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"You’re so mean to me!" His whining only gets worse and worse as the conversation carries on. He keeps his grip on her ankle and shakes it some more, now rolling on his back to look up at the woman. Yeah, he looks like a big child but oh well. Helena has already seen this side of him. "You so are! And yeah, I guess..but still! It’s not like I was going to let you go alone! You could have died! And you gotta admit, I flew that plane like a pro. Kinda. At least we didn’t die because of my piloting."

       "Oh suck it up! You're supposed to be the older one, remember?" An innocent jab at his whining. She shakes her ankle in an attempt to get him to release it, because if he didn't, she'd just walk and drag him along the floor. "You just think I am, Leon. Yeah, I know I could have died but I wouldn't have until I finished Simmons-- kinda?! Leon, you crashed the damn thing in the middle of a city! There is no way we should have survived that. You make it sound like it's an accomplishment rather than a miracle that we didn't die because of your poor piloting."

"I was only— um..making observations about your legs!" He replies, trying to defend himself against her irritation. He rolls over on his stomach and grabs her ankle as she steps over him and shakes it. He knew she wasn’t really mad at him, she never could stay mad no matter how hard she tried. And the same was true for him about her. "At least I’m not abusive like youuu! We got into all the shit in China because of you!"
            "Observing means not touching, Leon. Learn the difference before coming up with an excuse." Because she wasn't going to buy it. At all. There's a short huff as she freezes, turning her head to look down at the man. Really, he was like a big child when he wanted to be. A scoff leaves her lips, arms folding across her chest.  " I am not abusive! And while a good part was my fault, it's also yours. You didn't have to go with me, you could have stayed or turned me in. I'm not entirely to blame for your hidden desire to try to pilot large aircrafts or be an action star."
No. No no no- And then the falling sensation washes over him and his arms flails out, trying to grab on to anything that would steady him. But to no avail, he topples over anyway and the back of his head meets the hard floor. “You’re so rude, Helena!" The blond whines, clutching his head.

           "I'm rude?! You're the one who said I have sticks for legs and then decided to wrap your hand around them." She wasn't truly angry-- it was more of an irritated amusement. Helena was quite proud of her legs. She steps over him, moving to get a drink. "Besides, you're fine. If you can handle all that action shit we went through in China, then you'll live."

"Oh, really? I beg to differ, Helena." He simply grins at her then puts a hand on her leg. "Look! I can nearly wrap my hand around your thigh!"

   Did he just--? Her eyes widen for a moment before narrowing. "You want to see what I can do?" Without waiting for an answer, she promptly lifted her leg, placing her foot against his chest and effortlessly toppling him over in his chair.


Falls asleep on her couch


       Sleep wont come to her tonight— she has reports         that need to be done, but such does not stop her         from checking on Dante. He was awfully quiet and         her suspicion of him having passed out was confirmed         when she moved into the living room.

Really, why doesn’t he just use the guest room..”

A bemused mutter as a blanket is drawn from the chair and placed over his frame. She lingers, fingertips caressing his cheek with a feather-light touch for but a few seconds.

              A muted ‘Goodnight’ is given before she returns to her work.

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