
My Place

@deathisalmosthere / deathisalmosthere.tumblr.com

hi. if you want to talk you can message me at anytime.
Anonymous asked:

yay customers for once: we got the funniest fucking review at our other-name-for-a-reindeer shop the other day, in which the reviewer gave us five stars bc they, and i quote, 'are a dirty coffee slut' and 'give [them] the nectar of the gods [they] need'


I want a home mostly just to welcome people into it. There will be bowls of candy for guests, and the cookie jar is full. I’ll always say “I was just about to make a coffee/tea/cocoa, would you like one?” when somebody walks in. There’s lemonade and iced tea made fresh on hot days. Once it hits That Hour and they start saying they really should be going, I’ll remind them that the futon is always open, and I’m making cinnamon rolls tomorrow. There’s champagne and sparkling juice hidden on a high shelf just in case somebody announces their engagement or their pregnancy or their new job while they’re here. There is an extra chair in the living room, at the table, and on the deck, and it’s for you. I want to be able to say “if you’re ever in trouble, come to me.”


some people think i learned braille for Cool Points but i actually learned it bc my medicine holder has the days printed in braille and i forget to take my medication a lot. i didnt feel like turning on a light one night just to see my medication so i learned braille out of spite. now everytime i go anywhere i have to read the braille signs and i have seen “woman” misspelled as “noman” SEVERAL times.

Tired Of Waking Up To Take Medication? Learn Braille

deer diary: today i got a death threat for learning a language


Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99


Please don’t hesitate

1 penny below reporting limit for the IRS… I see what you did there

(Don’t give me $599.99)

That’s not the right IRS rule.

$599.99 is the amount below which a business does not need to issue a 1099 to a contractor who provides business services. The contractor still needs to report the income on their taxes.

The correct number for the IRS rule for money that is gifted rather than received in a business transaction is $13999.99–more than that, and the recipient has to pay tax on the gift and report it to the IRS. Less than that, and there’s no taxation or reporting requirement.

If we’re choosing amounts on the basis of IRS limits, give these people $13,999.99. 

Go. Do it.

Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $13,999.99


Not sure how I should react to this…

working toward developing interpersonal skills and emotional awareness of what you want out of life is really great

She’s bringing Winston Overwatch


salem was very trully representative of the gays. Like i watched my fair share of lgbt movie but this cat held more of my identity and culture than any gay character on tv


so im trying to decipher this chart on wikipedia that has common vampire weaknesses in it and

a ‘green/yes’ is a weakness, a ‘red/no’ is something that isnt a weakness, and a ‘?’ is something that has never been addressed but fucking riddle me this

in what lore are vampires weak to getting soggy in milk

i scrolled over to check to see what this could possibly be and


places a hand on me cheek

happy halloween month time for my favourite post of all time


the money skull, reblog for money and or skulls

Can I at least have some skulls?


Guys I… I think it actually worked. 0.0;

My deepest thanks to the amazing person who has enabled me to buy a Nintendo Switch as a random act of kindness. <3

(dunno if they want to be named or not)


Either one would be good right now, I could go for some Taco Bell and I spent my last skull getting the material for my costume yesterday.


do u ever go to school confident in what ur wearing and then u actually get there and ur kind of just like wow well this was an awful idea



every fall teenage girls are like.. “oh , im gonna enter a place of business and order a product which is offered by that place of business because i like the flavor of it” and honestly? how dare they. that’s so annoying. why can’t they buy the beverage that i, a smart man, would prefer to drink

Probably because they’re generally indifferent to the flavor of it and rather use it for in group/out group signalling like the giant basic bitch wall-decorations-from-target early childhood education/nutrition hive mind they are.

dude shut the fuck up lol

ok i spend all day with teenagers and am paid to educate them and let me tell you most of my girls may love leggings (comfy) and iced coffees (yummy) but i have never, NEVER, seen thirty of them spend a solid month all playing the same boring goddamn video game or had to pry them off their tablets and phones the day some ugly-ass overpriced sneaker drops try and get a group of teenage boys to all stop making the same fucking meme reference all. goddamn. day. then, and ONLY then, can you talk to me about hive mind


Can you imagine being a middle or high school teacher when Pickle Rick dropped.

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