
Where I lay myself down.


A place for Scrib to wonder why Scrib is on this Tumblr thing.

White dudes: I don’t know who’s worse: Hillary or Trump.

LGBTQ people: Trump is.

Black people: Trump is.

Undocumented immigrants: Trump.

Muslims: It’s Trump.

Women: Trump duh.

White dudes: *shoves head deeper into ass* I just… don’t… know…


I dunno about that. Somehow Trump has the better and more historied pro-LGBTQ record. He spoke more positively throughout his career than Clinton and Kaine’s former hardline stance.

However, Mike Pence is basically LGBTQ Satan. So HIllary’s Ticket blows Trump’s out of the water.


Sexuality and Transgender

This is probably something people don’t know about hormones. It’s also probably something people are going to challenge and/or not believe. But hormones directly effect you on a sexual level. I mean beyond the odd physical changes, shifts, and feelings. Lots of stuff changes on numerous levels. But for some reason, no one will acknowledge, or perhaps are too afraid to acknowledge when discussing this is that...sexuality shifts.

I can’t speak for others, but ask around and you’ll get similar stories. But for me...I shall tell a story.

Before hormones. I was a pretty typical heterosexual. I was very interested in the opposite sex. In my youth I was a bit grossed out by male-male homosexuality but it wasn’t something I judged very harshly. Sure, I was raised conservative and Christian, at some points in my life as I was growing up I was pretty judgemental of homosexuality even.

But live and let live, love and let love.

Still, there was no attraction, interest or particular care directed towards masculinity. Some of this I can pit on my personal lack of comfort with my physical body. I had pretty high dysphoria. Despite being attracted, very attracted to my girlfriend, sexual expression was unpleasant and just a reminder of my personal problems.

This stuck true. Even as I tried hard to expand my sexuality. Mentally and physically experiment--I had no interest.

Then, a little over a year ago. I began taking spironolactone, for those who don’t know, spironolactone is a diuretic and actually quite a common drug in general. However it also has a very long history of being used as a testosterone blocker.

As of about a year and a week ago, I began taking estrodial at a low dosage. If you’re unfamiliar, Estrodial is the primary estrogen in humans.  (The other two primary estrogens are primarily created during pregnancy or after menopause. As you can imagine there is little documented benefit for using these for transition purposes.) Since then dosages changed, as such things do. As of May this year, I was at female hormonal levels.

Symptoms were all normal. Breasts hurt, fat changed. For a bit I looked sorta freakish cos all my fat went to one tit and not the other. (Even worse, all my fat shifted in one half of my face and not the other. So I was lopsided as heck for a while) and god damn did my penis act weird.

As an aside, getting tons of fat all at once shifting, is kinda like feeling numb in that area. Its a weird sensation.

But then things I wasn’t warned about began happening. The first I noted is about three months in--everything was too hot, or too cold. Holding a ramen bowl was like sticking my hand on a burner. It was painful. Ice similarly was terrifying. Funny more than anything. I think I even have a post in my tumblr about it.

Then, food shifted. Alot of foods I liked felt like sick, heavy lumps. Disgusting and unpalatable. Others I loved came back with a force. For instance, my adoration of cabbage, runny, soft boiled eggs exploded. “Medium” heat spicy food was suddenly spicy. Etc.

And then, I noticed...an actual crisis.

I had a massive crush on a guy, and I really wanted to suck dick. More than that, even men I was very familiar with. Such as my friend Nathan, was suddenly really hot.

Now, why is this a crisis? I was not that atypical of trans who really felt well. Like a gay woman. Who happened to be 6′2″, have a unpleasantly large penis and when I started, the ability to easily lift 250 pounds without much difficulty. (God I miss that part. A basket of clothes is hard to move now.) but I was so, so very into women. Suddenly, I... was not entirely? As you may imagine, I had to sort myself out. But it was truthful. It wasn’t a deception. This is how I felt.

