unorthodox display of hubris but very well

@hydrachea /

Ray | 20+ | she What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.

ok, nerd moment.

So, Sunday's boss fight, specifically 2nd phase, does give some information about how Aeons ascend — or at least the process of Ascension. In particular, the idea of "The Embryo" where Sunday was actually close to Ascension and like with every Aeon that ascended recently, caused a major event with his ascension. We know that most ascensions if not all have an event accompanying it — Xipe's caused mass assimilation and Nanook's caused planetary destruction and Sunday's would have brought the SweetDream Paradise (Eternal Slumber)

so that's neat. We just stopped an Aeon from ascending and the worst part is — Sunday had no clue he was ascending, it wasn't his intention to.

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