the haiku & the honey

@deeplystained /

“To say I am cleaning myself for the safety of your hands. You who have made an occupation from palming fires. To say that everyone before you was an asylum, you are the first sanctuary. I have come willing – not dragged nor drugged, not humbled nor hunted; held open like a nerve under the nail.”
“When I put my hands on your body, on your flesh, I feel the history of that body. Not just the beginning of its forming in that distant lake, but all the way beyond its ending. I feel the warmth and texture and simultaneously I see the flesh unwrap from the layers of fat and disappear. I see the fat disappear from the muscle. I see the muscle disappearing from around the organs and detaching itself from the bones. I see the organs gradually fade into transparency, leaving a gleaming skeleton, gleaming like ivory that slowly resolves until it becomes dust. I am consumed in the sense of your weight, the way your flesh occupies momentary space, the fullness of it beneath my palms. I am amazed at how perfectly your body fits to the curves of my hands. If I could attach our blood vessels so we could become each other I would. If I could attach our blood vessels in order to anchor you to the earth, to this present time, I would. If I could open up your body and slip inside your skin and look out your eyes and forever have my lips fused with yours, I would. It makes me weep to feel the history of your flesh beneath my hands in a time of so much loss. It makes me weep to feel the movement of your flesh beneath my palms as you twist and turn over to one side to create a series of gestures, to reach up around my neck, to draw me nearer. All these memories will be lost in time like tears in the rain.”

David Wojnarowicz, The Half-Life (via deeplystained)


— (x)

toni morisson is the master of skinning white supremacy so elegantly and artfully wit tha scalpel like precision.

“When I fed the pigs and two of them got to scrapping over an old soft onion, I thought: that’s love. Love is eating. Love is a snarling pig snout and long tusks. Love is the colour of blood. Love is what grown folk do to each other because the law frowns on killing.”

Catherynne M. Valente, from Six Gun Snow White (via lifeinpoetry)

“I have been missing your voice / like bleached bones dream of flesh.”

Rebecca Salazar, from “Reasonable ground,” published in Cosmonauts Avenue

“I melt at your glances and become music.”

Mahmoud Darwish, tr. by Catherine Cobham, from “A River Dies of Thirst,

“He licked his lips. “Well, if you want my opinion–” “I don’t,” she said. “I have my own.”

— Toni Morrison, Beloved (via black-culture)


but everyone had this patina of slightly bruised longing, this shimmer of I think I knew you when we were children, this look of I’ve loved you ever since you were born and probably longer than that

Paul Hostovsky, from “Everyone was Beautiful,” Dear Truth (Main Street Rag, 2009)


thoughts on the friendzone

when i was 5 years old my best friend was a boy named kyle who didn’t know how to knock on doors so he made dinosaur noises outside my window to wake me up in the summer until i demonstrated how to ball his fists and slam them against my doors.  we collected caterpillars in my trailer park and built them houses while we traded pokemon cards.  he wasn’t the only one.  there was ben, and mitch, and noah—but kyle’s the only one who hurt me, because when he tried to kiss me and i asked him why, he told me “because you’re a girl and i’m a boy, shouldn’t we like each other?”

i missed him so much and i wondered why he couldn’t just be my friend like he always was

in the first grade there was rich and joseph and i got sent to detention with them almost every day with a smile on my face.  we built block towers and sang to my teacher’s lion king soundtracks when she’d turn the lights off during lunch time.  one day they got in a fist fight over me at recess, and i wondered why they felt they needed to share my friendship, like it was something they owned.

in the second grade zach and i played yu gi oh under our desks during free time and i got moved for talking to him constantly.  everyone in the class would tease him and i for talking, asking when we were going to date already, asking him if he’d kissed me, and he stopped being my friend.

when i was 11 i met a chubby boy with the name of a colour who wore puffy vests and unwashed t-shirts, with greasy hair and bright blue eyes and a smile that hid hurt behind it.  people didn’t like him because he was silly, but i liked him, because i was also silly.  he became my friend the day he bought me 5 giant roses and asked me to be his girlfriend, and i politely declined but promised him i’d be his best friend because i’d always wanted a best guy friend that stuck around. we burnt our feet on the concrete during the summer and walked home with the sunset silhouetting us.  he talked often about how he loved me, but never blamed me for being me, even though he refused to move on. that boy dyed his hair jet black and sat on the end of my bed playing songs to me on guitar, and all that pent up rage from before didn’t show until the first time he slapped me across the face and called me a dumb cunt.

in the 7th grade there was a boy named ryan who sat next to me on the bus and talked to me about manga.  he’d ask me personal invasive questions but i didn’t mind because it was attention and i liked attention.  i was dating another guitarist with curly brown hair, one who was much more kind-tempered than the other, and ryan mentioned how much of an asshole he was every day.  i wondered, why, why does he think the love of my life is an asshole?  but whenever i asked him, he just told me, “girls only date assholes.  there’s no room for nice guys like me.”

i wondered, if he was so nice, why did he say such mean things?

