
Im NB and Im Proud

@spacerocksarelife / spacerocksarelife.tumblr.com

| Hello My name's Dmitry, They/Them Check Please has taken over my life
Im here I'm queer I'm tired.

the mining dwarfer seems to pick his axe at night


girl it's a single sentence


need you to be not so toughies on me.

i want to thank you both for turning my biggest wording fumble where i clumsily said mining dwarfer instead of dwarven miner into a post i chuckle at whenever it comes across my dash

hold on i'm busy i'll have to check what you said in a minute

finally read this. would not have reblogged!


my parents have no issue with my art being explicit or sexual and are very supportive and this is great. the issue is they’re too supportive. my dad will whip out his phone and show neighbors we barely know paintings of naked trans men on their knees and be like ^_^ im so proud of my son!!!

once i told my mom that if she invited my 90 year old grandmother to my art show that she should warn her that theres sex in it. and she was like ‘your grandmother knows what sex is. she’ll be fine’


Great news everyone. There was a kitten wandering in the drive thru at work and my inner warrior cats kid tried to be a hero and capture him.

I have now suffered multiple puncture wounds and have to go to the emergency room.

Me: I shall become his mother and gain his trust

Me talking to an animal control officer five minutes later: he is a nasty horrid little boy and I am bleeding heavily

Animal control officer on the phone: So he’s in your car with you?

Me: Um. It’s his car now and he’s very mad at me.

Second animal control officer: oh you captured him and got him in your car? He’s friendly?

Me, my right hand completely wrapped in paper towels: wouldn’t say that

Urgent Care Nurse: Wow it’s strange he managed to get you so many times.

Me: I uh. Did not let go.

You vibe as someone prone to toxic relationships

People on tumblr will just say anything huh.

Oh cmon, "he hurt me a lot cause i couldn't let go" absolutely has double interpretation.

Me, holding a cat (of unknown gender) as it repeatedly digs its little teeth deep into my flesh: Is this… too… yuri?

This website is free

We pay in other ways.


my favorite bit of "rich people are Like That" ephemera that I picked up from my Russian literature binge was from a noble character who was complaining about his serfs neglecting their duties, specifically the duty of staying up all night long slapping the pond water in order to prevent the frogs from croaking so that the nobleman could enjoy his sleep at his country estate with its adorable pond. whenever I hear wealthy people's complaints in this day and age the majority of it automatically filters to "the fucking serfs won't slap the pond anymore and it's honestly so destructive and cruel of them to deny me my beauty sleep like this" type statements


Callsigns are ALL like this. I know in movies everyone's got cool callsigns, but you have to EARN a cool callsign. Most people's are like, commemoration of something real stupid they did, or, like, "Carrots" bc "he ate carrots weirdly." This database is a treasure trove:


Also unironically if you are nb and have an "object" name you can 100% get old republicans to use it by just claiming it's for something dumb. "Yeah man I go by Brick because I dropped a bunch of bricks once and messed up a timeline on a job" will get everyone you will ever meet to call you that.


tumblr is the only place that im honest, how do you tell your instagram followers that you just saw a bird that changed your life? they are soulless on that app, they dont give a fuck

Anonymous asked:

happy birthday 🎂🥳🎈! professor riddle or siat founders please?

a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6

Rowena has done what she came here to do. Mostly. She's dueled Godric Gryffindor and he's agreed to talk to delay his marriage to Ingina until her twentieth birthday. That she lost the duel is neither here nor there, because she got what she wanted. It was easier than she'd expected. Too easy. Still, a success.

"Why am I still here?" Rowena asks, looking into her glass of sparking amber liquid with some apprehension. Her first drink wasn't sparking. This is her second, right? Maybe her third.

"Metaphorically or physically?" Salazar asks, pouring more of the clear liquor that he and Helga had been drinking all night. It smells sweet, a little like vanilla and raisins, but Godric's refusal to touch the stuff makes her wary.

Godric wipes his mouth with his sleeve then points at Salazar. "Don't you start. We're not drunk enough for that."