I freaked the fuck out. I fell into a depression. Tried to figure out if I was lying to myself my whole life. Trying to figure out anything. And came to a realization. Hormones shift sexuality.

Of course to a level, I knew this. We know for instance homosexual men for instance tend towards either low T and very high T. But I didn’t think this was just something that changed. Not like a drop of a hat. Yet it has stayed true since. In fact for a time, I was far more into men then women. Its calmed down more. I’m comfortably bi.

And before its brought up--I’m from a relatively rural area. Gender pressures were low, I still dress mostly cis. I don’t care much about seeming ‘feminine’ to people. This wasn’t a mental shift to feel more like a woman. My issues had a external basis. Sure. I don’t think there’s a trans person out there happy with their appearance (At least before transition. I doubt there’s many after either.)

But for me, my true dysphoria was more internal. It was intense. It was about sensations, feelings and hormonal responses.

And yet now, I find myself staring at men with longing, looking too kids and wishing I could have them--and...its a weird experience.

tl;dr: Hormones effect sexuality.


Benjamin Clawhauser’s concept art is the cutest thing i have ever seen. (x)

Just look at this adowable big kitty!


Chief Seattle

This is going to be a bit rough, and a bit rude. But I’ve seen it quite often on the tumblr that people are completely and wholly misrepresenting an important figure in the history of of my homeland.

Firstly. Let’s approach the bullshit is that Seattle stole the name “Seattle”. It didn’t. First, yes. his name is properly Si'ahl“, second, Sealth is just as bad as Seattle as far as Anglicization, Third? He wanted the name to be Seattle, made business deals to do such--and used the naming of Seattle after him as a show of power to cow other tribes. There was no ‘stealing of his name’. Seattle fought hard to get the city named after him. It was a jumping off point between the Suquamish tribal lands of his father and the Duwamish lands of his mother, and it was a solid alliance with the Settlers.--It was a political move to give him power over the Chimakum, Snohomish and S’Kallum in particular. Finally, the “Name” wasn’t particularly important to him and he went by “Noah” for the latter portion of his life as he converted to Christianity. It was a political maneuver.

Second, don’t seek Seattle as a figure of historic purity and moral heights. First? His famous speech. Is completely and wholly lost. The supposed speech that talks about Native Americans, the Environment, all that? Completely and wholly fraudulent. Pieced together out of multiple previous ‘versions’ of his speech which are mostly thought to have been political maneuvers of settlers--and while endorsed by the Elders, they were primarily designed to protect the current settlers and natives both. (Remember, Washington State and the Salish sea area have had a huge amount of overhang between settler and Native, this in part caused the famous Battle of Seattle.) but what was a true threat was outsiders, Californians, Easterners and Canadians all. Allot of this sentiment is still strong in the PNW today and heavily derives from the Federalist nature of the Olympia government so long ago.His original speech? Likely was about unity of Suquamish, Duwamish and the Settlers of Seattle, Winslow, etc.

More on that, Seattle was a slave owner, which wasn’t so odd for the Salish tribes, though he was known to be especially fond of the practice. In addition, and perhaps more shocking? Seattle was hated by other tribes, and especially his father’s tribe, Suquamish, is historically loathed. The Skagit people were even possibly named for their tendency to flee into the forests and hills from the genocidal practices of the Suquamish, often pointing directly at Seattle’s acts. Yes, he was a product of his time and a great man, but a pinnacle of moral purity, he wasn’t.

Thirdly? Seattle’s legacy was a unity between Native Americans and white settlers. Good fucking god stop using him to drive a wedge between cultures. His entire life was effectively moving towards a goal of unity and peace between cultures. With compromise and common goals. Don’t use him as a symbol of division.


Okay, so, this is the hill I’mma get Tumblr crucified for, but fuck it.  I just got off a half-hour couples’ vent session with the wife, and I’m hot and bothered with Opinions.  Strap in kiddos.

Hi!  My name is Erin.  I am a trans woman.  I have been openly living as a woman for about five years now, plus two in stealth and hells more in eggmode.

