
@majoeria / majoeria.tumblr.com

life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination

“but the age of consent in other countries is…”


As a history major I also want add to the beautiful comments on this post that things weren’t “different back then” either.

The average medieval woman was married in her early or mid twenties.

Arranged marriages might have rarely been performed at a younger age, but it was absolutely not normal for them to be consummated, and the punishment for pedophilia when it could be proved was usually far worse than it is today.

Stop using medieval inspired fantasy as an escape for your sick bullshit.

Medievalist piping in to add yes he’s right. Child marriages were looked on with disdain and disgust in the Middle Ages. Arranged marriages might be performed as a rite and to secure land but it was kind of obvious to everyone involved that it was a legality thing and that the pair of children or child involved would not actually be involved in anything until they were an adult. Because that’s never been acceptable.

And before anyone says “but Ancient Greece!”…. no.

It is true that pedastery was practiced in Ancient Athens, modelling themselves on Minoan Crete, and that the younger partner in such a relationship could be as young as 15.

What they don’t tell you is that the age of majority in Ancient Athens was… also 15. These young men were old enough to vote, marry, and own land. You know, what we’d call in the modern era “a legal adult.” And even then, the sexual aspects of pedastery were frowned upon until the younger partner could grow out a full beard. These relationships were mainly used as a gateway into Athenian elite circles and to teach all the complex social customs practices therein, not as an excuse to bone underage boys (though I’m sure some unscrupulous individuals used it that way. It wasn’t the norm, though).

And many of the older partners werent that much older, usually in their early to late 20’s.

So yeah, the Athenians would look at you leering at that 14-year-old and also want to vom. An adult thirsting after someone below the age of majority has (surprise!) always been considered super taboo!

It’s almost like we created the age of majority to decide the age at which most people are mature enough to make important, adult decisions like marriage. And sure, in our modern era, that age is no longer 15 (and for good reason!), but when we analyse these sorts of practices, they require more historical context than just “the Greeks were paedophiles.”

historyblr is absolutely tearing apart MAP apologists in this thread and I’m all for it


I have fruit polos and lollypops be jealous.

omg do many people not know what fruit polos are? they are heaven

In America, we call them lifesavers. They can be chewy or hard candy. 

polos aren’t chewy and they also come in mint.


this week on: britan thinks its special

This week on america copies everything from Britain.

This week on: Britain steals things from other countries.


things are heating up in the candy fandom

Conservator Ahmed Abdrabou talks about conserving TUTANKHAMUN’s outermost coffin. This is the first time it has left the Valley of the Kings. It is being prepared for display in the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

I just read the line “President Donald Trump also indicated that federal squads would likely target cities run by the party that opposes him” in a real-life news article and I’m just thinking about how people really thought Democrats were overreacting in 2016 and that we should “give him a chance”

“Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the same” really? ?? What a galaxy brain take. Because right now the standard is “will address the pandemic and not send unidentified federal agents to kidnap citizens in the street” so, yeah, they’re not the same

Dictators don't let themselves be elected out of power.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday recorded at the White House on Friday, Trump said “I’m not losing, because those are fake polls” and refused to say if he would accept the result if Biden won in November.
“I have to see,” Trump said. “I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.”

This is why you should vote, though.

Here’s the nightmare scenario: Biden could win by a very small margin - too close to call, like the 2000 election - and the conservative Supreme Court could get to decide that Trump is the winner, even if he loses the popular vote by a substantial margin (again).

Knowing that this is a possibility doesn’t mean we should give up. It’s actually an argument for getting out and voting, and encouraging every person you know to vote, especially if you live in or know anyone who lives in a swing state. If Biden wins by a landslide, it will be significantly harder for Trump to argue the results. Yes, he’ll stomp his feet and say it was rigged and spout conspiracies. But he will have lost, and it’s important that the rest of the world can clearly see that.

You know how the United States sometimes does that thing where we stand behind the democratically elected candidate in contested elections in other countries? Yeah. We’re that country now! So in the case that Biden wins decisively and Trump tries to contest the results, I fully expect other democratic leaders like Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, etc. to say loudly and clearly, “Congratulations, President Biden! We look forward to working with you!” This hits the global news, making it even harder for Trump to argue his case since it exposes him for what he is: A big giant baby throwing a temper tantrum. I also expect (lol) most (some) Republicans to do the responsible thing and back Biden in this scenario (shoutout Mitt Romney in advance). Is it going to be messy? Probably! But our best chance of getting him out of office is to vote him out now - waiting another four years will be disastrous, and who knows what elections will look like after another four years of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and Trump welcoming foreign interference? Let’s not find out.

Would I be surprised if Donald Trump went on Fox News and continued to insist that everyone there call him President Trump for the rest of his life? No. And the situation above isn’t the only nightmare scenario: It is highly likely that the 2020 election will drag on for days as mail-in ballots are being counted. But I don’t give a fuck what he does after he’s out of the White House - as long as he’s no longer in a position power. I will physically go there myself and stand outside screaming until he leaves if I have to, and I hope you will join me.

TL;DR Donald Trump will leave the White House one way or another. If the idea of 4 more years of Trump scares you, then let’s do everything we can to make sure he sees a decisive loss in 2020. We can’t afford to wait for 2024, when who knows how he will have abused his power and even fewer of us will have the chance to vote him out.

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