
whoop whoop

@rye-itsfine / rye-itsfine.tumblr.com

rye, they/them, 25, o+

My opinion on the 'would modern au Harrow be goth or Catholic' debate is that she would be both and it would throw everyone off. She goes equally hard on both of those things and no one knows what to do about it.

@cat-lady-in-space Omg these tags 😂

Harrow has no friends so she treats confessional like she's venting with her besties.

The priest secretly hates her because she comes up to him after every mass with intense questions about the philosophical implications of the most obscure bits of scripture that he can't even fully remember. She tries to not be insubordinate but can't quite keep the condescension out of her tone.

When Gideon's been hanging around for long enough she starts venting to her about what an idiot the priest is that he can't even answer these simple questions.

Gideon suggests that she should just lead her own services if she knows so much more and Harrow, completely horrified, hisses at her "Don't you know that would get me excommunicated??" and storms off to her room for the rest of the day to perform some sort of weird penance ritual she made up for herself.

After 20 minutes Gideon realizes she's not coming back out and leaves.

So this gets at something that doesn’t often get discussed in the Locked Tomb fandom: imo, the Ninth House is very much inspired by/a statement about Marianism in the Catholic tradition. See, officially the Catholic Church generally accepts and encourages the veneration of Mary, above and beyond that of other saints. However, it’s always been quite leery about this veneration shading over into the territory of “Mariolatry” (worship of Mary as a goddess), especially in the historical heresies of Collyridianism, and in general giving women too many ideas. (Notably, a lot of Protestant theologians were not happy with Catholic Marianism, seeing it as idolatry.)

This brings us to Harrow and the Ninth. The Ninth in general is highly Marian-coded; they’re not considered heretical by anyone but the Eighth, they don’t think of themselves as heretical, as far as they’re concerned, they are a devout monastic society living in obedient service to a divine commandment. But Harrow is a heretic: she did the forbidden thing her family was charged to make sure was never done, and she has already transferred not just her veneration but her adoration to the Body by the time the series begins. She is, in this analogy, a Collyridianist.

And then Nona the Ninth comes around, and she goes a step further:

“I want to understand why she was angry—I want to understand the mathematics, now that I have seen them for myself. I want to know how many of the Resurrection are left, and how many you began with, and what the discrepancies are. I want to know where you put them. They didn’t go into the River. I want to know why she was angry … and why you were terrified.”
She looked away from him, and she said: “I want to journey to find God. Maybe, at the end of that road, I will find God in you, Teacher … the God who became man and the man who became God. Or, perhaps, the child of the Nine Houses will recognise a different divine. But I am the Reverend Daughter—I am the Reverend Mother, the Reverend Father—I must find God, or some aspect of God, and understand it for myself … even if she lies, right now, within the Tomb.”

Harrow’s conclusion is that John is probably not God, but that Alecto probably is, which is just the kind of thing that the early Church was worried about when they said Collyridianism was a form of Ishtar-worship.

It's a very obscure heresy from the 4th century, which I know about only because I took a course on the Late Roman Empire where the professor insisted we learn every single heresy in the Late Roman Empire and how they related to surviving syncretic traditions (for example, there's a reason why Marianism was very popular in Egypt, and why the Virgin Mary's iconography is very similar to that of the goddess Isis) and their impact on the politics of the Late Roman Empire.

So I know my homoiousios vs. homoousios, and my monophysite vs. dyophysite, and my monothelite vs. dyothelite, and how it all led to the Arab caliphates getting a decent navy and winning the Battle of the Masts.


[ID: Image 1: tags that say: “#modern au where harrow goes to confessional and unloads all of her frustration about the idiot dyke's latest antics #priest panics having never heard such gay shit in their entire life #but is legitimately confused because harrow has yet to say a single thing she needs forgiveness for #figures the best way to go is to prescribe several hail marys #but becomes increasingly concerned harrow is actually in love with the virgin mary as well”

Image 2: tags that say: “#the locked tomb #harrowhark nonagesimus #tlt modern au #sorry your tags activated the headcanon factory #love the idea of harrow being the most devout but also the most problematic member of the congregation #this girl is high-key neurodivergent and catholicism is her special interest as well as her religion #and she has negative social skills #shes trying so so hard not to be a heretic but unfortunately it just comes naturally to her”. End ID]


I didn’t see this link in the reblogs but I love Mercury and she has a book out called “Safe & Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair”. She is one of those beautiful souls who love to teach people new skills with compassion and joy, instead of putting down others for not having knowledge about (what others may consider basic home repairs and DIY.

