Marvel Netflix

@marvelnetflix /

Everything related to Marvel's street level Netflix series

Oh my gosh, I just looked at the analytics for this blog for the first time in years and folks are still following. Ummm... hello!

I'm so flattered, given that it's been several years and these shows aren't even on Netflix anymore.

Anyways... just wanted to say hey ❤


Civil War question for those who have seen it already...

The spolier-free reviews/reactions have a serious lack of discussion about the Winter Solider, and it’s worrying my inner Bucky fangirl. Granted, I’m really sticking to spoiler-free things, so maybe it’s just too plot detail heavy to get into and I’m getting a skewed perspective. 

But, if anyone feels like giving me a little insight, you’ll forever be my hero! 

Keeping things spoiler-free, what are your general feelings on Bucky’s role in the film? Does he actually get some character development, or does he get lost in the crowd? Are you happy with his amount of screen time? Should I hop back onto the hype train, or manage my Bucky Barnes exceptions? 

Please excuse the kinda off-topic nature of this reblog, but inquiring minds wanna know! 

And yeah.... keep it spoiler free for those, like myself, that have to wait all the way until next week like a bunch of savages. 

I'm still trying to understand how one woman can fit six bodies in the trunk of a Maserati

Jacques Duchamps with the most accurate description of Elektra ever spoken. 

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