

@the-young-and-the-redwings / the-young-and-the-redwings.tumblr.com

a girl in love with the Red Wings
and fuzzy animals. Da yoop
#GoWings -- 19

RIP Sargent Pepper, Labrador Retriever (12 y/o), Papalaua & Waine'e St., Lahaina, HI • A poem by Sargent Pepper’s owner, Rich:

“A little chocolate kiss from heaven you came, Blackgold’s Sargent Pepper was your given name.

With so much love to give to the world, and so much happiness, to spread and share, to keep you to ourselves just wouldn’t be fair.

For 13 great years you gave the world joy, and gladly accepted each ‘whose a good boy’? From your daddy, your mama, or whomever you met, you would pander to anyone just to get that pet. A treat, or scratch or a belly rub, no matter the person, you always had love.

They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, he will wag his tail for you till the bitter end. In my darkest of hours embracing you on the floor, sobbing and weeping, I heard it once more. A familiar 'thunk thunk’ of your. tail hitting ground, was a signal to me of your love so profound.

Bringing comfort to me was your greatest of gifts, your unconditional Love, people’s spirits it did lift. Once fate was decided and your time here was up, to the Rainbow Bridge we sent you so you could again be a pup. Run and play my dear friend, you are now free from life’s pain Your legacy of love and great memories remain.

You were beloved by all, many lives you did touch And for one last long time your old body I did clutch. A privilege that no one else could obtain, I laid next to you and stroked your old mane.

With tears streaming down, doesn’t feel like they’ll slow, I whispered… A Hui Hou my best buddy, A Hui Hou.”


NHL Fans: We're sick of Los Angeles and Chicago winning all the cups
Los Angeles and Chicago: *get eliminated in 1st round*
Penguins: *make it to the conference finals*
NHL Fans: *look into camera like they're all on the office*

Penguins are one win away from ruining 90% of peoples brackets

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