Merlin. How drunk do they have to be to discuss metaphysics?

"I should go," she says. She stays seated because she's not completely convinced she can stand without embarrassing herself.

Helga leans against her side. "Don't be like that. We're having fun, aren't we?"

Are they?

"What're your thought on public education?" Helga asks, nudging her glass closer.

Rowena blinks.

"Not this again," Godric sighs. "We don't have the funds for anything big enough to house more than maybe a dozen students. If that! Especially now that we're delaying the wedding. My mother is not going to feel warmly towards any projects of mine right about now."

Helga shrugs. "All the more reason for her to help us, considering the delay is partially her fault."

Now, hold on -

"Pedar's already agreed to provide the funds," Salazar says.

"Yes, yes, but not even that's going to be enough for what she has in mind," Godric complains.

Rowena tries and thinks of the amount of money that's out of easy reach for the heir of Gryffindor and the man who married one of the wealthiest daughters of Persia, then stops because it gives her a headache. "What are you trying to build? A castle?"

"Don't give her ideas," Salazar murmurs.

Helga grins, eyes bright. "A castle! Now that's an idea."

Anonymous asked:

happy birthday shana! anything ATLA?

a continuation of 1

Sokka's heard a lot of Aang's friend that he made on one of his weird summer retreats. He'd assume it's all lies except Gyatso has corroborated most of it.

"I'm still not buying the bear thing," he says, leaning back in the booth while Aang nearly vibrates in place.

"The bear was actually one of the quieter parts of the trip," Aang says, craning his neck like that'll make him appear any sooner.

Katara starts eating Aang's pancakes since he doesn't seem appropriately interested in them. Toph starts doing the same to his eggs, poor kid. They're going to have to order him another breakfast by the time he notices.

Growing up surrounded by monks hadn't really prepared Aang for the art of eating defensively.

"Trip," Toph repeats. "You were missing. Gyatso thought you were dead. Your were national news!"

It hadn't been a great couple of weeks on their end either.

"If I'd died, he probably would have found me faster," Aang says. That had also been Gyatso's justification for why he thought Aang was fine, even though anything could have happened to him that wouldn't leave a body behind, like getting eaten by a bear. Aang's face lights up and jumps to his feet, standing on the seat and waving his arms like there's any way to miss him. "He's here! ZUKO! Over here!"

Sokka sighs then turns to where Aang is looking and freezes.

He's heard a lot about Zuko, but he can't believe that Aang forgot to mention this very important, crucial detail.

He's hot.


everybody just latched onto “terf = enemy” and then never again put any thought into why that is, and what transmisogyny is, so they just make a big deal out of being an anti-terf instead of understanding the problem in the first place


Some stuff to know:

TERF - Trans Excluding/Erasing Radical Feminist:

Someone who believes that trans women are not women and don’t belong in women’s spaces. They believe that trans women are predatory cis men pretending to be women in order to have sex with lesbians.

SWERF - Sex Worker Excluding/Erasing Radical Feminist:

Someone who believes that sex workers (those who make money from pornography or prostitution) are not feminist / not valuable / should not be welcome in feminist / women’s spaces. They believe that women participating in pornography or prostitution are upholding patriarchy and damaging the feminist movement.

Truscum aka transmedicalists:

Someone who believes that you must experience body dysphoria in order to be trans. They also tend to be attached to the gender binary and erase or exclude anyone who does not conform to a male / female gender identity (genderfluid, non-binary, agender, bi-gender, etc)

Ace exclusionists:

Someone who believes that ace-spectrum people are not inherently LGBTQ+ and do not belong in LGBTQ+ spaces. They see ace people as secretly cis/straight invaders and leeches to LGBTQ+ programs and resources. They also tend to believe that the definition of LGBTQ+ centres around those who experience discrimination for same-sex attraction, and therefore ace folk do not belong.

Trans women are women. Non-medical trnas people are trans. Ace people are LGBTQIA+.

Know why we do not welcome these people.


All of this (ye gods I am tired)

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