
There's A Worldwide Revolution Going On

@disciplesofmalcolm / disciplesofmalcolm.tumblr.com

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History, World news, and words from several revolutionaries. Click the page below for more resources.

Thought about it, but I just don't have time anymore. I'm retiring the blog and leaving it as an archive. If you still want to see what kind of content I am making, and want to keep in touch, I became an anime Youtuber, believe it or not. Here's my latest video on Macross 7. I still talk about politics on my channel there. I'll make a video one day about what it was like being here when Tumblr began getting political, and the experience.


It’s a shame really. The radically minded are so divided now more than ever.


“You will love the things that destroy you, and you will hate the things that advance your growth. Look at your behavior. Look at the behavior of your compatriots and watch if what I’m saying is not true.

‘I hate to read. I hate to study. I hate to learn. Oh, but I love to party. I love to smoke. I like to drink. I love to screw.’ And all the loves you will find will be loves that what? That don’t advance you one bit, and yet you can’t get over them. You’re addicted to them.

But things that lead to growth, to growth and wisdom, knowledge, you see, self-understanding and self-discovery, healthy relations, self-control; all those things are hateful.

But this is the only way a minority can rule over a majority of people, is by turning their minds backwards. So that they love the things that destroy them and hate the things that move them forward. In order for these people to rule over us, we must hate learning. This has to be built into us.

If we were into learning, if we were into research, and into thinking, and into real philosophical ideas and abstraction, we would defeat those people. They know it. So consequently, what they must do is rob you of all of these things so that they may stay in their place.”

-Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Source: youtube.com

A GLOBAL EXISTENTIAL CRISIS: Comparing The World Of Texhnolyze With Ours: 2 Different Nightmares

The world of Texhnolyze is depicted as a hopelessly depressing nightmare where suffering never ends in the underworld and sinister-like, purpose defeating complacency, extinction, and fantasy thought dooms the surface world. Based on my experience and observation, our world is in a terrifying category of its own.

Despite taking steps forward in technology, humans have stepped backwards in spirituality; where it matters most. In the west, just to point fingers, people are dependent on machines, phones, and computers. Hundreds of years ago these people could have survived perfectly fine in the wild and have the necessary skills to survive. In modern times, Westerners have proved that humans are becoming more useless and skill-less than ever before. People are so lazy and ignorant it would not surprise me if these people started to move backwards in evolution. Put this together with a system of social media that has drifted people apart rather than bring them together. There are those who have thousands of friends, but feel lonely and miserable because they don't know any of them personally. All those clicks and likes give them a hollow sense of validation that becomes addicting yet unsatisfying in the end. It's a degenerate dependency that promotes feelings of depression and further isolation.

They work jobs that they can't stand, are taken advantage of and abused as workers, and dare to say, "I can't complain," or "it could be worse." Self-defeating foolishness. The system in place is designed for most people to fail. That is a necessity. It is a necessity to the power structure for most to fail. Who else will fill in the majority of those harsh and slave laboring positions? Automation and cybernation is still moving to replace these people, and when it does, will the richest still have a need for the poorest to exist?

Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? Why are all those corrupt, evil, and murderous rich politicians living such luxurious lifestyles while the good and poor live and die miserable ones? Living a hell on earth because you'll go to heaven after? You've been tricked into believing that. Your life here matters to.

But Texhnolyze isn't all about doom and gloom. It warns us and advices us to find meaning in our lives and in others; to find meaning in our humanity and in others. It shakes us into realizing these terrible emotions as a wake up call. The characters in the series, despite losing limbs and taking heavy damage, they continue to go on; they refuse to give up. Their extreme passion to continue despite their problems is an inspirational message to those who are in a similar situation. And I felt empty at the end of the series; but that made me see things more clearly. As they say, "only when it gets dark enough can you see the stars." Though it looked unfortunate for Ichise in the conclusion, there was a sense of satisfaction and optimism in his smile; he never gave up and kept going. Though Yoshii didn't live long enough to finish carrying out his mission, he too left us with a smile; he never gave up and kept going. There was a sense of satisfaction in the end.

This is a savage world. The only way to be able to face that and overcome it is to look directly at it. Don't look away or bury your head in the sand. Look at reality, not the way you want to see things. Most people will runaway and stay in their dream like world. Thus, they lead a meaningless, aimless, and false existence. Most people will grow up believing immature and unrealistic fantasies as children, and die never growing out of that. Their minds never quite mature. They grow physically but not mentally. The education system has taught you what to think and not how to think. What is happening to revolutionary thought? Have you noticed how Fascism is moving to completely destroy it? And yet, People on the brink of self destruction seem to always turn towards religion as their last mental crutch in the end to help them keep some sense of hope. Take a look at your friends face, and though there may be a smile, what have they got to smile about? Smiling through a lonely life that progressively loses meaning and direction, but feeling grateful and satisfied. "I can't complain." "It could be worse." the grin grows bigger. For these generations who aren't as fortunate, they suffer a death of the spirit. This is the type of delusion that reminds me off the surface world in Texhnolyze. The desperation of living in poverty in broken down and exploited cities left abandoned by the rich and the world to rot shows that our underworld is also there, sometimes right across the street.

But there are people who learn to overcome this. Those who see the situation clearly, who question and find out that everything is backwards, and who plan and go to make a move similar to why Yoshii felt he had to. And I have to. To give meaning back to humanity. Those of us who see things more clearer need to help others see it too. You can't convince all the people all the time, so don't feel unmotivated if some don't listen. There are those who naturally flock to the truth. The more you see this world we live in the uglier you'll see it gets. The little that makes it beautiful is slowly slipping away and being killed off. What do you want to accomplish?

In the end, will you smile?