I love this lady. She's like a friendly big sister here to show you how to do stuff.


I know everyone says it’s best to just stick to “said” as a dialogue tag bc it disappears and that’s true and I mostly do but I want to take a moment for my all-time favorite dialogue tag, “lied.” Absolutely nothing hits like “‘I’m here to help,’ he lied.” NOTHING.


ABSOLUTELY one of my favourites.


thinking about the phrase "kill in sustainable ways." the fact that if you eat meat you should be comfortable with killing. the necessity of Death, Sustainably; the way a creature eats to nourish, and dies to nourish; the way it is kind to let an animal eat well and die quickly; the way you should use every part to make its death as valuable as possible.

thinking about lyctorhood and how john convinced them all it was not murder but a sacred, necessary act. you can see the thought process, you can see the way they reasoned: this will feed, this will heal, this will nourish forever. but a soul is not a body; a soul is not meat. it is not yours to take. it is not yours to feed on.

thinking about campal and their death, sustaining a new life, creating as MUCH new life as is possible from two deaths. and still pyrrha says it is not beautiful. it is not love. because you were there, and now you're gone. you created someone new, and you are still gone.

thinking about gideon. she dies thinking: at least my death will matter. but to harrow, her death is not nearly anywhere as valuable as her life. and who better to know the value of death than a girl whose own power is fueled by it? harrow understands what the lyctors did not, what god cannot. eat me, says gideon, and harrow says no, no, no, you are not mine to swallow. keep your soul, i cannot stomach it. how can we be together when you are silent. how can i call it love if you are nowhere to be found.


Henri Biva (French, 1848 – 1929), “Villeneuve-l'Étang embrumé”, ca. 1905 Oil on canvas, 151 x 111cm


If I can recommend you do 1 low-effort thing for the love of God it is this:

Keep 5 cards in your pocket. One will say "yes", the second will say "no."

If you lose your voice, or lose speech, or want to make a dramatic embellishment at the right time, it is an elegant and efficient solution that is right there at hand.

But what if people question you from there? "Why do you have that card? Why would you do this? How long have you had that in your pocket?" For this, or whatever else they say, the third card: "I don't have a card for that."

"What the fuck," they ask. They laugh. They are bemused. You bring the energy back down with the fourth card: "I have laryngitis. I've lost speech. My throat hurts". Whatever you expect to occur.

The joke is over. Rule of threes. Now they are curious. YThey wonder about logistics. "How did you know I would say that? Is everyone so predictable?"

As a three-part bit, nobody ever sees the fifth card coming.

"I have powerful wizard magics."

Gets them every time


Pyrrha says Gideon the First’s ORIGINAL name, here, change my mind:

Compare the G dash to the standard em dash above it…it’s longer and thicker, just like the placeholders in John’s speech. AND it’s followed by a comma, which isn’t standard if it’s just indicating interruption.

That’s G’s real name, and somehow not even Alecto can hear it…so what did John DO?

Audiobook folks, does this stand out in the audio version as much as it does visually??


So I've just been sitting here thinking "go loud" meant, like, "fuck shit up," right? But apparently it's an espionage term? It means "acting in a way that is likely or guaranteed to burn your cover," basically. Like, this is the moment we've been waiting for, go loud and get out. Or alternatively, shit is about to hit the fan, and you have no choice but to burn your cover to avoid the worst outcome.

Did everyone else already know this? Was it just me??

(Note: I haven't been able to find a dictionary definition or anything, just a bunch of examples of people using the phrase + one forum post talking about it. If you find a source, please let me know!)

Fastinating, because that implies that unless prompted, Camilla would have thrown the fight.

Anonymous asked:

Who are you, what are you doing on my wall, were you part of a ATimers?

truly can't remember, been off tumblr for a couple years now i think but reactivating now that twitter is dying. was a multifandom blog back in the day, def had adventure time stuff if that's what you're remembering!

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