
scarlet sky is falling down

@rose-killing-carmilla / rose-killing-carmilla.tumblr.com

dreaming of roses under a blood red moonpreviously noctis-aeterna | domina | 29 | ♀ | she/her | | lesbian | intp | 6w5 | resident librarian, perfume hoarder, fountain pen fiend, the pagan your mom warned you about, general goofball (image source)

Found this on facebook but reposting to SAVE A LIFE.

Or at least some of y’all’s GPAs.

You’re welcome.

Holy shit? thanks op!

for comp sci, physics, math, etc p much everything is uploaded by authors to https://arXiv.org

also, use Unpaywall

(and sci-hub but I didn’t tell you this)


have ads been getting more annoying lately. to anyone else or just me

i think what websites are not realizing is i will do anything not to see an advertisement. and. if u make it so i cant. i will literally just get off my phone. i will not pay to not be annoyed. the one thing i hate more than spending money is someone trying to advertise me something to spend money on

creatively though this has been phenomenal everything is trying to sell me something so i just Log Off. and go draw. or play the same pokemon games i have owned since i was 11. you cannot control me i have autism and i hate you



If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!


Also do NOT append "12ft.io/" before a URL ! Typing an URL like this https://12ft.io/<URL> will redirect to a site that would break the display of the page by removing the paywall !


Honestly it's kind of prohibited to mash CTRL+P before some paywall windows can load in to get a PDF of the article. Really shouldn't be done tbh very dangerous🤷🏿‍♂️ ❌️


No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas

Again, please reblog if you vote. At least like, man

For everyone not from the US this is 15.5°

As a USAmerican my travel hack is 82 is the same as 28, they are palindromes. 60 and 16 are the same and they sound like each other.

Above 28 is hot and below 16 is cool. By this quiz, 60 is cool.


many years ago me and best friend were traipsing around the local history museum . the museum had a long overlooked mummy room on the third floor

the sarcophagus on display was open, the elaborate lid hanging a foot above the casket to barely reveal the mummy inside, like;

and bestfriend said, Sometimes they wrote messages under the lid for the Dead to read ,

and she laid down on the dirty museum carpet next to the glass case , patting the ground next to her for me to follow suit . sure enough, the underside of the casket lid was covered in inked characters , a brochure of directions to the afterlife in case they woke up all organless and confused

someone else wandered in to the little mummy room and asked if we were ok. she said, Come check this out. so he laid down on the other side.

i crossed my arms over my chest , and so did they . four bodies , seeing a message intended for one; we love you, we miss you, we hope you find your way


I’m just thinking about how many times I’ve heard my dad on a long call with an obvious scammer and I’ll start begging him to get off the phone because I always think he’s a very easy mark and he’ll just keep going and then after a while he’ll say something like “I died 20 years ago” and hang up.

Virgin Millennial Daughter with 20 hrs of screentime a day: Dad! They’re scamming you! Dad! Stop! They will take your savings and your identity! Hang up before they SWAT you!

Chad Boomer dad with a flip phone he has not recharged since 2014: Well gee I wish I could give you my bank account number after you spent all this time on the phone explaining this car deal with me but I don’t have access to my finances because I am in Rikers for felony murder.


I haven't actively used this site in years but this grabbed my imagination so thoroughly I had to draw it


Hey, y'all! It's Friday. The weekend has arrived. You made it another week. As your reward, here's an utter specimen, the absolute embodiment, the outright pinnacle of moon bear. Awe-inspiring.

[Moment of reverent silence.]

Anyway, you make your weekend amazing. Be cool. Be kind. Take care of each other.


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