available, and you’d have to stay in the men’s bunk.

transmisogyny is watching your boss jam to “dude looks like a lady” when it plays on the radio station at work. it’s knowing that he genuinely cares and works to properly gender you and treat you respectfully, but being too afraid to tell him that the song hurts you.

transmisogyny is not knowing if you are a dyke because your brother sexually abused you. it’s seeing movie after movie with cis men as trans women falling in love with men, never women. 

transmisogyny is never seeing a trans woman on the internet who isn’t also being referred to as a “shemale” or “tranny” at the same time.

transmisogyny is coming to terms with the childhood bullying from your Asian peers– their calling you “fatty” and “freak” and looking down on your poor kid clothes, and finally forgiving them…but realizing that you still couldn’t reconnect because they’d probably laugh at who you are now.

transmisogyny is seeing your other, better-passing trans woman friends deal with creepy messages online or harassment in public and thinking to yourself, “i wish i could pass so well that men publicly threaten to rape me”. 

transmisogyny is real.

Hey look it’s time for a repost


an abled person who has never heard of your illness, and does not know even the very basics of your illness has more of say in how your illness is handled/treated and believed in your profession/school/hospital/life than you, the disabled person, for the simple fact that they are abled, and society values their opinion more.

whether its because they assume the disabled person cant answer for themselves, which is ableist, or they in general just feel like the opinion of an abled person is more solid, more believable, and for some reason, more educated than the actual person who is actually handling the illness.

it doesnt matter what kind of thought comes out on this subject, because it IS always going to favor the abled person, because we dont value disabled people as much as we do the abled, so we dont value disabled opinions as much as we do the abled ones, even if the disabled person is the only one who actually has any idea what theyre talking about, even if theyre the ones being affected by the result, their say will matter more, no matter what, because they are abled. that

THAT is how bad the ableism is in our society.


yall, don’t feel like you have to individually do everything, you need help when it comes to opposing fascism/uplifting your community. Try to get friends and family to help you with shit you want to accomplish/do. Convincing the people around you of doing things to benefit those around you is imperative. Convincing the people around you to oppose fascism is imperative. 

Recognize where you have influence and what you can actually do/who you can actually talk to. You need them and they need you. You can’t do anything alone.


I swear, the more disabled a person is, the more they go out of their way to do what they can for other disabled people.

I’m not saying there aren’t abled or disabled folk who don’t have multiple disabilities who aren’t kind and supportive and helpful; there are.

Multiply-disabled people, though, without fail, do whatever they can, and sometimes more than they should, to help make the world easier for others to navigate.

That says something profound and terrifying about unconscious ableism.

This is so true, the people who most look out for our needs are always other disabled people. When I’m going through town with my sister in her wheelchair it is always other people using mobility aids who move out the way immediately whilst other people grumpily move at the last second or expect my sister to make way

When I’m trying to organise meeting up it is other developmentally disabled people who check with me what my boundaries are and are understanding of my different speech patterns and need to withdraw whilst other people will expect me to perform and pass as neurotypical as much as possible

Disabled people, and especially as you say, multiply disabled people, always do the utmost to help other disabled people whilst abled people do the absolute bare minimum and act like they’ve sacrificed themselves

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