
a human being is made of more than egg ????

@yousmelllikemarshmallows / yousmelllikemarshmallows.tumblr.com

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I made a new blog a while ago and I dont really use this one anymore... If anyone wants to follow my new blog send me an ask/IM and I’ll give you the url! 


i lost the shrimps



they gone

i could find

i possess many knowledge of shrimp

that the pink ones have been cooked you shrimp cooking monster

no the pink ones are blushing. you embarrassed him. stop bullying 2k16

you boiled your shrimps you sick fuck do not lie to me

that shrimp is orange, and therefore, alive

he’s coral

actually i think he’s a shrimp

i believe you have lost your shrimps because you have insisted they are things other than shrimps. they are off to live their own lives free from your oppression.

where my shrimps

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