Interview with Earl Grant (Malcolm X Aide), 2012

Question: I heard you say "we are worse today than we were back then."
Earl Grant: We were in a much better state 100 years ago. We knew more about ourselves and knew more about the world. You find Black folks now, like just the general population, just falling for this facade that they have in the white house that's got nothing to do with us. The person in there was put there by other people for their reasons. He never represented us. Fact is, you can't blame him because he never said he represented us.
Question: You can't be saying that because we're in the 21st Century. Obama is here for us. For those who are listening, what do you mean he's not there for us?
Earl Grant: The average American does not know how the presidency operates. They don't know how a person gets into the White House. They think a thing called the "popular vote" puts a person in the White House. That's not true. There's something called the electoral college, and that's who elects the President of this country; not the popular vote. The popular vote is just there to keep people confused.
People in this country in general are known for not knowing very much about the past. They have to understand, especially this young generation [of black people] that a lot of these people with their NBA and their sports cars and their corporate vice presidencies, they have to know that they’re not there just because of the way they wear their clothes or the way they part their hair. Somebody paved the way for them to get there, and that they owe some debts. They have a responsibility to history to do something else rather than just check cashes every week. They have a role to play, they have a people to serve. Unless they do that, As Jorge Santayana said, “people who don’t understand the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. You’ve got a lot of our younger people coming out of these schools and going into these corporations, they think they’re another corporate figure. Well that’s not so. No way. That’s not so. They’re only there because somebody paved the way in. And like those kids down in the South, that church that was blown up. Like the preachers down there that were trying to get people to register to vote that were killed. Dr. King being killed. Medgar Evers. This younger generation needs to have it burned into their brain how they got where they are, and that the road was not easy, and that they are not in heaven. That’s one of the main problems. They think they’re in heaven now but they’re not. They’re still here. They got a long way to go. There’s this book entitled “The Choice.” There’s an article in there where he talks about a study in 1970 by the U.S. Navy: What would be the attitude of white people in this country if black folks were beginning to be systematically suppressed like the Jews in Germany? And the study pointed out that most white people wouldn’t care. That’s a horrifying thought for me. To conduct a study like that in this country is scary, but that was the conclusion of it. If they started rounding up black folks and started making them disappear from the city, most people wouldn’t care. That’s what the study said.

From an interview with two of Malcolm X’s aides. From Gil Noble’s show “Like It Is.”


Divide and conquer is something I believe has gotten worse, and yet no one sees it. Those who are different, who think differently and radically, are seen more and more as distasteful. Media, such as cartoons even, push this type of thought on the people. There’s a cartoon where someone at a school is different from the norm. A student then points and yells “different!” everyone then becomes hostile. Essentially, media is telling people more and more to just get in line, be like everyone else, do what is safe. Those who are different like me and you should be outcasted. There is this emphasis to just be like everyone else. Sometimes I see people here in America, and they don’t seem real. Their state of thought is so manipulated there is no sense of self in them. It’s all fantasy delusion.


Cancel culture is another thing that never sat right with me. These are essentially people who sincerely believe that if they sit at the comfort of their homes and call out someone for saying something bad, they really believe they have attacked the system and made a difference. Sure, they could be right, but where’s the meaningful progress? Back then people were getting bit by dogs, water hosed, and beaten. They have bigger fish to fry and should resort to much more radical methods.


Malcolm was right all those years ago that the enemy chose to focus more on psychological attacks rather than physical ones. The attack on the mind is greater. If they can win the minds of their prey over, then they can become physical and no one will see it.


Tumblr, the political part of it, never sat right with me. What I despised were those who knew so much and said so little. I respected a lot of political bloggers, but they were so full of themselves. They were condescending. They appeared conceited. If you know so much and are not willing to teach and be patient and open to others, you might as well know nothing at all.


I’ve been really active online. Just not here. I suppose I’ll share a few thoughts to prove I am still alive.


Going out to colleges and trying to distribute handouts got me made looked at as if I had lost my mind. They said I see things as “black or white.” Trying to raise awareness amongst the people I know got me branded as “anti-American,” “racist,” “violent, “talking hate.” So called friends blocked me and turned me away. Like they say, the more things change the more they stay the same. It’s all too familiar and it’s all so tiresome.

Looking into organizations, it’s disappointing to see some were secretly pyramid scheme recruitment, or privileged and spoiled kids getting together with the wrong idea about what to do or approach this. Even the groups I thought were more organized ended up being social clubs with a leadership too lazy and complacent to really accomplish anything meaningful. All the while the surveillance state is there, watching and meddling.

I talk to people now and it’s surreal the psychological damage that is being done now from the institutions of media. The average American is in such a hypnotic state it’s alienating to see this happening all around me. But little by little, some people can be made to understand and start seeing things more clearly.


After all this time some people really did just use this as a social club. The spamming of radical posters and quotes was a feel good type thing. Without getting involved and getting organized, all these people who knew so much really knew nothing in the end if they don’t use the knowledge.


When I check this I always remember those people and blogs from the 2007 Tumblr era. I wonder how a lot of them are doing.


Kids these days have such a detached, fantasy-like understanding of life I can’t relate to many of them anymore. And many of them are going to grow up and die thinking that way. A mental death with no kind of voice to resurrect that. The few who want to learn and ask questions are made fun of and told to shut up. And that kills their curiosity and desire to learn. Over ten years after making this blog and it feels like the American consciousness is just getting worse and worse.


every few months the black twitter community embarrasses us all by defending these shitty negative IQ rappers who record themselves treating poor people like a social experiment i hate this genre of online unrest. where is malcolm x when you need him.

before they are allowed to post about celebrities this video should play (automatically, unskippable)

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