
Black Lives Matter In The Real World And In Thedas

@nyghtlei / nyghtlei.tumblr.com

Used to be a Dragon Age blog. Black lives matter. Go fuck yourself if you think they don’t :)

“I’m speaking to you from my heart. Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this, but fuck that. Today is about innocent people who were halfway through their process, we don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved, we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved, but today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones. Every black person in here remembered when another person reminded you that you were black. So none of you out there, all those protesters on the other side, protesting against what we want to do, protesting against what we want to try and achieve, burn you, this is so vital. I need you to understand how painful this shit is. I need you to understand how painful it is to be reminded every day that your race means nothing and that isn’t the case anymore, that was never the case anymore.” John Boyega at The Black Lives Matter protest in Hyde Park June 3rd 2020


I am mixed

I am still black

I am guilty of being silent

Because of my light skinned privilege

But people don’t see me that way

I can straighten my thick, curly, hair and pass for a pretty, exotic, woman

I can plaster a straight toothed smile on my face and and accept when they say “but you’re not like other black people”

I can use my “white voice”

But I am still a black woman

I come from black men and women

I exist because of black men and women and their struggles and their constant resilience in the face of those that would see us slaughtered like animals

I exist because people said enough is enough

They stood up and used their voices

And so will I

I am mixed

I am black

And I will use my privilege to tell you

Black lives matter




art by the wonderful @franshookie-art (DO NOT REPOST this image without their specific permission. check out more of their art on twitter.)

hi, all.. i know that a lot of our focus is on the BlackLivesMatter movement atm (which is wonderful and should’ve happened a long time ago), and i hate to distract you from that, but there’s something horrible happening in my country, the Philippines (yes, the one being lead by the so-called Filipino version of Donald Trump), right now.

our national government has passed a bill that’ll essentially take away our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and fair trial. it’s called the Anti-Terrorism Bill, but we’ve dubbed it Terror Bill. here’s a summary of what it entails:

if you want to read the actual bill in its entirety, here’s a link to the official Senate of the Philippines website, where you can download a pdf copy. i’d like you to keep in mind the political climate in our country, though, and just how rampant corruption and police brutality are here.

it has already been passed by the Senate; all it needs is the House of Representatives’ approval, and it will be enforced. if you want to help stop this from happening, here are a few ways:

  • sign and share this petition. we’re so close to 300,000 signatures!!!
  • send e-mails to the Office of the President and the Senate. there’s an e-mail protest currently going on. i have qualms about copy-pasting the message, but ultimately, this method is a lot more effective than petitions:
these posters were made and posted by @tentenyukki on twitter.
  • educate yourself about the bill and how it will affect us when it’s approved. here are some news articles, editorials, and thought pieces to get you started:

🗞 gov’t endorsing/defending the bill: 1, 2, 3, 4

🗞 reactions to the bill’s passing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • spread the word. on social media, our tags are #JunkTerrorBill and #JunkTerrorBillNow, but don’t stop there; tell your friends and family. please. people need to know this is happening.

your help could save the lives of millions of Filipinos, and we’d really, really appreciate it. i don’t usually ask for much, but when it comes to urgent issues like this, i can’t stay silent. unlike with BLM, i can speak my truth about this because i know personally what it’s like to be a Filipino citizen and to live in the Philippines. i hope it’s heard, and we keep an ounce of what little dignity we have as a “sovereign” country and rights as a “sovereign” people.

some of you might unfollow or get mad because this isn’t strictly studyblr content, but it’s not about aesthetic right now. i need your help. we need to hurry.

thank you for taking time to read! let’s uphold human rights together. #JunkTerrorBillNow!


avengers fans writing fan fics about george floyd’s death, b99 fans making pride month gifs, bts fans making “blm fist symbols for armys”. people can’t process real life events unless they put it in some lame fandom context can they how tone deaf and straight up stupid do you have to be


Oh god I found the marvel fanfic. I’m not gonna screenshot it but unfortunately it’s real. Y’all done lost your fuckin minds


I’ve been watching @crankgameplays on Twitter... and just wow... I truly appreciate him being so vocal. I appreciate him using his platform and being truly empathetic and supportive. It’s not easy when you have so many eyes on you. But look at you go kid... I know how it can be when you have adhd (and most likely anxiety) and you have to speak out loud to people... im so proud and so grateful. I wish you nothing but happiness and good health.

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