
the future & the past combined

@clarasnog / clarasnog.tumblr.com

i am the future and the past combined into something not quite as good as either bff

hey everyone! i’ve been on hiatus pretty much for 7 years and now i’m back. i still follow all the blogs i used to but half of them aren’t active and i need to follow someone else :) so if you post some of this stuff:

- movie gifs/edits

- stranger things

- art

- harry potter

- anything about graphic design maybe?

- just nice pictures, posters and stuff in general haha

please like this post and i will check your blog! i need to follow someone active 


They have nine beverages between the two of them

i have that painting ai app on my phone so i went ahead and took the liberty…

What they have are five beverages and four waters. Water, by definition, cannot be a beverage.

The fuck do you mean water cant be a beverage?

The way this post progressed is the reason I come on Tumblr

Source: twitter.com

Eleven seeing Mike for the first time after a whole year of waiting✨


Here’s your killer track, Baby. Baby Driver (2017) dir. Edgar Wright

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