
I am nothing without you

@dylanroden / dylanroden.tumblr.com



I cleaned out a lot of my saved urls that I’m never going to use, so please like this if you take one.  :)

THE 100 related urls belomiokteivia blakebelomi okteiviakomskai bleikbelomi

TEEN WOLF related urls derek-sstilinski derek-stilinskis peterstilinskis ianroden martinskisass bansheeariel stilesandariel mermaidstilinski arielstydia stilesxariel arielxstiles stilinskiariel stilesshale tyler-obrien

TVD related urls ac-colas le-accola accoling candyaccoling accola-dobrev accoladobreva candice-dobreva kataccola kat-accola joseph-accola michael-accola c-trevino t-forbes blessforwood bonnie-forbes bennettforbes pierce-forbes n-dobrevass loochneens neenslooch vampiresass barbiefreak

Gossip Girl + TW + TVD related urls leighton-brody candice-meester dobrev-meester leighton-accola leightonaccola blair-forbes coltonmeester teen-diaries tyleraccola candiceroden coltonaccola forbesstilinski stilesforbes lydiapierce dobrevroden


“A lot of people have been saying ‘The 100’ reminds them of ‘Lord Of The Flies,’ ‘Lost’ and 'Battlestar Galactica,’ and all of those titles have been very successful and interesting to watch. Any time anyone refers to any of those great shows, I’m flattered.”


Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim!  Either you get up and we fight this, or you crawl away, and die alone like a coward, it’s your choice. (insp.)

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