
Internet = Life


Official Phandom member #5330

This is horrible. Can some please tag the people here as I am on my iPad and can’t. I am not sure if this is all a giant fake or whatever but all I know is people are dying over this. We need to defend the fandoms and make sure no one else disappears. STOP THE ANONS

atouchofphan @swimmingclubbitterfly askgamercharlie howelling-for-danieljh rhinoswithwings I don’t know what to say other than turn off anon and stay safe. Maybe get off tumblr until this dies down. I’m following all of you and I’m a safe blog, please contact me if you need anything. I love you all xxxxxx

Anonymous asked:

Just wanted to let you know that you are beautiful and even though you might have weaknesses that you are stronger than them and that nothing anyone says can change that you might have weaknesses but you are not your weaknesses

omg thank you so much

we should all just stay strong and not let them hurt someone…


okay ive seen lots of posts about an anon attack mostly on the phandom soon (not sure exactly when but maybe tomorrow??) everybody please please stay safe and turn off anon so they cant hurt i love you all so so so much


↳ Then I thought ‘you know I’m just a 15 year old, what am I going to make videos about; no one’s going to care, it’s never going to achieve anything.’ +

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