
My mouth is full of potatoes and I'm cry-laughing

@jasmineandgorse / jasmineandgorse.tumblr.com

knitting blog: bhoneybee study blog: studyhoneybee
Brooklyn Nine-Nine + tumblr textposts, THE CONTINUING SAGA

they are a witch’s two familars and have never gotten along, but one day the witch disappears and so they must go on a cross-country search in order to bring her home. along the way, the cat learns to loosen up while the crow gains worldly experience, and they both become better friends

show me the Dark Homeward Bound

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Could you guys please Make a post with apologetic sentences for when you re talking to a native speaker and want to apologize / explain you still suck? Like 'sorry for my bad English // sorry i havent learned this grammar or kanji yet etc"? Thx!

Sure! Here a few phrases you could use:

すみませんSumimasenExcuse me (apologetic)私の日本語/英語が下手です。Watashi no nihongo/eigo ga heta desu. My Japanese/English is poor.私の日本語/英語は悪いです。Watashi no nihongo/eigo wa warui desu.My Japanese/English is bad.少しだけ日本語/英語話せます。I speak a little Japanese/ English.この漢字/文法は分かりません。Kono kanji/bunpou wa wakarimasen.I do not understand this kanji/grammar.それは日本語でどう言いますか。Sore wa nihongo de dou iimasu ka.How do you say that in Japanese?

それはどう発音しますか。Sore wa dou hatsuon shimasu ka.How do you pronounce that?

Hope this helps!


If you’re a high beginner, you may like to learn these phrases for when you get stuck. They’ve been really handy as I moved from high beginner to intermediate level and allow me to keep conversations in all Japanese, rather than break into English. この漢字の読み方は何ですか。 このかんじのよみかたわなんですか。 What is the reading (pronunciation) of this kanji?

(Very useful when you’re not sure whether it’s the onyomi or kunyomi.) If you want to know if something sounds natural: 「〜」というのは普通の日本語ですか。 「〜」というのはふつうのにほんごですか。 Is ‘~’natural/normal Japanese? 「〜」は普通の日本語でなんと言いますか。

「〜」はふつうのにほんごでなんといいますか。 How do you say ‘~’ in normal/everyday Japanese? 変な日本語ですか。 へんなにほんごですか。 Is that strange Japanese? (usually if someone pulls a face when I’m trying to say something, it’s quite casual phrasing to put it like this though, so I just use it with friends and my BF) When you get the chance try to learn the という grammar, it is incredibly useful and will allow you to keep a conversation going, whilst clarifying unknown terms and words as it progresses.

What’s the thing that ‘[description of a noun’s usage]’ called in Japanese?

 e.g. 「小学生が使うの鞄」は日本語でなんという物ですか。 「しょうがくせいがつかうのかばん」はにほんごでなんという物ですか。

What’s the bag elementary school students use called in Japanese? (it’s a ランドセル).

You can also ask how to say something in traditional Japanese this way (rather than rely on katakana imported words, which are fine to use, but you need to learn the traditional words too so you can understand them when they’re used): 「ガルフレンド」というのは普通の日本語なんと言いますか。

「ガルフレンド」というのはふつうのにほんごなんといいますか。 How do you say ‘girlfriend’ in normal Japanese? The answer to this question would be something like:

「彼女」と言います。 「かのじょ」といいます。 We say ‘kanojo′.

これはなんという木ですか。 What’s this tree called [in Japanese]? Find out more about という here. The next 2 phrases have basically the same usage, but one is more of a question and the other is more about saying it rhetorically I think: なんというの… What’s it called…. (and pause for the native speaker to help you out) ^This one is asking what something’s called, it can be used rhetorically, but typically I use it then pause and wait for help. 何だけ… なんだけ… What’s it called…. (and pause for the native speaker to help you out) ^This one has a more rhetorical nuance, but you can pause and wait for help.


today at work a man brought a pug in on a leash and that pug was so excited and happy to see me it was as if we were old friends who havent been in contact in 7 years i felt so loved in that moment

today a bassett hound came in and wagged her tail so furiously all of her loose skin started to jiggle and she was so pumped to see me i want more dogs to come into my store they make my life whole and worthwhile

I’m so glad this came back cause a golden retriever named Milly came in today who put her paws on my register counter and wanted to say hi to me and I loved her so much and I scratched her ears and she gave me that classic dopey dog smile 

yesterday a girl came in with her boyfriend and in her hand was a tiny tan colored dog that she told me was a chihuahua/pekingese mix and he had a severe underbite and one little canine tooth was poking out and his ears were like bent at the tips and i immediately commented on how amazing he was and she goes omg thanks do you wanna pet him and i was like there is literally nothing more i want to do while being on the clock right now than to pet this incredible tiny dog and he was so sweet and licked my hand and his name was spike 

yesterday these people came in and put a blanket into one of our shopping baskets and it started to move and i was like omg whats in there and they set it down on the counter and the blanket kept moving and the suspense was so good like is it gonna be a cat is it gonna be a ferret maybe a lizard and then the smallest chihuahua ive ever seen in my life popped her little head out and licked my finger and i died 

A baby german shepherd named Jonathan came in tonight and since i was on the sales floor and not behind a counter i say to the owner omg can i pet this angel and they were like yeah of course and i crouched down and Jonathan ran into my arms and almost tripped over his puppy feet it was 12/10

TODAY a german shepherd named london grabbed one of our lanterns off the shelf and was carrying it around and the owner was like, “london no, we’re not getting that” and gave him the merchandise she was buying instead and he carried it to me and dropped it on the counter at my register and i could have cried 

You have the perfect work life

[Marnie Dickens’] new series Forty Elephants is being developed by the BBC and is described as “a girl gang show set in the 1920s and centred on a crime family”.
“Forty Elephants is a modern and visceral period drama centred around the formidable leader of the infamous girl-gang and the ambitious young woman who sets out to undo her.”





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