


there's a moment when music isn't just your best friend, it's your only friend. 11-30/7-12/6-21

2018 new years resolutions:

  1. be as swift as a coursing river
  2. have all the force of a great typhoon
  3. have all the strength of a raging fire
  4. be as mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: “With great power comes great responsibility.” This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I’m Spider-man.

Spider-Man (2002) dir. Sam Raimi

Do not protect my feelings if I ask your opinion: I’m asking because I’m unsure; I’m asking because I know something’s wrong. Tell me the truth. Be brutal. Help me.

Tennessee Williams, Follies of God: Tennessee Williams and the Women of the Fog

Read more on wordsnquotes


true love is what you felt for that album you played for one month straight


reblog this post with a cool animal species lets make a wholesome thread

ok ill give a headstart:

i really like leopard seals 


axolotls are p rad



potoos look like muppets and i ove tem


here’s a quokka it’s like someone decided to splice together a wallaby and a teddy bear they literally always look like a benevolent cartoon

i don’t think you can get more wholesome than that adorable lil seed-eating smiley face. they’re not even like dolphins, cute on the outside and evil on the inside. they’re herbivores about the size of a cat. there is nothing wrong with them. 

The Springhaas, or “irl pikachu” as it is sometimes known, is basically a rat shaped like a bunny abruptly caught in the middle of trying to evolve into a kangaroo. This is why they tend to look startled.

This is a dik dik. They are tiny antelopes from southern and eastern Africa–seriously so smol. With teeny hooves and teeny horns and big soulful eyes. And the name is fun to say. It comes from the alarm call that the females make. They live together in monogamous pairs. 


Long Eared Jerboa

The adorable mash-up of a hamster, bunny, and kangaroo. Whiskers with no end, ears that put a fennec to shame, and adorability beyond measure!

bringing this back on your dashes


a sichuan takin bull and his daughter

often the color of donald trump’s hair and looking like a cross between a bison and a guinea pig, the takin is actually a bloody big goat-antelope. they have splendid noses, a natural smile, and share their habitat with pandas. which should be good enough for anyone.

This is an okapi. They are related to giraffe, can lick their own eyeballs and kind of always look like you just asked them for a ride to the airport but look at those ears and the little striped legs ~(*^*)~


Chambered nautilus! A living fossil! I also love axolotl though.


A cinnamon bear! Actually a member of the black bear family, they’re one of the more calm species out there. We also have matching hair <3 Enjoy this one with a heart on its chest!


This is the most wholesome post on tumblr.

I love echidnas


Fennec foxes!!

I love all of these!

Capybaras! They’re the largest cavy species,(cavies are animals like guinea pigs) They’re BASICALLY a giant golden retriever in the skin of  guinea pig.


They’re just big lumps that float around the sea. They’re non-aggressive, non-territorial herbivores that spend most of their time sleeping or eating, or they might be socializing with other manatees or investigating interesting objects.

Best of all, as of this year they are no longer endangered!!


Maine coons!! So soft and friendly!!!

Look at these babies!!!

Majestic af!!! 

MANED WOLF. Basically what a fox would look like if it was a supermodel.


Favourite post.

Tawny Frogmouth “Owl” (not really an owl). I love these angry logs. Near my old house I used to be able to see them sleeping during the day (hence not an owl, who sleep in hollows), and they’d shoot me this intense rage-filled glare if I woke them. 


Coati! They are native to my country of Panama and they are basically raccon, possum, civet, meerkat hyrbid aka an animal straight outta Avatar the Last Airbended

They come in blonde and red variations too :)

This smol egg is called a pika


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Nope. I know better, have your reblog Madame Zeroni.


who the fuck is Madame Zeroni

Look at these stupid children who don’t know who Madame Zeroni is


Man lissen if you don’t know you better ask somebody AFTER you hit the reblog button

Idk who she is but I have an exam today so I’ll reblog her

idk who she is but i have an exam today so i’ll reblog her

^Haiku^bot^0.4. Sometimes I do stupid things (but I have improved with syllables!). Beep-boop!


Because wise, I am.

Oh fucks no she’s back lmao must reblog. I’m sorry guys

Take time to realize I know that people change their minds But that was something I wished you would say to my face

Taylor Swift | Tell Me (Studio)

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