
not that important

@stylesalmiighty / stylesalmiighty.tumblr.com

who even knows anymore
Now. There are three things… there-there’s more than three things, that we love most about Canada. One…POUTINE! Two…POUTINE!! Three…what? [Liam: Protein!] Three…no, poutine was one and two, this is number three. Number three is…POUTINE!!!!!! Number four…[laughing] poutine! Number five…syrup. NUMBER SIX, SYRUP ON POUTINE! Number seven, and the one we love most of all, is every single one of you! Number eight, you and syrup on poutine! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! I really wanna mic drop, but I won’t, ‘cause they’re expensive. [Liam: Are you gonna run for president?] No! There’s not a chance, I don’t know what I’m talkin about! [Liam: I still think you should, I’m convinced] Nine, THIS FLAG, ON YOU, ON SYRUP, ON POUTINE! MAKE SOME NOISE FOR CANADA! [Liam: You’ve gotta have a ten, you’ve gone through nine now you’ve gotta have a ten!] TEN! [Liam: Ten! Us on syrup on poutine on…something else] Ten is THIS MOOSE, ON THIS FLAG, ON YOU, ON SYRUP, ON POUTINE!!! Make some noise for the moose! [to a fan] Which one d’you want, the moose or the flag or the syrup? [Liam: or the poutine?] Or the poutine? You can have the moose and the flag. Ohhhh I’m hyped. Ohhh I’m hyped. [Niall: tell em you’re gonna be president] [Harry and Liam do a silly dance with sound effects] ROCKY, on the moose, riding on the moose, into this place on the moose, this is Rocky, he’s on the moose, he’s on his back, wrapped in a flag, covered in poutine, on the syrup, there’s syrup everywhere [Niall: [laughing] Harry!] there’s lots of syrup everywhere! Rocky waits, the moose is gone.. [Niall: Michael Buble!] [Louis: That is passion!] MICHAEL BUBLE…Michael Buble on the shoulders of Rocky, wrapped in a flag, on a moose, riding in here, covered in syrup, on poutine, and you’re all everywhere watching the whole bit go down. [Liam: I’m so confused!] It’s gone too far, I’ve confused myself, this is Story of My Life, please sing along.

Harry losing his goddamn mind in Montreal and the others encouraging it x (via louisnharry)

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