
Concept: a Legend of Zelda game where the “dungeons” are part of an ancient Hyrule-wide defence grid that’s been corrupted by Ganon’s magic. While Link goes about doing his thing, Zelda is holed up in a fortified shelter under Hyrule Castle that serves as the network’s command centre, and it able to remotely manipulate each dungeon’s layout, as well as the surrounding geography once full control of the dungeon in question has been reestablished.

Gameplay would involve flipping back and forth between Link doing his usual thing, and Zelda god-moding the terrain to solve higher-level puzzles, with ample opportunity to accidentally squish Link or drop him into bottomless pits or whatever if you screw up. Or, you know, just for fun. It’s okay – he gets better!

Additionally, early on Link would pick up a cute little drone that Zelda can teleoperate when a more direct hand is needed. It’s not combat capable, and to start with it can only flip switches, fit into small spaces that Link can’t, and be thrown by Link to deploy it into unreachable areas, but there’d be a series of upgrades over the course of the game that let it plant bombs and teleport and such. There’d be puzzles that would specifically require repeatedly switching between Link and Zelda (teleoperating the drone) to open paths for each other, Lost Vikings style.

(I would like to claim that this concept is meant to explore ways to give Zelda a more active role without just turning her into an ersatz Link, but in all candour it’s mostly aimed at manufacturing an excuse to have Zelda at some point say <hackervoice>”I’m in.”</hackervoice>)


Link: you can see me, right. Link: tell me what is wrong with this picture.


i’ve been obsessed with a series called The Murderbot Diaries, about a neurotic android that just wants to watch soap operas in between saving humans 😂 here’s some stuff from the first novella All Systems Red!!


Just finished the second book.  You’ve done a nice job capturing the deadpan attitude of the character.


Fanart for part 2 of the Murderbot Diaries, “Artificial Condition” by Martha Wells!! I’ve already drawn a lot of stuff from part 4 but I want to post more part 2 & 3 first haha

Also, I was pretty nervous about posting fanart for this book cause I know I’m drawing Murderbot differently than most people might picture, or how Martha intended it to look. But there have been a lot of really nice and funny comments/tags on my previous post so I’m really appreciative of everyone’s kindness. <3

If you haven’t heard of this series, pick up “All Systems Red” ASAP it is SO good


You’ve done a lovely job capturing That One Scene.


Tablet Pressure with a Cloud PC

This tutorial will show you how to connect a wacom drawing tablet (or other usb device) to a virtual machine rented over the internet.  This is for artists who want to rent a cloud computer and access it from a laptop or older PC.

(note: the trial version of virtualhere allows only one USB device connection at a time)

You will need to install BOTH the virtualhere client app AND the virtualhere server app on your PC or laptop.

You will need to install parsec, and rent a cloud gaming PC.  I chose paperspace, but they also offer virtual machines from amazon web service.

1. Launch parsec.

2. Start your rented virtual machine.

3. Connect to your rented virtual machine.

(very long post, 32 steps total)


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, the sides of the Force existed in harmony. But all that changed (many times) when the Sith (and other jerks) attacked (and the Jedi council stuck their heads up their butts). Only the last Jedi could restore balance…

But when the galaxy needed him most, he vanished…

Now my droid friend and I discovered a new Jedi, a scavenger named Rey…

And although her ass-kicking skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she’s ready to balance anything…

But I believe Rey can save the galaxy!


Changing the design of a country’s currency isn’t just to make counterfeiting more difficult. It also discourages time travellers from trying to come back and spend future money in the present.


I hate Holdo’s outfit because it ruined my suspension of disbelief.

Having a high ranking officer show up in the middle of battle in a thin, clingy gown throws me out of the story and makes me wonder what the movie makers were thinking. It makes me go “was she in the middle of fund-raising for the Resistance? No, she couldn’t have been, everyone aboard this cruiser came from evacuating a hidden base.” or “are they trying to visually parallel her with the Canto Bight gamblers so we’ll trust her less?”

Everyone else aboard but Leia is in a uniform or jumpsuit of some kind. And Leia’s outfit looks solid and warm, and a bit like an exaggeration of the uniforms worn by some of the bridge officers, like it’s made of the same material. Holdo’s outfit not only isn’t a uniform or jumpsuit, it’s made of a completely different material than either of those.

Holdo’s outfit booted me out of a Galaxy Far Far Away, and right back into the present world I live in where women characters have to Be Feminine no matter what. The other women characters didn’t have this problem! Rey’s outfit in TFA was designed with her lifestyle in mind, is gender neutral, and her outfit for TLJ is based on it. Lieutenant Connix is in bridge uniform, Rose and the pilots & bombers are in jumpsuits, Phasma’s in space armor. Leia gets close to being stuck with “yes this woman is high ranking in the military but she’s still Feminine!!!” except, as mentioned, it looks like the same material as the uniforms, so it’s not jarring. The gamblers in Canto Bight are in fancy flowing clothes, but since everyone there is and they’re not a dang military spaceship, it’s not jarring, it’s just part of the scene.

Holdo’s outfit is jarring. It doesn’t fit with the rest of the Resistance, and it wrecked my suspension of disbelief.


The canonical number of bronzes from the clutches in Masterharper of Pern just gets fucking depressing when you hit Dragonflight and suddenly there’s only seven named bronze riders. R’gul, S’lel, F’lar, T’bor, D’nol, S’lan, K’net.

Feyrith’s clutch in 2465 that included gold Nemorth had nine bronzes, only three named riders (R’gul, S’lel, and F’lon).