And I’m here with an important message for all y’all transfeminine folks, nonbinaries, and other assorted AMAB folks:


Put down the fuckin’ tomatoes and let me unpack that.


this is some brave stuff to share! 

to help myself to an adjacent cross, here, i’m gonna say that even in spaces that claim to treat trans people as their identified gender, trans women are looked at and listened to more, and rarely accused of ‘taking away’ time, space, and attention from trans men the way trans men are routinely chastised in those same spaces for simply existing too much. 

from my observations, it seems like trans women retain the same full-time importance men get, whether they’re good or bad men, while trans men retain the quality women have where they shouldn’t be important at all, are probably bad if they try to be, and are most virtuous when they subsume themselves into supporting real people. 


op i salute you and your journey, and if we ever cross paths the drinks are on me.


@werescrib check it!! <3


Well Then

So hormones are hilarious. At least MTF HRT. Get horny as fuck, dick don’t get hard. Why? Because there’s nothing physical. Dick gets hard, not in the mood? Why? Nothing mental. Who invented Estrogen. It’s silly.


ok but the word “monosexual” and lumping gay people in with straight people as being equally oppressive actually IS HOMOPHOBIC and its possible for that to be bad IN ADDITION to the biphobic things this post mentions, which BY THE WAY are not just said by gay people!!! so here we have a post that both uses shitty strawman arguments AND singles out gay people as being the cause of biphobia and implies we’re even more oppressive than straights!! this post is a mess


My experiences are not strawmen, and they are not an isolated instance. No where in the post does it even imply that these things are created or solely perpetrated by gay/lesbian peoples, only pointing out that the queer community is not exempt from problematic behavior. These are legitimate things that are said to me, my friends, and a whole slew of others in the bi community.

When bigotry manifests in this way, at Pride parades, in LGBTQA+ support groups, in clearly queer spaces, it is an issue apart from the larger struggle in the mainstream world. It is taking place in what should be a shared space of acceptance and support, and it should not and cannot be stood for. If that is singling out, then so be it; it needs to be seen and it needs to be acknowledged. 

Are hurtful and abusive things also said by straight people? Yes, of course. But we expect that. We know that. And the post never said it’s “just said by gay people” in the first place, nor places the full weight of all the world’s bi-erasure on their shoulders. It’s wanting to hold them accountable for their part in it.

The problem here is that they are ECHOED by others in the LGBTQA+ community. They are ENFORCED by others in the LGBTQA+ community. A place we should feel welcomed. A place we should feel SAFE. If nothing else, a place we can seek refuge from exactly the kind of attacks bisexual people face from both straight people and the queer community.

I’m insulted and confused that you would claim homophobia on this. It is not homophobic to recognize the queer community is capable of erasure, bigotry, and any other ill that plagues human beings. This post is in reference to a very serious issue in a less-than-serious way, one which you just may not be aware of. This is a known issue in the queer community, or at least in the bi community and an attentive portion of the gay and lesbian communities, and one that can’t be overlooked. It’s a very serious problem that has wrought literal, physical violence and threats of violence against bi individuals.

i know biphobia is a serious issue within the LGBT community (even though there isnt really a coherent “community” let’s be honest here) and i know its possible for gay ppl to be biphobic, and that’s why i said i dont condone it!! i never said your experiences are strawmen, i never said biphobia doesnt exist, and im sorry if i came across that way! i fully, 100%, believe that LGBT spaces are places that bi people should feel safe and accepted no matter who they’re dating or anything!

