
The Elegant Meme Queen

@drakatzen / drakatzen.tumblr.com

I post a wide variety of things, so if you followed me for one thing hope you're down for everything else
I have sideblogs: drakatzenwritesabook is where I put stuff related to the set of OCs I'm attempting to write a story about, chatternoir is where I stick fandom... gif... miscellaneous content that I'm trying to avoid flooding my main blog with, writkatzen is my sideblog for writing resources

making fun of americans is pretty much always ok if youre not doing it in an edgelord “you guys have so many school shootings” way or acting like we’re the only country that has racism. but like posts about americans and hamburger get me every time

This is just objectively hilarious


Not me explaining that here on Tumblr tits is a gender neutral term for big chests unless the person has said they don't like it

On a serious note people being unironically horny about cis men and referring to their chests as tits in their horny rantings has made me feel more comfortable as someone who is transmasc

Like I don't have huge dysphoria about my chest because I'm not very well endowed but I still have some and like thinking: "I'm a sexy dude with sexy tits" is actually a good feeling for me personally

my blog is a safe place for the gender neutral usage of tits


me and the five other people that didn’t see the northern lights are throwing a party and you’re not invited btw


Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.

But queer is more inclusive

And faster to pronounce if you are talking instead of writing.

It’s not more inclusive, and if your excuse of using a slur as a blanket term is “it’s faster to say”, GENUINELY what is wrong with you

It’s called economía del lenguaje.

It’s also the respected academic term?? The acronym isn’t static and it’s usage is varied by things like generational difference, location, and knowledge of the community. Even just in the U.S. in the last few decades the common usage gone from GLBT to LGBT to LGBTQ, to LGBTQA/LGBTQIA/LGBTQIAP/etc (Which, let me tell you as someone who has given presentations in the past using these updated acronyms, are all real mouthfulls), to LGBT+.

Also yes, queer is more inclusive! Especially coming at it from an academic standpoint, people didn’t always use or identify with the terms we use now and you can’t always try to cram them into our modern perceptions of sexuality. We can argue for years about whether a famous historical figure was gay or bisexual or straight and trans or whatever, but if we can all agree that they were somehow queer then using that term allows us to move past the debate and into productive discussion. And not everybody everywhere shares the same terms for sexual and gender identity, or even the same concepts of those things, so queer really is a more inclusive term in a lot of cases.

Like yeah if you’re talking specifically about gay or trans people you can just say gay or transgender, but if you’re talking about more than one identity or someone who doesn’t conform to our perceptions of ‘LGBT,’ or a person or people whose identity you don’t know, queer is just the better word.

“That’s SO gay”, “Oh my god, you’re not a LESBIAN, are you?”

Your words are slurs, too. Why do you get your words, but I don’t get mine? What makes you so special?

I’m here, I’m queer, go fuck yourself.


queer is not a slur, stop drinking the TERF koolaid


every time one of you fools spout about ‘queer is a slur’ a terf laughs because their fucking plan to make that word ‘taboo’ is fucking working you dipshit.

I did not get my degree in queer literature for you all to keep pulling this bullshit.


baby gays,,,, i beg of you to learn your queer history and stop listening to terf bullshit

every single one of our labels has been used as a slur against us.

terfs and -phobes are always going to try and hurt us with what we identify as. but the fact remains these are OUR labels and always have been.

we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.

I don’t know if this is just because I’m not American but I’ve never heard queer used as a slur. Ever. Meanwhile gay was the insult in the 2000s here. Everything you didn’t like was ‘soo gay’. Queer wasn’t even a word most of us knew back then.

It just baffled me that people would think an identifier is automatically a slur just because someone uses it to mock someone. If we did that gay would be a slur. Stupid would be a slur. Autistic would be a slur.

The reason people are upset about the word queer is that it’s a unifying term. You can say you’re queer and all people will know is that you’re part of the community. But you can’t say you’re LGBT, you have to say you’re gay or trans or ace. They don’t want you to be ambiguously queer. They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.

yeah in the 90s and early 2000s kids would call each other “gay” as an insult. But no one ties themselves in knots over whether “gay” is a slur. So yeah, please ffs learn your history.


They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.


I don't know what that person was interviewing for but I hope they got it, because bullseye.

You actually need HEALTH to "eat healthy". Ill or disabled people are not famously great at preparing three flawlessly nutritionally-curated meals a day. I haven't cooked anything more complicated than rice or an egg in...several years.


things to say to bugs when science finally unlocks the secrets of human-bug communication:

  1. im not hurting you i am taking you to a safe place
  2. do you eat weird crumbs cause i found some im willing to share
  3. you can bite me if you want but id rather be no-bite friends
  4. i like your big colorful eyes, very stylish
  5. please dont crawl into my sleeves
  6. (sings a duet with a cricket)

Just saw the most chronically online take of the year of someone ranting unironically that you should look up every single artist with a song you enjoy to make sure they are unproblematic. And if you don't do this them you are as bad as the controversy associated with the artist, for being 'willfully ignorant.' They literally talked about how they went through more than a thousand artists they listened to and whittled it down to 200 this way. This is obsessive and they need help


what do you mean this song was written in A Minor? 🤨 cuff em boys

Best addition to this post really


You know what really fucking Annoys Me about internet censorship is stuff like swear words being heavily censored because that's entirely an American cultural hangup being forced on the rest of us. I don't know a single country where swearing is as taboo as it is in America. In fact most languages have swear words that would have the same effect on an American as giving a Victorian chimney sweep a pepsi max cherry.

Demonitizing Irish people's videos for having swear words in them is a kind of hate crime and psychological torture I think.


i'm going crazy over all the pink dogwood trees in bloom right now

somebody tagged this #sakura even though i say right in the post that it's dogwood. sakura means cherry blossoms. this tree doesn't grow cherries (it grows dogs)

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