2471, Nemorth’s 1st clutch, has six bronzes.

2479 Nemorth’s 2nd clutch , MHoP doesn’t say if there’s bronzes or not.

2488 Nemorth’s 3rd clutch, Mnementh hatches, and then “Three other eggs cracked and bronze dragons emerged.” giving us a minimum of four.

After that F’lon dies and Robinton’s not invited back to the Weyr until Lessa’s era. In Dragonflight K’net is consistently described as the youngest bronze rider, a youth, not real big on future consequences, which I figure means he’s Lessa’s age or younger, so probably Impressed at one of these Hatchings Robinton wasn’t around for. Nemorth’s final clutch is in 2505, and the seven named riders (including himself) are the only ones F’lar’s internal monologue brings up when pondering what sort of queen candidates they brought. They’re the only ones who speak in the council sessions, or get mentioned when Ramoth rises.

Boys between 10 and 20 years old are allowed to Stand, which means in 2505 the oldest that a rider who Impressed back in 2465 could be is sixty, and one of the books says “fifty isn’t old when most dragonriders live to their tenth decade and better.”

Even assuming all the bronze riders who Impressed before Nemorth hatched are dead by the time Lessa arrives, that’s about a dozen bronze riders unaccounted for. Do they have the fucking flu during every major plot event?  Are they dead? Where the fuck did they go?

Like on the one hand my logical brain is going “conservation of detail, McCaffrey didn’t need more than seven bronzes (and probably only had that many to make it feel like there was a proper population), the others aren’t there because they weren’t narratively useful, that’s all.”

On the other hand, of course, there’s fandom me, who has absolutely spent weeks ranting about this sort of thing to anyone who would listen and currently is furiously taking notes.


It’s canonical in Dragonflight that there are literally only seven bronzes left pre-Ramoth’s Hatching (F’lar says specifically there are only seven, and the same seven pursue in Ramoth’s maiden flight, so presumably she had no bronze clutchmates). Masterharper’s a complete mess in terms of being an accurate prequel

Well shit, guess this morally grey OC is getting pushed off a cliff for sure, then. Goodbye K’ban, we hardly knew ye.

The books were published thirty years apart (1968, 1998) and I know a lot of authors aren’t going to skim through old stuff when they want to wrangle a new story. But I am so annoyed by how they’re such unnecessary details. Absolutely nothing about the plot would be affected by Robinton not knowing how many bronzes were in each clutch. Especially when worldbuilding shit like what “call the dragons home” means is always delicately left unsaid between scenes, and the “rules for who can Impress to what” didn’t even make it into the books.

A dozen inexplicably dead bronzes, McCaffrey! What the fuck were you thinking!

Well, one bronze is very definitely dead because Fax did it; maybe he also made a point of picking off other bronzeriders that supported F’lon, or seemed likely to continue… well, being more like F’lon than R’gul?

That would make sense. It really would. I would LOVE to just put in more murder. Murder would solve SO MANY PROBLEMS, and fit with the tone of Dragonflight AND Masterharper of Pern. Unfortunately MHoP is the one that makes Robinton’s spy network both textually-explicit and very good at it’s job, and Robinton pays attention to the Weyr. So if F’lon weren’t the only murdered/assassinated dragonrider, it’d’ve come up.

S’loner canonically had a heart attack, which I figure I can use to off other bronze riders with as well, but it’s…those numbers, geez.


Hey what the fuck happened to all the net neutrality coverage

This shit is still happening people, and all of the sudden its disappeared from my dash almost entirely over night


I don’t know why, but I think people are automatically being unfollowed from the Net Neutrality tag. It happens to me every time I try to follow it. I’ll follow the tag, come back 20 minutes later & I’ll for some reason have unfollowed the tag automatically. I think this may be happening to a majority of people in an attempt to silence the resistance. Please take a screen shot of this post in case it gets deleted.

hey yeah can yall reblog this cause this is very important. Tumblr is ACTIVELY trying to silence out outrage at this by making us incapable of seeing coverage of events. We’re all gonna have to come together and step up about this.

Every little note counts, spread the word, dont give in so easily


Please spread the word! Screen shot this post just in case it gets deleted!!


There is a reason that happens.  Tumblr is OWNED by Verizon who is a leader in throwing money at getting rid of Net Neutrality.  They have spent literally millions to bring it down so that they can charge you more, slow down your internet and block you from sites they do not deem appropriate.  Keep sending in letters, emails and making phone calls.  IF you post about it ADD links for FS!

What is Net Neutrality: click here (X)

How to fight back, doing NOTHING is not an option:  


Okay but

Gravity Falls / Steven Universe-ish? AU where Wendy’s a half-gem.  Her jewel’s on the back of her neck – ergo the long hair – and meh I dunno what her gem would be.  Personally I like hypersthene, cuz it’s so close to iron, like her axe which would OBVIOUSLY be her weapon, like how else do you explain it disappearing and reappearing at will?? with an axe-holder that kinda is mostly used for show??  and Wendy’s super frickin strength for a fifteen-year-old girl?? (yes i know its a cartoon lol).

Anyway, so… Wendy has a different mom from her bros in this AU.  Roll with me cuz it works.  A Hypersthene would’ve been such a queen, man.  Manly Dan would fall for her in an instant.

Pretty much everything else is the same in Gravity Falls.  Dip is still a curious lil piece of pecan pie with the journals and whatnot and maybe GF continued just how it is.  But one day after Weirdmageddon he finally asks her to dance.

And they fuse.

Just… yes.

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