my main problem, the main issue here which maybe i havent made clear enough, is that the post is worded in a really passive-aggressive shitty way that has a “those darn privileged gays” ring to it, and its like “oh you dont like being lumped in with straight people? how about we do it to you some more lmao” and its just really hurtful? like this doesnt “hold [anyone] accountable for their part in it” this just makes us feel like shit

basically, neither gay people nor bi people have the institutional power to oppress the other, especially outside of places like tumblr ffs, so if there’s going to be posts addressing inter-community issues like this, they need to not be as fucking venomous as the OP is, like that’s the exact opposite of what’s needed here

especially considering like, THIS should be a shared space of acceptance and support, right? and if we’re going to talk about the fact that these inter-community aggressions are taking place in spaces removed more or less from the outside world, then i can talk about my own experience of being gay on tumblr and having to look at posts about “monosexuals” and “gay privilege” all fucking day reblogged from people i thought i  could trust not to post anything that would make me feel like shit for my own sexuality, which society already does plenty of outside of this website!

one last thing though; you’re bi, im a lesbian. with all due respect, who the actual fuck do you think you are to tell me what is and isn’t homophobic?????????

(also, queer is a slur, don’t use it as an umbrella term to describe people who may really not want to be called that)


Oh my lord. First, some background. I am, much like you, a MTF trans individual. I’m transitioning, and I find myself attracted to women. Look. Homophobia can also apply to bisexuals. It always has been able to apply to bisexuals, and it likely always will be able to. Its fear of a homosexual interaction, which if in case you didn’t know, bisexuals tend to do. The fact of the matter is you and I, as transwomen are not likely to be the target of homophobia. We’re far more likely to be the target of misunderstanding, stereotyping of transgender in general, and transphobia.

But as for queer being a slur? What are you talking about. It’s called LGBTQ for a reason. Queer, much like ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ can be used negatively and positively. It’s been a broad term for alternative sexuality and gender expression since the 1920s. It’s been an ongoing campaign since before you or I were born to bring it back as a positive thing, and for the most part, it’s been reclaimed. Stop trying to force us back into the 1890s. Don’t allow a positive word to be turned back into a negative one. Please, this is not helping anyone.

I’m not being diplomatic here. Looska, I don’t know you that well, but I know you’re not a bad person. I don’t think you think Rai’s a bad person. Rai thinks she’s an awful person. I know you know that. Why do you attack people you should be finding solace in? So she made an offcolor post. What’s wrong with that? You chose to be offended by something that didn’t directly attack you. That’s a personal choice. You could have talked to her in skype, in tells, and asked her about it. You could have been diplomatic, expressed your problems with the post, anything. But instead you went on the attack. Could we like, not do that? People are people, love should be universal. Everyone has bad days.  You shouldn’t react to a negative with a negative. That doesn’t bring anyone forward.

ok im gonna stop you at “you chose to be offended”: no. dont pull that with me. bye

Not sure what I’m pulling. You choose how you react to being offended. Everyone gets offended over many, many things. You can see a friend as foul over a single word, that’s your choice. But if you have no desire to find common ground and make peace, I can’t help you. But I hope you have a great day!


ok but the word “monosexual” and lumping gay people in with straight people as being equally oppressive actually IS HOMOPHOBIC and its possible for that to be bad IN ADDITION to the biphobic things this post mentions, which BY THE WAY are not just said by gay people!!! so here we have a post that both uses shitty strawman arguments AND singles out gay people as being the cause of biphobia and implies we’re even more oppressive than straights!! this post is a mess


My experiences are not strawmen, and they are not an isolated instance. No where in the post does it even imply that these things are created or solely perpetrated by gay/lesbian peoples, only pointing out that the queer community is not exempt from problematic behavior. These are legitimate things that are said to me, my friends, and a whole slew of others in the bi community.

When bigotry manifests in this way, at Pride parades, in LGBTQA+ support groups, in clearly queer spaces, it is an issue apart from the larger struggle in the mainstream world. It is taking place in what should be a shared space of acceptance and support, and it should not and cannot be stood for. If that is singling out, then so be it; it needs to be seen and it needs to be acknowledged. 

Are hurtful and abusive things also said by straight people? Yes, of course. But we expect that. We know that. And the post never said it’s “just said by gay people” in the first place, nor places the full weight of all the world’s bi-erasure on their shoulders. It’s wanting to hold them accountable for their part in it.

