
Oh Boy Thats Depressing

@thepiperwillleadustoreason / thepiperwillleadustoreason.tumblr.com

Writerscafe: Thisismythearpy. I like to scream

I’m alive

So funny thing, I got back into tumblr after being gone hella long. Last time I was on here I was like “hey Imma yeet myself” and man does life get better. I literally lived in a van in the desert, traveled the US, etc. Now i’m in college snuggled up to a hella cute girl who i’ve liked for 2 years. Like damn life is crazy and I’m living it. Yeah I sure to feel like dirt a lot but it’s all been surprising. 


Before January ends, I’m going to magically and extremely be blessed by the universe.

not gonna risk scrolling past this



cheating is not “bound to happen” i’ve been alive almost 24 years and not once have i ever thought “hey i wonder what it’d be like to go outside of my relationship and destroy a persons self esteem and ability to trust”

never bitch

cheating is an active choice. its not second nature. and if it is second nature to you, then you need to do some real soul searching and figure out what the fuck went wrong in your life


I feel so attacked right now


How I want my bank account to look like by 25.

Claiming it.

Waaaaay up 🙏🏾

11:11am on the receipt.

Reblog for prosperity, and success. May you always have what you need.

That’s what I’m saying


In other words, this is the ATM receipt, reblog and money will come your way.

Doesn’t hurt to try.


The thing I hate most about depression is that it tricks you into thinking you don’t have depression. It makes you think that nothing is wrong with you, that you just feel this way because you lack value as a person. Whether that’s in your relationships, your academics, or a view of yourself, it makes you think you aren’t good enough for any of that.

“It’s not the illness,” it says, “You feel this way because it’s who you are.”

To whoever loves me next, I’m sorry if I’m afraid of you or if days of flirting turn to radio silence, without warning. I’m sorry if I make you say the words over and over and over until I believe them. (I’m sorry if I don’t believe them.) I will probably spend more time worrying about losing you than I spend trying to keep you. Trouble is, every single time I’ve ever thought something was too good to be true– I’ve been right. Understand, I will know how to be vulnerable with you, but I won’t know how not to regret it. And I have no idea how deep we’ll be into this relationship before I admit I’ve never done this before. Not really. Not in any way that counts. Before I admit that I know how to put my body inside someone else’s but not how to make it beautiful. I probably won’t be easy to love. Too many people loved me badly, I’m not sure I know how to do it right.

I put “no hookups, no communists” in my Tinder profile. I haven’t been getting any matches so there must either be a bunch of sluts around me of a bunch of godless reds.

this is literally the funniest post on here

I loved you so much once. I did. More than anything in the whole wide world. Imagine that. What a laugh that is now. Can you believe it? We were so intimate once upon a time I can’t believe it now. The memory of being that intimate with somebody. We were so intimate I could puke. I can’t imagine ever being that intimate with somebody else. I haven’t been.

Raymond Carver

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