
professional depressionist

@phenaze / phenaze.tumblr.com

"What matters the most is how well you walk through the fire" | Jesse | 35 | very good nobody. Gemini, Finland

sitting anti-kink posters down in front of a wrestling match and explaining kayfabe to them with the patience of a preschool teacher

You see that one? He's called the "heel." He looks mean and says a lot of scary things, but it's not real and he's actually very nice. When he says "I'm going to break you in half" you don't have to be scared because it's pretend. These two talked about this beforehand, and now they're playing pretend together. Can you think of any other situations that might be like this?

no that part was real


The vulnerability was found by an engineer named Andres Freund. Networking and quality engineering are already thankless tasks; Freund deserves better than "some microsoft engineer."

Let us remember Mr. Freund and his sacrifice when the NSA tragically discovers his suicide and/or child pornography stash sometime in the next six months.

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