
Witch of the East

@witchwithoutheels / witchwithoutheels.tumblr.com

I got crushed by a house, and some bitch stole my shoes. OC for the Wicked Witch of the East. [just an rp blog nothing more]

Festivities and Plots | Anders & Morgan

Anders hummed a low laugh of agreement. He’d no doubt that yes, if his demise was Morgan’s goal, he would have been well on his way to dead now, if not there already. As it was, he liked to think that he remained fully alive, an illusion not yet shattered by loss of blood or a heart that had abruptly stopped beating or any one of a hundred less than pleasant ways to go. It disn’t feel like something he ought to be joking about (and a particularly strict tutor’s nasal voice in the back of his mind echoed the sentiment in no uncertain terms), but it was, in all honesty, worth the brief reassurance. Always good to know who one’s allies were, however long that lasted.

Not that he had much time to consider it; the bike was lifting off the ground nearly before he realized it, and even if she couldn’t turn around, there was a grin in his voice when he replied, “It’s still more than I’ve been able to see from the road or a window. A new vantage point makes all the difference.” And really, it did. Geographically, certainly, but more than that. The same sentiment applies to, well, most other things, if not everything. Regardless, they were flying and Anders was grinning and it was all a bit mad, but Morgan could apparently give brief tour directions in mid-air and who was he to dismiss that?

"Oh, inordinately lucky." No sarcasm in the sentence, for all that it was spoken almost absently. "Was flying something you taught yourself, or was that part of your school’s instruction?" He had a sneaking suspicion that it was the former, as it was a fairly superfluous art form, but the question gave him the chance to gauge just what it was that the school deemed necessary and worth learning. Bit of a backwards, roundabout way to go about it, since Morgan seemed all too willing to discuss the institution, but to each his own.

"Flying is something I taught myself. They see it as impractical and a waste of energy and time. Why fly when you can scry in a crystal ball. But magic should only exist to make the frivolous possible I think. Ti make dreams a waking reality." Morgan made the bike circle around the city a few more times showing off the hills and mountains to the west. The flat green plains to the west. Slowly they circled back down to the ground, a bike was much harder to keep air borne than she had originally thought, which was a good indicator for the future. She'd have to make a note of that. 

She got off the bike and straightened her skirt, holding out a hand to the young man to help him off the vehicle as well. "Anders. I appreciate that you don't mind to be seen with me. I'm not a well liked person, but such is the lot of people with dissenting opinions. And well. I find you very- normal. For lack of a better term. Perhaps relatable. Which may be a naivete on my part but still. It's nice for a few hours to not be the odd one out." she smiled at the prince confident on where she stood then and there. "And while I think you have your own agenda to deal with, should you ever need a witch with a questionable moral compass. You know where to find me." 


I’m already so meh about this season



"Ah, I see. Well, welcome aboard, then. I’m sure they’re very grateful to have more people coming to that department… Not enough people are interested in chemistry anymore."


"What's not to love about making drugs for a living. Or you know. Other things. I like chemistry. It's almost like magic."


O P E N |

Odile raises a eyebrow “Is that why you are collecting hearts? to finally defeat her?” She smirks a little as she leans back. “Everyone has something that will take them down.. you just need to find hers.”

"No I'm working on something else. I don't do obsession. Obsessing over something invariably leads to demise." Morgan examined her nails and shrugged. "She will die when I am good and ready to kill her. I have better things to do until then."


O P E N |

She nods a little, she grew the body? Impressive. “Cursed? Oh dear.. I would say I was blessing in disguise.” She waves her hand a little “So your from Oz? With that witch bitch Glinda? or glenda.. i never really know what name she goes by now.”

"Don't get me started on Glinda. She had nothing on me. The fucking little- ugh. I detest her." Morgan said with a shudder. "We are a dead even match or I would annihilate her. Trust me. She has something I want." 


O P E N |

Odile chuckles, oh she was a feisty girl. She liked that. “I couldn’t.. after all the only way for me to show you.. would be if I showed you the spell book…. however… Iv’e hidden that… Can’t have anyone else know of that kind of power.. you know?” She wouldn’t tell morgan that the magic had to be transfered to the new witch through death. After all Odile had killed Baba Yaga to obtain her power and knowledge on the forbidden art. “Soul bonding is something that is considered…. a bit of  a old art…. I guess… hard too… keeping a hosts soul intact while yours is in it as well… some think that’s possession.. but that’s just a messy crappy way demons and ghosts do… no…. Soul bonding is much more.. you see… my soul…. is technically eatting away at my sisters taking her energy.. and taking her power…” She shrugs a little “Poor thing actually thinks she is just going insane.” She eyed the witch again, they could do a swap for knowlage… she was interested in Voodoo a little.

"Well I can relate. Sort of. This body isn't mine. I grew it. My original was crushed by a house. But this one. It has my power plus the power I planted in it from birth. I devoured her soul though. Long before she reached maturity." Morgan said with a laugh looking down at her nails. "Your sister is the swan girl? How did she end up cursed with you as a sister?" 


O P E N |

"Oh.. i rather like being in here…. taking over my dear little sisters mind…. it was after all a fluke she even killed me…." She chuckles a little "Have you heard of Baba Yaga? Most only believe she was a tale to frighten young children…" She leans forward. "Voodoo is old… but not as old as the black magic she taught me… She called it the foreign tongue."

"I stole the magic to walk planes of existence. Oz to a new world where a doctor named Facillier shared with me his dark magic. I shared with him my own magics. He was my master and was banished by a stupid little girl reaching beyond her place." Morgan said with a little shrug. "The black witch had forbidden magic that was never recorded. How do I know you are telling me the truth?"


O P E N |

Odile shrugs “Considering my body is currently rotting… it only makes sense….” She says with a curious expression. Odile looks at her and chuckles “Second rate? Oh sweetheart….. i learned from old..old old..magic…. from an ancient… have you?” She waves her hand “My sister is what you would call a Second rate sorceresses… but me? Oh no…. Im a natural.” She shrugs “I could help.. it would be fun for a while… but it’s whatever… I can go find some fun elsewhere as well.”

"How ancient? And what are you willing to share with me? My Master was old school voodoo. But ancient magic is always so forbidden and that intrigues me." Morgan smirked and crossed her arms looking the body of Odette over. "Show me fun things and I'll restore your original body to it's prime." 

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