
@lovedbythesun / lovedbythesun.tumblr.com

chas • fandom elder • herbivore my edits

online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.

and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.

there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.

i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.


Hello out there, I miss you if you disappear


ok. here are my pitches for the beatles biopics

john: directed by david lynch. focused on the conflict between celebrity, identity and "real" life. the typical worms and maggots wriggling under the picture perfect roses type shit. mulholland drive levels of psychosexual tension + a single but extremely graphic mclennon sex scene. kyle maclachlan plays george. masturbation scenes are mandatory

paul: directed by luca guadagnino. oriented around themes of loss and desire - very bones and all but with the cut throat ferocity of suspiria combined with the expressions of sensuality in i am love. tilda swinton plays paul and it makes no sense but it works perfectly. mclennon sexual tension is mandatory but doesnt need to be acted upon in any graphic way. demands vivid colour palette.

george: directed by david cronenberg. interested in how celebrity demands the objectification of the body. cancer is a reoccuring metaphor. bob and george are the movie's central relationship. religion (hare krishna) is used as a way to further elaborate on the whole body horror thing idk i lost my train of thought

ringo: popstar never stop never stopping 2


"kill them with kindness" WRONG. BANG BANG MAXWELL'S SILVER HAMMER CAME DOWN UPON THEIR HEADS🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🪦🔨🔨🔨🔨🪦⚰️🔨🔨🔨💀⚰️☠️🔨💀☠️⚰️⚰️☠️🔨💀💀⚰️🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨💀🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨☠️🔨🔨🔨⚰️⚰️🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🪦🪦⚰️🔨🔨🔨🪦🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨💀🔨💀🔨🔨🔨🔨💀🔨

I still don’t want to screw [John]. I still do feel for the guy. I really like the guy, even though what I’ve gone through. I still see that he thinks he’s the one who was hurt. I spoke to the Eastmans. I said, “If we all think he’s not going to have a tax consequence, let’s give [the indemnity] to him.”’Cause, you know, if all sides are that smart, let’s all offer it. Break the deadlock. I went to New York, feeling like the bringer of good news. I rang him up. “Hello, John, how are you? Hello, how’s the kids? Oh, great. What’s all this about publishing? Yeah, great”—laugh laugh laugh—“What about Apple?” Tense. You know, that was the unfortunate thing in the last ten years. The moment you mention the word Apple, all of us go, eeeeep! Dread and horror and shock goes through all our systems. I said, “Look, as I understand it, you need this indemnity.” John said, “Fucking indemnity. Fucking this, fucking that. You don’t need to give me fucking indemnity, you fucking—” I think we ended up just sort of swearing at each other. I said, “Fuck you, ya big cunt,”’cause I just couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t be sweet and reasonable anymore. I was shaking for an hour after that.

-All You Need Is Love, interview with Paul from 1980

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