
@terminal-nimbus-blog2 / terminal-nimbus-blog2.tumblr.com

Riley • He/Him • 28 y/o

Gang I’m closing up shop on this blog and salting the earth! I’m deleting this blog and creating a new account with fewer sins buried in the archive. url will be the same by tomorrow


I just saw this on Reddit today and I wanted to share it here.

When you’re a parent, you have to realize that the child you brought into this world is going to be their own person and you’ll have to start getting into things you may not understand and have ZERO interest in.

However, you damn well better act like you are.

I can still remember the feeling as a kid getting Pokemon Red and it being something I loved so much, so I wanted to share that with my mom. I wanted to show her my team, tell her about the gym leaders I took down, and she just took a glance at the Game Boy color and went “mmhhhmm”.

She gave zero shits when I beat Banjo-Kazooie, a game which was INCREDIBLY hard for grade school me and you can make me have war flashbacks if you so much as say “Rusty Bucket Bay”.

My town in Animal Crossing? Catching rare fish? Who cares?

I liked a cartoon series so much that I wrote little stories about it? “No, I don’t want to read it.”

This type of stuff matters to kids so damn much and she’ll never realize how much it hurt our relationship. It might not seem like a big deal she never sat down and watched me play something like Luigi’s Mansion, but that’s how kids try and bond with their parents.

After constantly being shot down they’ll eventually stop talking to you entirely. 

Honestly, as a child with an abusive parent who would constantly brag about how smart I was but showed absolutely no interest (and, at times, outright distain) for the things I was interested in, I can empathize.

The one parent that I did have that wasn’t abusive did care - although he was terrible at showing it. He still has a copy of the book I wrote when I was in elementary school somewhere. As far as I know, he has never bragged about my IQ score or my college acceptance. He did, however, care about the things I was passionate about, and still does.

Kids are people. They aren’t your toys. Show an interest in their passions.

– Mike


They didn’t mean to, but every adult in my life made me INCREDIBLY self conscious as a child about absolutely anything I liked. I could tell very easily when they were faking interest, and it made me feel so awkward that I quickly couldn’t bear the embarrassment of watching or playing anything I enjoyed in front of them. If they came in the room I started flipping channels, pretending not to be invested in whatever I really wanted to be watching. Didn’t matter if it was the resolution to a cliffhanger I’d been dying for, I didn’t dare go back to what I was actually watching the entire time a parent was sitting in the room to “spend time with me” because I thought they’d find it stupid.


look, you can say a lot about the deep web, but what really matters is that on the deep web i found a three-generation appalachian moonshiner family selling their proud traditional wares which they have collaborated on for decades, complete with wholesome woodsy description and screen name something like pappy’s shine, and you can’t tell me the deep web isn’t a beautiful, poignant thing when i can get a gallon of traditional family moonshine on the internet for fucking bitcoins. get out if you’re not here for the deep web

don’t call yourself cyberpunk if you ain’t spent bitcoins on pappy’s moonshine


So, I'm working on a huge project!

If you’re a BLACK NON-MAN (cis, trans, non-binary, woman-aligned, just…not a dude) and you are or know a:


PLEASE email me at ithotyouknew2@gmail.com

This is PAID work. It is not an immediate position (not for a few months), but ALL work will be contracted/paid/with deposits/legit. This is just the first round of resumes and research for staff. I’m opening up avenues as I get funding for my venture and I am only interested in hiring BLACK NON-MEN preferably with an interest in BEAUTY.

Thanks, y'all! REBLOG!

Reblog this version.

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