he never stopped with me, taking me to movies, hanging out with me, you know.  being friendly.  i thought we were friends.  but then, how many times had i thought that before?

how many times had i bonded with a boy, thought they got me, only for them to ask me if i wanted to make out?

how come when i told ryan i was coming out as a lesbian, he stopped being my friend, and said “damnit, the one girl i really want to pound into a mattress, and she’s only interested in chicks!”

there was a boy my junior year who stayed up all night with me until the sun rose, talking about life, past loves, hopes, dreams.  beneath a million twinkling stars spanning forever, he brushed long brown hair out of his eyes and listened to me talk about the history that made me. then he asked me if i’d ever consider dating a guy, and complained about how he’d never get laid.

when i told him no a couple hundred times, he found new girls to listen to.

i would sit on the couch and play zelda with dakota, and he’d talk about all my favourite games with me.  he was the closest thing to support i had, and the letters and poems he wrote me were always so kind and friendly.  but he’d put his arms around me on the couch, and no matter how many times i told him i was uncomfortable, he’d still come over every day and do it.

“don’t you know how it feels to love someone and not have them love you back?  don’t you know what it feels like to be friendzoned?”

when i meet guys who talk about the friendzone, who talk about the girls who don’t give “nice guys” like them i chance, i always want to just say

when i was 10 years old i met a girl whose brown hair fell across her shoulders and whos eyes sparkled when the sunlight hit them, whose voice was like velvet and whose scent was like mountain smoke, who made me dizzier than a fly climbing a sugar hill.  and i’m 18 years old, and i still love her, and she knows, and she doesn’t love me.

but my first thoughts upon hearing her rejection were not “what a bitch,” were not “she just wants a douchebag and not a nice girl like me!” were not “im going to keep pushing her until she dates me,”

they were

“she is the best friend i have ever had, and i am the best she’s ever had, and i would hate to take that away from her.”

so before you play the victim, mr. Nice Guy, before you angrily throw your fedora on the ground and blame the girl you claim to adore so much:

put yourself in the shoes of a girl who thought she made a wonderful friend, only to find out that he just wanted her for sex.  that he just wanted her for a relationship.  a girl who was just an object to win, a prize.  a girl who’s trust you’ve just shattered.

maybe she friendzoned you.  but you girlfriendzoned her, first.

I am clapping for this, you just can’t see it.

okay honestly wow I’m oh my god just





There are only so many parallel universes that concern us.     In one, he isn’t dead.

In another, you drink light with your hands all winter. There is a universe in which no one is lying

emptied in the street as the gas station burns, a universe in which our mothers haven’t learned to wrap

their bones in each small grief they’ve found. There is a universe in which there is no difference

between the past and the ground. Another where the oceans pull the moon.      And so on.

        This is an incomplete list.  It has been abridged for your comfort.       I could tell you

about the many universes in which bad things happen to people other than the people

you love. Yes, in another life, it’s someone else’s sister who climbs to the roof that night. In another life,

the boys rise darkly from the asphalt to choke the engines of cruisers, and no one gives birth

chained to a hospital bed, and no one’s child washes blue, ashore. Sure. You can have these worlds.

You can warm them in your hands at night. But know: by signing, you agree also to be responsible for the universe

where the oceans glow red, the universe where what we call shadow is pulsing with the musk

of hooves, and especially the one in which humans exist, but only in the nightmares

of small children. Will you hold that one too? The version of the story that never learned

to consider sound? and the one where sound is only the opposite of metal? and the one

where the sound of metal is never enough            to quiet the dead?


a discarded citrus peel resting on the kitchen counter / so comfortable being both beautiful and unwanted / so unbothered by the lack of hands on it / so unlike this body / and the way it catalogs every day it hasn’t been touched / but doesn’t know what to do with the number / just knows it doesn’t feel like a body / when it’s not being used by someone outside of it

EVERYTHING BUT THE RIND by Trista Mateer (via tristamateer)

I wanted the past to go away, I wanted to leave it, like another country; I wanted my life to close, and open like a hinge, like a wing, like the part of the song      where it falls down over the rocks: an explosion, a discovery;      I wanted to hurry into the work of my life; I wanted to know whoever I was, I was alive for a little while.

Mary Oliver, from “Dogfish” in Dream Work (via i-was-born-backwards)



andrew & I passed a dead finch by the riverbank & ached to disbelieve its mortality / & wanted to fake ignorance of our own. I dreamt of death like something you could leave. a lover you could run from if you had the sense to start early enough.

& andrew said, careful not to get too close. as if like longing, losing distance from death can be fatal. he said, what if you’re dead by 35? I think, God, what if I’m not? & that night he turned in on himself as an orchid does in snow; folding himself

into something different; rearranging his body into something new. something that can’t be killed by speeding cars or the space between the sky & the earth, which is a euphemism for desire if you’re in love & paying attention. & twitching in sleep, he

was shaking like he jumped & his wings refused to open. & I wanted to hold him, but even in sleep he wouldn’t let me. we passed the finch & I wondered if it hit the ground dead like leaves in autumn; or if like icarus, he found a second death in drowning.

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