
Vok's stupid blog for stupid things

@vokatatonto / vokatatonto.tumblr.com

I only reblog shit here
Anonymous asked:

What is the appeal of ShuRai to you?

oh, anon. you've no idea the worm can you've just opened... *ahem* Okay, primarily, ShuRai's appeal is actually one that's pretty common for me in a lot of my more beloved ships:

Shared Trauma But We Each Processed It Differently So We Piss Each Other Off. long winded explination under read more because hoo boy this got long winded i need to get back to a fic of them i've been writing...

no but that's a different way of reaching blue than the normal way. rather than being pigmented, the physical material structure of the feathers is made up of effectively a keratin sponge full of small air pockets, and when white light strikes those pockets, most wavelengths of visual light cancel each other out, while blue is able to reflect and escape the structure.

so if you really fucked up a Bluejays feather what colour would it be

The natural pigmentation of blue jay feathers is brown, though I suppose it depends on how you fucked it up. I suspect that, being made of keratin, it would be an off-white if you were to grind it into a fine enough powder (speculation because I don't want to do research it's like midnight).

cool as hell! The link there is to the Yosemite park page on this.


alright trans ppl we're returning to the fucking sea until shit gets better lets go everyone


this is awesome

trans pride flag colorpicked from this crab (i swear all those colors are on the crab itself)

yeahhh >:D


why is this site trying to become twitter. why must everything i love die

(every CEO in the last 5 years for some reason) hmmm today i will catastrophically mismanage my company to the fullest most embarrassing extent imaginable

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