
Philza Hate Blog after MCC19


Description goes here. Technoblade support only. Haters go away. Sometimes writer. Sometimes artist. Loves long walks on the beach and being talked to. Please clap.

there’s nothing heroic about burnout. there’s nothing heroic about not sleeping, or forgetting to eat because you’re so focused on wanting to help someone.

save the world, but the world includes you.


My favourite math fact is that 0.9999999.. is equal to 1. Exactly. Not approximately. Not as a rounded number. 0.9999 (recurring) is exactly 1.

Question. How the fuck does that work?

I tried explaining it here:


Here’s another perspective on why .999… repeating is exactly equal to 1.

For any two distinct real numbers, we can always find a rational number strictly between them, i.e. that rational number must be able to be expressed as a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal.  To be clear, that rational number is strictly between the two values; it is not allowed to be equal to either.

Suppose k is a rational number strictly between 1 and 0.9999….  If this is possible, then, I can write k exactly as either a decimal with finite digits, or I can write k as a repeating decimal.  The problem is, there are no decimals with finite digits between 1 and 0.999… , and there is no way to write a repeating decimal that is greater than 0.999… and still less than 1.  Either way, a k strictly between 1 and 0.999… does not exist.  The only way this can be true is if those two numbers are not actually distinct.  That is to say, 1 = 0.999…..

i truly appreciate how math seems like it’s this infallible always-true only-one-answer thing, when in reality math is just like:

I mean, I always thought it was easier to just go

If 1/3 = 0.33333 repeating

and 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 = 1

and 0.33333 repeating + 0.33333 repeating + 0.33333 repeating = 0.99999 repeating

then 0.99999 repeating must equal 1


My 9th grade math teacher said it like this: there is no number you can take away from 1 to get 0.999 repeating. For 0.9 you can take 0.1, for 0.99 you can take 0.01, for 0.999 not repeating, you can take 0.001, and so on, but if there is no end to the 9s, there’s no end to the zeros before the 1.






I dunno I mean I knew a lot of Americans were against it but I assumed they were all elitist right wing weirdos.

What's the mainstream left wing position then if it's not socialism?


Oh no

Your first warning sign should have been when they called the Bismark Model of healthcare, literally named after the nationalist monarchist and noble statesman who invented it, far left.

I don’t know how to explain to people that, in any other country, Biden would be a conservative and somehow most Americans have been convinced he’s a commie.

until I realised that we don’t really have a ‘left’... I always wondered how my “where are you politically?” results always put me off the scale left. I guess that makes me, globally, a centrist? ...tho one of them called me an anarchist. I have to wonder what “anarchist” means when translated out of American


it means french


To all the cishet gnc people who are afraid to present themselves they way they want, whether it’s out of fear of others immediately clocking you as queer even if you dont identify that way or a fear of being made fun of for simply not conforming to societies standards and general idea of what a cishet person should look like, we see you.


we have to burn down gamefreak

I understand being excited for a new game but it always feels like everyone instantly forgets all the production issues, crunch time, and mistreatment of game freak employees and the total destruction of any kind of like, innovative or interesting visuals. Like we just got a new game that is full of problems and they’ve just announced another one coming out in less than A YEAR.

Im not really sure what kind of response I AM looking for but immediate and total enthusiasm is not it


My only real and valid writing tip is that you google every word you make up for your fantasy stories. That's It

there won't be any results though because you just made it up


One time I made up a name for a character and after googling it discovered it was a Zimbabwean slur


The Snake Island Ukranian soldiers are apparently ALIVE and are being held by the Russians.

Rumors were floating around for a day or two but I didn't want to post until there was more confirmation.

Hoping they really are alive and WELL. Still a dangerous situation they're in, but there's hope they can get home safe!


Fun family story: when my aunt was marrying her wife everyone was really excited but also dreading it because my aunt is known for her insanely long speeches so everyone knew her vows would be like 9 hours long so when it came time for her to say her vows she had a shit ton of cue cards in her hands and even her wife started groaning and my aunt took a deep inhale and then unravelled all the cue cards which were taped together and they all just read ‘HOT DAMN’ in giant letters and those were my aunts vows.

And now since I officially have permission to use this photo


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