

@ask-irl-levi / ask-irl-levi.tumblr.com

If you have cosplay-related questions (makeup/construction) please direct them to my main account.
Irvin gave me the task of “maintaining an outlet for boosting public image and civilian morale.” I told him it was inane and redundant, and to get someone else to do it.
He told me we don’t always get what we want.
Letters are answered in my free time, at my discretion. The current schedule, with exceptions, is once daily Mon-Sat. On Sundays, we clean.
I'm hella married.
I've got 99 problems and these little shits cause most of them.

to Venture Beyond the Walls

Hey guys, it’s Jackie, or the cosplayer formerly known as ask-irl-levi.

It’s been a year+ since my last update here.  I haven’t produced any SnK-related content in a while, and I quietly, officially put the blog on indefinite hiatus a few months ago.  Why?  A lot of reasons; mostly personal.  One of the most defining moments was when I was putting on my on my makeup at a con, looked in the mirror, and realized that I was applying it with the intent of “looking like ask-irl-levi.”  I realized that this particular cosplay had started to feel like a weird obligation, and that I had constructed an image in my head of what it should be like all the time.  I didn’t want that.

I’ll be honest.  I’m no longer as in love with SnK as I used to be.  I still enjoy it in a very passive manner, but I don’t actively seek out content or aim to add to it in the way that I used to.  It’s still an important series to me, though, in the way that a series is when you make a lot of bonds because of it.  This ask blog, and the SnK fandom in general, led to me meeting many great and wonderful people, near and far.  Some of these bonds I will remember fondly, and some with sadness, but they were and are important to me nonetheless.

Hard truth #2: I don’t plan on putting any new content here in the foreseeable future.  For a long time I kept telling myself “I’ll get back to it eventually, it’s not that hard,” but by this point I’ve accepted that this ask blog has run its course.  I will still keep this blog up as an archive of that whirlwind half a year when I was in my SnK prime.  Feels like a fair handicap to anyone who ever wants to dig up blackmail info on me.

To those of you who followed me, interacted with me, and supported me during that time: thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  It sounds sappy, and it is, but it’s true.  Thank you for providing me with the inspiration and motivation to keep this going for as long as it did.  I never admitted this on this blog, but I was a habitual tag/comment checker.  I did my best to read all of them, and I was never disappointed with the reactions.  I hope I was able to bring entertainment to your dashes with my silly shenanigans.

For those of you who are interested in keeping up with my cosplay beyond this fandom, I’ve included links to my main blog in the sidebar.  The downside: I’m not just inactive here, I’ve become inactive on tumblr in general and mainly moved to twitter.  Following suit, my main’s sidebar will link out to my personal twitter, which a publically viewable hot mess.  It’ll weigh a lot less heavily on my mind if I just link you to my cosplay twitter, @jacaranda_cos which is a lot slower and generally 10x more presentable.

Again, thank you all for being part of such an incredible, unforgettable experience.  I wish you well.


This banana reminded me of Eren.

((I'll be running around Fanime as Levi today since I can't make it to the gathering due to schedule conflicts.  See you around!))

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I just started a NEW, Fresh and recently made ask blog. How do you start off? I mean, no one knows my blog(and they probably think it doesn't exist.) So, how do you get follows from nothing? :)

((1. Tag your posts wisely!  I'm not sure if tumblr still uses the "first five tags track" system, but just in case make sure you give your posts relevant tags, and prioritize which tags come first by how much traffic the tags get.  I use an xkit extension to set up bundles of tags; for example, the first five I use for my levi blog are #shingeki no kyojin, #attack on titan, #aot, #levi #rivaille.  Typically, prioritize character names and common series names; you can also use the tag #ask blog as well.))

((2. Network! Keep an eye out for other relevant ask blogs looking to do collaborations, maybe send an in-character ask someone's way if you're using your ask blog from a seperate account.)) 

((Remember to be friendly, courteous, and sincere in your interactions, and that one of the most rewarding aspects of running an ask blog is not necessarily the exposure you get to the masses, but the handful of unexpected close friendships you make along the way.))


Best. Day. Ever. This panel will definitely be the highlight of Katsucon. Everyone involved did such an amazing job. Getting to meet someone I admire and look up to as a cosplayer and human being in general was awesone: Shikarius is even more wonderful in person and akisisinajsusieidjshud I don’t have words for how much fun I had last night.

This is all you guys are getting from the 18+ panel. …Besides the bit where ActualCommanderHandsome was in only boxers dancing to the Shoose cover of Pomp and Circumstance. Damn you, no-recording rule.

Slut didn’t tell me about him dancing to P&C but I heard about the boxers loool

Fun story, we passed around a notepad for audience requests (it was a vaguely Whose Line? style panel) and someone asked for a Chippendales Erwin dance. Erwin just turned and whispered “What’s Chippendale mean?

Pole dance request got turned into a limbo party, the one guy on the far right had really freaky kinks, we got a full audience round of applause because the smut I was asked to read with Eren used legit lubrication, Eren was generally abused… The 18+ was actually stupidly fun the day panel was a little unfortunate





((Unsurprisingly, I saw over 10 different Attack on Titan badge ribbons at ALA this weekend!  ask-irl-armin, superneutrality and I were handing out Scouts Honor; on the non-titan end of the spectrum, I was also handing out the Eiyuu Senki ribbons, Life Fiber Forfeit, Housetrapped (not pictured), and was one of two passing out the Morphine tag.  Pictured below are six of the other ribbons that were being passed out by other people; unfortunately, I missed the other two SnK ribbons that were at Lambency's table, and I forgot to snag a MARCO LIVES after the gathering.))


 I’m so sorry … I’m just going to curl up in a corner now. (If you (or the other blogs~) actually want yours, let me know. Seriously though, it’s homemade soap with your face printed on it, why wouldn’t you?)

((Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you put us… on soap. You put us on soap you put us on soap you put us on soap
Marry me.))

((I'm... making the most confused face right now.  Do I want the face-soap?  I... I don't know.  I don't think this is a decision I've ever been faced with before.))

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