The problem here is that they are ECHOED by others in the LGBTQA+ community. They are ENFORCED by others in the LGBTQA+ community. A place we should feel welcomed. A place we should feel SAFE. If nothing else, a place we can seek refuge from exactly the kind of attacks bisexual people face from both straight people and the queer community.

I’m insulted and confused that you would claim homophobia on this. It is not homophobic to recognize the queer community is capable of erasure, bigotry, and any other ill that plagues human beings. This post is in reference to a very serious issue in a less-than-serious way, one which you just may not be aware of. This is a known issue in the queer community, or at least in the bi community and an attentive portion of the gay and lesbian communities, and one that can’t be overlooked. It’s a very serious problem that has wrought literal, physical violence and threats of violence against bi individuals.

i know biphobia is a serious issue within the LGBT community (even though there isnt really a coherent “community” let’s be honest here) and i know its possible for gay ppl to be biphobic, and that’s why i said i dont condone it!! i never said your experiences are strawmen, i never said biphobia doesnt exist, and im sorry if i came across that way! i fully, 100%, believe that LGBT spaces are places that bi people should feel safe and accepted no matter who they’re dating or anything!

my main problem, the main issue here which maybe i havent made clear enough, is that the post is worded in a really passive-aggressive shitty way that has a “those darn privileged gays” ring to it, and its like “oh you dont like being lumped in with straight people? how about we do it to you some more lmao” and its just really hurtful? like this doesnt “hold [anyone] accountable for their part in it” this just makes us feel like shit

basically, neither gay people nor bi people have the institutional power to oppress the other, especially outside of places like tumblr ffs, so if there’s going to be posts addressing inter-community issues like this, they need to not be as fucking venomous as the OP is, like that’s the exact opposite of what’s needed here

especially considering like, THIS should be a shared space of acceptance and support, right? and if we’re going to talk about the fact that these inter-community aggressions are taking place in spaces removed more or less from the outside world, then i can talk about my own experience of being gay on tumblr and having to look at posts about “monosexuals” and “gay privilege” all fucking day reblogged from people i thought i  could trust not to post anything that would make me feel like shit for my own sexuality, which society already does plenty of outside of this website!

one last thing though; you’re bi, im a lesbian. with all due respect, who the actual fuck do you think you are to tell me what is and isn’t homophobic?????????

(also, queer is a slur, don’t use it as an umbrella term to describe people who may really not want to be called that)


Oh my lord. First, some background. I am, much like you, a MTF trans individual. I’m transitioning, and I find myself attracted to women. Look. Homophobia can also apply to bisexuals. It always has been able to apply to bisexuals, and it likely always will be able to. Its fear of a homosexual interaction, which if in case you didn’t know, bisexuals tend to do. The fact of the matter is you and I, as transwomen are not likely to be the target of homophobia. We’re far more likely to be the target of misunderstanding, stereotyping of transgender in general, and transphobia.

But as for queer being a slur? What are you talking about. It’s called LGBTQ for a reason. Queer, much like ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ can be used negatively and positively. It’s been a broad term for alternative sexuality and gender expression since the 1920s. It’s been an ongoing campaign since before you or I were born to bring it back as a positive thing, and for the most part, it’s been reclaimed. Stop trying to force us back into the 1890s. Don’t allow a positive word to be turned back into a negative one. Please, this is not helping anyone.

I’m not being diplomatic here. Looska, I don’t know you that well, but I know you’re not a bad person. I don’t think you think Rai’s a bad person. Rai thinks she’s an awful person. I know you know that. Why do you attack people you should be finding solace in? So she made an offcolor post. What’s wrong with that? You chose to be offended by something that didn’t directly attack you. That’s a personal choice. You could have talked to her in skype, in tells, and asked her about it. You could have been diplomatic, expressed your problems with the post, anything. But instead you went on the attack. Could we like, not do that? People are people, love should be universal. Everyone has bad days.  You shouldn’t react to a negative with a negative. That doesn’t bring anyone forward.

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