

Laura, 35, she/her, trans lesbian. Been here since 2013.

who else has this overwhelming compulsion to erase yourself from the memory of others


Love local coffee shops. your “refugees are welcome here” sign goes really well with the one that says “bathrooms are for paying customers only”


You’ve clearly never had to deal with people doing hard drugs in the grocery store bathroom and it shows.

Bro I literally manage a coffee shop with an open restroom policy, and I prioritize enforcing that policy and making sure everyone feels comfortable. I’ve dealt with everything from the easy end of the spectrum (people quietly doing hard drugs) to a lady ripping all her hair out and setting it on fire in the sink. I clean up after this stuff day after day and I still feel VERY strongly about the fact that human beings should be allowed the basic decency of a place to poop. Yes, I very frequently end up having to kick someone out of the bathroom for doing drugs, and when I do I always offer them a cup of water on their way out. Because they’re a person and I give a shit…

It’s safer for people to do drugs in (clean) public restrooms than it is for them to do it on the street. It’s also ableist to deny someone the use of a bathroom. There are countless gastrointestinal disorders that cause bathroom urgency and potential incontinence. There are other conditions, like pregnancy, that necessitate quick and easy access to restrooms.

also what makes you think a paying customer wouldnt misuse the toilets in some way, and a person using it without buying something would?

contrary to popular beliefs people with money do drugs, and homeless people need the toilet just like the rest of us


my dad always tells me that when he’s with people bragging about their kids’ accomplishments and such he goes “yeah but are they like ....cool?” and the parents always give him a confused look and he goes “are they cool? my kids are so cool. i love hanging out with them.” and it always throws people off and i think that’s so funny and sweet like i may be a fucking idiot with just about zero accomplishments but at least my dad thinks i’m cool

I guarantee you the other kids are not cool

I wonder how many of the other parents think OP's dad is asking if their kids smoke weed 😅


Game: You need to be about level 20 to defeat this boss!

Me: oh geez I better go do some grinding

Me, two weeks later overleveled by 80, returning to the boss: I’m your god now

Game: You need to be about level 20 to defeat this boss!

My level 2 ass who is about to have a come-to-Jesus meeting: that is just a recommendation right?

Two types of gamers

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