
The Life of LaKalea

@complakated / complakated.tumblr.com

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. - Mohandas Gandhi

Dear young females, if a man ever interrupts you say “excuse me I wasn’t finished.” and finish ur statement. The looks u get and his mortified reaction will make u unstoppable. demand respect.

Bringing back this prime advice


it’s almost, almost, comical that this is 100% on white people.

and they will blame it as a reaction to poc, to lgbt, to the ‘problem’ they saw and had to respond to and handle.

but anything from here on out is 100% on them.

you can blame third parties, you can blame people who didn’t turn out, but ultimately the blame falls on white people for being so blinded with hate that trump actually seemed reasonable to them.

This post is upsetting racists, keep reblogging it.


Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!


this actually does work the witches of tumblr really are out here doing something lol


Yesss November come throughhhhhhh!!

Reblogging with all my intent and desire.

I Made $750 For Nothing

I need a transition and also to not be in abject poverty

I too require money.

would like some money plz

reblogging bc after I saw this last time I found out that I haven’t been getting my orphan’s benefit because of an administrative issue, not because I no longer qualify, and got a whole year of back pay

Reblogging because I just got a letter in the mail that there is still some money in my 401k from the job I got pettily fired from and so I’ll be getting somewhere around $650 dollars, thereabouts, in about a month.  I MEAN WHAT.  Witches of Tumblr, my hat is off to you.

I too would like to charge this.

You are under no obligation to be the same person you were a year, month, or even 15 minutes ago. You have the right to grow. No apologies.

Unknown (via deeplifequotes)

People who like to be in control of things can have a hard time with intimacy. Intimacy is anarchic and mutual and definitionally incompatible with control. You seek to control things because you are afraid.

Jonathan Franzen (via quotemadness)

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